Senior physicians

  • Profilbild von Prof. Dr. Christian Apitz

    Prof. Dr. Christian Apitz

    Leiter der Sektion Pädiatrische Kardiologie



    Pulmonale Hypertonie

    Erwachsene mit angeborenen Herzfehlern

  • Profilbild von Dr. Michael Kaestner

    Dr. Michael Kaestner





Care of children with heart disease at Ulm University Hospital for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine

Dear patients and parents, dear colleagues,

Welcome to our Paediatric Cardiology Section, one of the oldest German treatment centres for patients with congenital heart defects from newborn to adulthood. In the care of children, adolescents and young adults with heart disease, our section works very closely with the other sections/areas of the paediatric clinic, the Department of Internal Medicine II and the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology.

We treat our patients in close co-operation with colleagues in the surrounding clinics and with colleagues in private practice, and we attach great importance to precise, but also as gentle as possible, diagnostic imaging.

We invite you to find out more on our website. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.


Contact us

Secretariat of the Paediatric Cardiology Section
Eythstr. 24
89075 Ulm
Tel.: 0731 - 500 57127
Fax: 0731 - 500 57105




Over 3,000 children, adolescents and young adults with congenital heart defects, acquired heart disease, cardiac arrhythmia and high blood pressure are treated in our cardiology outpatient clinic every year. In addition to acute cardiological problems, patients are treated for many years before and after correction of their heart defect, right through to adulthood. For adults with congenital heart defects (EMAH), we offer a joint consultation with our colleagues from the Department of Internal Medicine II.

During an inpatient stay, the children are looked after by a team of paediatricians/paediatric cardiologists and specially trained paediatric nurses who provide intensive care for their patients. A central monitoring system enables intensive monitoring of the children's cardiac and respiratory activity. Parents of infants and toddlers can also be admitted as inpatients. An experienced pedagogue and physiotherapists treat the children individually. There are also opportunities for nutritional counselling and support from social workers and psychologists.


Prof. Dr Christian Apitz (Head of Section): Specialist in paediatric and adolescent medicine, specialising in paediatric cardiology, paediatric intensive care medicine, additional qualification for adults with congenital heart defects

Dr Michael Kaestner(Senior Consultant, Head of Cardiac Catheterisation): Specialist in paediatric and adolescent medicine, specialising in paediatric cardiology, additional qualification for adults with congenital heart defects

Dr Leonie Dewein (Specialist, Head of Preventive Outpatient Clinic): Specialist in paediatric and adolescent medicine, specialising in paediatric cardiology

Dr Katharina Rais (medical specialist)


Anita Apitz (paediatric nurse) Exercise testing/spiroergometry, study coordination

Claudia Birle (MFA) Registration, secretariat

Martina Frinker (paediatric nurse) ECG, long-term ECG, long-term blood pressure

Petra Welke (typist) Registration, secretary's office



Steffi Lang (qualified teacher)

Consultation hour

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 09.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 15.00
Fri 09.00 - 12.00

Special consultation hours EMAH Wed 08.00 - 12.00 (at the Oberer Eselsberg)


Services / examinations

1. non-invasive and invasive diagnostics and treatment of patients with heart disease from the neonatal period to adolescence
2. interdisciplinary care of adults with congenital heart defects (EMAH) in cooperation with the Department of Internal Medicine II (Prof. Rottbauer, OA Dr Scharnbeck) 3. prenatal diagnostics and counselling in cooperation with the Department of Gynaecology (Prof. Janni, OA Dr Lato). Rottbauer, OA Dr Scharnbeck)
3. prenatal diagnostics and counselling in cooperation with the Department of Gynaecology (Prof. Janni, OA Dr Lato)
4. diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.
5. drug therapy for heart failure
6. diagnosis and therapy of cardiomyopathies
7. diagnosis and therapy of inflammatory heart diseases (Kawasaki syndrome, endocarditis, myocarditis)
8.Differential diagnosis and drug treatment of arterial hypertension
9. Specialised diagnosis and treatment of children and adolescents with pulmonary hypertension
10.Special diagnostics and treatment of children and adolescents with connective tissue diseases and cardiac involvement (e.g. Marfan syndrome)
11. Individual performance diagnostics and creation of a personal training programme
12.Paediatric cardiology on-call service (24/7) and on-call service for emergencies
13. Medical supervision of the Ulm children's cardiac sports group


1. diagnostic and interventional cardiac catheterisation
2. transesophageal echocardiography under sedation
3. pacemaker function testing and electrophysiological examination incl. ablation therapy in cooperation with the Department of Internal Medicine II (Prof. Rottbauer, OA Dr. Dahme) 4. cardiovascular MRI diagnostics in cooperation with the Department of Internal Medicine II (Prof. Hombach, Prof. Rottbauer, OA Dr. Dahme) 4. Rottbauer, OA Dr Dahme)
4. Cardiovascular MRI diagnostics in cooperation with the Clinic for Internal Medicine II (Prof. Hombach, Prof. Rottbauer) and the Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (Prof. Beer, OA Dr Brunner)
5.Ultrasound diagnostics of the heart using high-end echocardiography devices including tissue Doppler/speckle tracking functional analysis
6. Stress echocardiography to detect early functional impairment of the heart chambers
7. Spiroergometry, including respiratory gas analysis
8.Treadmill and bicycle ergometry
9. Lung function before/after exercise in cooperation with the pneumological outpatient clinic
10. 12-lead ECG, long-term ECG, event recorder for recording cardiac arrhythmias
11. Long-term blood pressure measurement


The cardiac catheterisation laboratory (on the premises of the Department of Internal Medicine II) is equipped with a digital two-level angiocardiography system, which enables examinations on children with minimal radiation exposure. The following examinations are carried out at our hospital:
1. Diagnostic cardiac catheterisation before and after heart surgery
2. Diagnostic cardiac catheterisation for pulmonary hypertension
3.Cardiac catheter interventions (including closure of defects in the atrial septum, closure of persistent ductus arteriosus, stent implantation, dilatation of (critical) valve stenoses and aortic isthmus stenoses.
4. neonatal emergency interventions (balloon atrioseptostomy)


Prevention outpatient clinic

Welcome to the Interdisciplinary Paediatric Cardiology Prevention Outpatient Clinic

Our preventive outpatient clinic is aimed at children and adolescents with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases in later life. We offer specialised care for children and adolescents with risk factors such as

- Arterial hypertension
- Hyperlipidaemia

Our aim is to recognise risks at an early stage and counteract the possible development of disease.

Our services
In close cooperation with community-based doctors, we establish regular blood pressure measurements for all children and adolescents. We then offer comprehensive diagnostics and individualised care for affected patients. We work together with our colleagues in endocrinology, nephrology and neonatology to ensure holistic care.

For further information or queries, please contact:
📧 Email:

Head of the preventive outpatient clinic: Dr Leonie Dewein

We look forward to working together and ensuring the health of our young patients!


Paediatric cardiology emergency service

A paediatric cardiology emergency service is available around the clock for the University Children's Hospital, paediatricians in private practice and parents of children with heart disease (via the emergency outpatient clinic of the Children's Hospital).

Further information

The Paediatric Cardiology Section is involved in several international randomised controlled trials to investigate innovative drug therapies for pulmonary hypertension and heart failure.

In addition, there are study projects initiated and coordinated by the Paediatric Cardiology Section on physical activity in children, adolescents and young adults with congenital heart defects (in collaboration with the National Register of Congenital Heart Defects Berlin, the University of Karlsruhe (IfSS) and the Herz Jesu Hospital Fulda, (in collaboration with the national register of congenital heart defects in Berlin, the University of Karlsruhe (IfSS) and the Herz Jesu Hospital in Fulda, funded by the Fördergemeinschaft Deutsche Kinderherzzentren), as well as for the early detection of functional disorders of the heart muscle by combining tissue Doppler examinations and stress echocardiography (funded by the German Society for Paediatric Cardiology, the Pitzer Foundation and the Valentina Foundation).

The Paediatric Cardiology Section is a member of the Competence Network for Congenital Heart Defects and participates in quality assurance, the national register of congenital heart defects and the myocarditis register (Mykke), as well as the international registers for pulmonary hypertension COMPERA-Kids and the TOPP registry.



In addition to the topic of paediatric cardiology as part of the paediatrics lecture and the topic of paediatric cardiological emergencies as part of the elective course in neonatology, the Section of Paediatric Cardiology also offers its own elective course in paediatric cardiology (block seminar on a weekend each semester, please contact the office of the Section of Paediatric Cardiology if you are interested). In addition, there are regular doctoral colloquia in which doctoral students in paediatric cardiology are trained in carrying out scientific examinations and writing scientific papers.

06.10.2018 2nd symposium of Ulm paediatric cardiology

12.02.2020 Case conference on congenital heart defects (for paediatricians, paediatric cardiologists, adult cardiologists, radiologists, cardiac surgeons, at quarterly intervals)



Lecture prize at DGPK2020

Ulm paediatric cardiology research group receives award for the best scientific short presentation at the German Paediatric Cardiology Congress 2020

For his presentation "Physical activity and sports participation of children with congenital heart disease - a nationwide survey", paediatric cardiologist Jannos Siaplaouras from the Ulm paediatric cardiology research group received the 2020 poster prize for the best short scientific presentation at the 52nd annual conference of the German Society for Paediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Defects (DGPK) at the beginning of March. The prize is endowed with 1,000 euros. The results of this study, which was funded by the German Paediatric Heart Centres Association, have now also been published in the journal "Frontiers in Pediatrics".


Ms Miriam Heinzelmann, a doctoral student in paediatric cardiology in Ulm, received a poster prize for the presentation of her research project "Analysis of physical and sporting activity in the everyday lives of adolescents and young adults with congenital heart defects" at the Congress of the German Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine in Munich from 11 to 14 September 2019.

Dr Fabian von Scheidt from the Department of Paediatric Cardiology in Ulm was awarded first prize at the European Paediatric Cardiology Congress in Seville/Spain for his presentation on the research project "Left ventricular strain and strain rate during submaximal semisupine bicycle exercise stress echocardiography". The project is funded by the German Society for Paediatric Cardiology, the Willy Robert Pitzer Foundation and the Valentina Foundation.

Link to the certificate (pdf)

German Society for Paediatric Cardiology:
Register Angeborene Herzfehler e.V.:
Kompetenznetz angeborene Herzfehler:
Ulmer Herzkinder:
Bundesverband herzkranker Kinder:
Pulmonale Hypertonie e. V. Deutsche Herzstiftung: Stiftung Valentina: Willy Robert Pitzer-Stiftung: Kompetenznetz angeborene Herzfehler e.V.V.
Deutsche Herzstiftung:
Stiftung Valentina:
Willy Robert Pitzer-Stiftung:
Studiengruppe Sport bei angeborenen Herzfehlern:
Studie zur körperlichen Aktivität: