The Department of Nuclear Medicine is involved in teaching in the following degree programmes:

Further training curriculum in nuclear medicine

The aim of employment at the Clinic for Nuclear Medicine is to complete the full nuclear medicine training programme to become a specialist in nuclear medicine in accordance with the requirements of the Baden-Württemberg Medical Association. There is also the option of a combined nuclear medicine/radiology training programme.
(a detailed overview of this programme can be viewed here)

Dual specialist programme in nuclear medicine/radiology

The ever-increasing combination of radiological and nuclear medicine activities suggests an integrated specialist training programme. The Clinics for Nuclear Medicine and Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology have developed a structured joint training programme to qualify as a specialist in nuclear medicine and radiology.

The core of the programme is the guarantee of a minimum training period of 8 years in total to obtain both specialist qualifications through optimal alternating rotations (see diagram below). The curriculum has been coordinated and agreed with the South Württemberg District Medical Association.

( You can view a detailed overview of this programme here)

Clinical traineeship / practical year

If you are interested in carrying out a clinical traineeship or a practical year, please contact Dr Nina Eberhardt or the head secretariat directly.

Further information on the contents of the practical year can be found in the logbook, for example.

Profilbild von Prof. Dr. Ambros J. Beer

Prof. Dr. Ambros J. Beer

Ärztlicher Direktor der Klinik für Nuklearmedizin

Profilbild von  Sekretariat


Chefsekretariat der Klinik für Nuklearmedizin