
Block week ophthalmology (clinic)

Career exploration/EKM: Module 3.10 Ophthalmology (preclinical)

Integrated seminars with clinical reference - medical technology (preclinical)

Elective: Own practice - the basics in a compact block course.
Contact: PD Dr Karsten Kortüm

Journal Club
All year round, Friday, 07:40 - 08:00, conference room

Imaging Club (IC) - Retinal Imaging
All year round, Tuesday, 07:30 - 08:15, conference room

Assistant training
All year round, Thursday, 07:40 - 08:00, conference room

Basic research seminar
All year round, 1x/month

Clinical research seminar
All year round, 1x/month

Your contact persons

Profilbild von PD Dr. med. Efstathios Vounotrypidis

PD Dr. med. Efstathios Vounotrypidis


Profilbild von PD Dr. med. Almut Bindewald-Wittich

PD Dr. med. Almut Bindewald-Wittich
