Aligners - correcting misaligned teeth with transparent aligners
In recent years, the treatment technique with so-called aligners has been continuously improved so that these "transparent braces" can be used as an alternative to fixed braces under certain conditions. This applies in particular to the correction of crowded or rotated incisors.
Aligners offer, in addition to so-called lingual bracketsoffer the advantage that the appliance is not or hardly noticed by other people. This has led to more and more adults wanting to have their misaligned teeth corrected.
Although aligners are removable, they need to be worn almost all day for effective treatment. We use various aligner systems, such as Clear-Aligner® or Invisalign®.
The optimisation of aligner therapy is one of the main scientific focuses of our clinic. This is also confirmed by numerous publications on this topic from our clinic. We can therefore offer you state-of-the-art treatment.
You will find out whether this therapy option is suitable for you after a specialist consultation at our clinic.
Please note that the costs of treatment with aligners are unfortunately not covered by statutory health insurance.