The University Clinic for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine Ulm represents a holistic understanding of health according to the definition of the World Health Organisation. This means that in addition to somatic aspects, psychological and social factors are also taken into account in diagnostics and therapy. In both outpatient and inpatient care, we endeavour to achieve interdisciplinary cooperation between medical, psychological and other specialists. We co-operate with colleagues inside and outside the clinic. The psychological service is an integral part of the treatment concept.

The clinic treats patients from infancy to adolescence. As a rule, the patient's family is also involved. Indications for the involvement of the psychological service are in particular
- Psychological side effects of physical problems
- Psychological stress with physical effects
- Chronic and life-threatening illnesses and disabilities
- Developmental, learning and performance disorders
- Behavioural and interaction disorders
- Neglect and abuse syndromes
We offer psychological examinations for a variety of issues.
- Developmental diagnostics and (school) performance diagnostics
- Behavioural, interaction and family diagnostics
- Psychosomatic diagnostics
We are also particularly interested in diagnosing existing resources that can have a positive influence on the course of the illness.
Counselling and therapy
The Psychological Service offers a wide range of psychological counselling and support as well as therapy and training methods.
Coordination and co-operation
The Psychological Service recommends and arranges further interventions. It coordinates various support services and is a cooperation partner for a wide range of institutions (e.g. paediatricians and therapists in private practice, schools, kindergartens, youth welfare offices, psychological counselling centres and early intervention centres)
In addition to direct patient treatment, the Psychological Service is involved in the training of interns and the further training of employees. Research topics include life satisfaction in diabetes, the outcome of interventions for concentration disorders and adherence in chronic diseases.
Case Manager
Tel.: 0731-500 57016
Counselling for/in:
- Support and development issues
- Behavioural and interaction crises
Referral to help and information on social law
Psychologist M.Sc.
Phone: 0731-500 57045
Diagnostics for:
- Learning and performance disorders
- Developmental and behavioural disorders
- Attention and hyperactivity disorders
- Autism spectrum disorder
Tel: 0731-500 57377
- Psychosocial aftercare in paediatric oncology and stem cell transplantation

Phone: 0731 500-57354
Psychological support and counselling in the field of paediatric oncology

Phone: 0731 - 500 57160
Diagnostics and psychological support for:
- Learning and performance disorders
- Developmental and behavioural disorders
- Attention and hyperactivity disorders
- Autism spectrum disorder

Phone: 0731-500 57274
Systemic family therapist (DGSF)
Child protection
Diagnostics for:
- Behavioural and interaction disorders
Psychological support for
- Intensive medical treatment
- Chronic and life-threatening illnesses
Phone: 0731-500 57227
Psychological support and counselling
- on the neonatology wards
- on the paediatric intensive care unit
- in social-medical aftercare
- Child protection

Phone: 0731-500 56933
Diagnostics for:
- Learning and performance disorders
- Developmental and behavioural disorders
- Attention and hyperactivity disorders
- Autism spectrum disorder

Phone: 0731-500 57191
- Psychological counselling and support in the field of haematology and stem cell transplantation
- Child protection
Phone: 0731 500-57490
Psychological support and counselling in the field of paediatric oncology