Are you interested in a position as a doctor at the Eye Clinic of Ulm University?
The Eye Clinic at Ulm University Hospital is one of the largest eye clinics in Germany. Over 3500 inpatients are treated annually on 3 wards (with a total of 55 beds); in addition, over 55,000 outpatient treatments take place.
We offer the entire spectrum of ophthalmology in patient care as a maximum care clinic.
Doctors are usually employed as research assistants with responsibilities in patient care, research and student training. Training to become a specialist in ophthalmology takes place over a period of 5 years according to a formalised "Ulm Curriculum", in which employees rotate through all areas of inpatient and outpatient care, special consultation hours and the diagnostic areas. Training usually begins according to previous experience, e.g. as a doctor in the outpatient clinic. On-call duties are completed as soon as sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge has been acquired, with a senior physician always available in the background.
Over the last 30 years, more than 100 specialist training programmes have been successfully completed at the Eye Clinic at Ulm University Hospital. The training is very broadly based and enables you to cope independently with the medical challenges of ophthalmology.
Some employees aim to set up their own ophthalmological practice, for which we will be happy to prepare you. Other employees want to work in the clinic in the long term, for which a habilitation is usually desirable, as well as for those employees who want to pursue a purely scientific career. It is often not clear at the beginning of training what the next step will be, but this is concretised in annual appraisal interviews and accompanied by advice.
Continuing education and training is a major concern for all our employees. This is guaranteed by regular training courses, scientific seminars and congresses, which are also aimed at colleagues outside the clinic.
In the field of experimental ophthalmology, we offer the opportunity for scientific work for natural scientists and biologists. Further information on this can be found on our website under "Research".
If you are interested in working for us, please send your detailed application with all references in written or electronic form to the head of the clinic, Prof. Dr Armin Wolf.
Ulm University Hospital
Eye Clinic
Secretariat Prof. Dr A. Wolf
Director of the clinic
Prittwitzstr. 43
89075 Ulm
If you are not yet known to the clinic (e.g. through a doctorate, as a student in your practical year or a clinical traineeship), we would like to get to know you as part of a work shadowing programme. This begins at 7.30 a.m. with training and handover, during which you will be introduced to all members of staff. The day gives you the opportunity to get to know the outpatient clinics, the wards, the operating theatre area, functional diagnostics, the vision school with the fitting of magnifying visual aids and contact lenses, quality management and the scientific area. Interviews can be held with the assistant spokesperson, senior physicians and the head of Experimental Ophthalmology. There will also be a formal interview with the head of the clinic, Professor Wolf. Recruitment is usually for an initial period of 1 year with the aim of completing the entire specialist training programme. We have full authorisation for further training. Applicants who have completed part or all of their specialist training should also contact the clinic manager's office directly to discuss their application and introduction.