PalliKJUR team

Who we are
Our PalliKJUR team is a collaboration between the paediatric and adolescent medicine clinics at Ulm University Hospital and Oberschwabenklinik Ravensburg. Together we organise specialised outpatient palliative care (SAPV) for children and adolescents in the region. Our aim is to ensure that children with incurable, life-shortening illnesses can spend as much time as possible at home and enjoy the best possible quality of life.
We organise and coordinate care locally and work closely with nursing services, doctors in private practice, outpatient and inpatient hospice services and other children's hospitals. Our paediatricians and paediatric nurses, who are trained and experienced in palliative medicine, are available 24 hours a day and visit the children on site if necessary.
You can watch reports about our work here:
Landesschau Baden-Württemberg: How Hannes lives at home despite serious illness | ARD Mediathek
Every day with Emelie | Regio TV (
Organisation and coordination of support measures
Needs-orientated home visits
24-hour on-call service
Creation of a treatment and emergency plan
Symptom control, e.g. relief of pain, shortness of breath, nausea
Nursing advice and guidance
Social law counselling
Psychological support
In Baden Württemberg, our services cover the districts of Bodenseekreis, Ravensburg, Biberach, Alb-Donau-Kreis, Ulm, Heidenheim and Ostalbkreis as well as the southern parts of Schwäbisch Hall and the eastern parts of Göppingen and Sigmaringen. Our services are also available to children in the neighbouring Bavarian regions.
Children and adolescents with an incurable illness that limits their life expectancy are entitled to specialist paediatric outpatient palliative care if they require particularly complex care due to complex or severe symptoms. This applies to some children with oncological diseases, but also to children with genetic diseases, metabolic disorders, brain malformations, muscle diseases or perinatal brain damage. For typical childhood illnesses, care is also possible beyond the age of 18.
Address: | PalliKJUR Eythstraße 12 89075 Ulm |
Telephone office Ulm: | 0731-38852655 |
Telephone office Ravensburg : | 0751-873294 |
Telephone on-call service: | 0173-3462174 (24h/day for emergencies) |
Fax Ulm: | 0731-93408742 |
Fax Ravensburg: | 0751-873341 |
Mail: | |
Prof. Daniel Steinbach
Leiter des Palliativteams für Kinder- und Jugendliche Ulm/Ravensburg (PalliKJUR)
Kinder-Hämatologie- und Onkologie
Dr. Stephan Bartholomä
Arzt Schwäbisch Hall
Kinder-Hämatologie und -Onkologie
Dr. Sebastian Hütker
Arzt Ravensburg
Kinder-Hämatologie und -Onkologie,
Jaqueline Kaufmann
Pflegerische Leitung
Fachgesundheits- und Kinderkrankenpflegerin für Onkologie
Palliative Care
Anja Töpfer
Pflege Ulm und Koordination
Fachgesundheits- und Kinderkrankenpflegerin für Onkologie; Palliativ Care
Ute Neef
Pflege Ulm, Koordination
Außerklinische IntensivpflegePalliative Care Pädiatrie
Magdalena Mittner
Pflege Ulm
Fachgesundheits und Kinderkrankenpflegerin für pädiatrische Intensivmedizin
Palliative Care
Karin Bachner
Pflege Ulm
Fachkinderkrankenschwester für Pädiatrische Intensivpflege
Palliativ Care
Janine Hanke
Pflege Schwäbisch Hall
Fachkinderkrankenschwester für pädiatrische Intensivpflege
Palliativ Care
Rebekka Türk
Traumapädagogik und Traumazentrierte Fachberatung
Kinder-, Jugend- und Familientrauerbegleitung
Recipient: | PalliKJUR Foundation |
Banking institution: | Volksbank Ulm-Biberach eG |
IBAN: | DE72 6309 0100 0161 5780 04 |