Range of services

Neurosurgical diseases in children and adolescents sometimes differ considerably from those of adults. As a result, "paediatric neurosurgery" has increasingly developed into an independent subspecialty within the field of neurosurgery. For this reason, the Paediatric Neurosurgery Section was established at the Department of Neurosurgery at Ulm University Hospital under the direction of Professor Peraud.

At the University Hospital Ulm with its locations in the Children's Clinic at Michelsberg and the Surgical Centre at Oberer Eselsberg, operations are performed on children's brain and spinal cord tumours and malformations (clefts in the area of the skull or spinal column), trauma, epilepsy, hydrocephalus, vascular malformations, craniosynostosis (premature closure of one or more cranial sutures) and spasticity. State-of-the-art neurosurgical operating methods (neuronavigation, minimally invasive neurosurgery, neuromonitoring, endoscopy, etc.) are used. During their inpatient stay, children are cared for on the interdisciplinary paediatric ward G4 at Oberer Eselsberg and on the KKCH or KK2+3 in the paediatric clinic at Michelsberg.

The paediatric neurosurgery team can look back on many years of experience in the treatment of children's brain tumours, even in difficult locations, in interdisciplinary cooperation. Oncological follow-up treatment is carried out in Prof. Debatin's department at the Michelsberg Children's Hospital. Childhood tumours of the base of the skull or in the area of the orbit are operated on in cooperation with colleagues from the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic (Prof. Hoffmann) or the Eye Clinic. Operations on craniosynostosis are performed in a team with the oral and maxillofacial surgeons (Prof Schramm). Children with spina bifida require close interdisciplinary cooperation with paediatric neurologists (at the SPC with Prof. Bode, Dr Winter), paediatric orthopaedic surgeons, paediatric urologists (Prof. Ebert) and physiotherapists. Prenatal care is ensured through cooperation with colleagues from gynaecology (Prof. Janni) and prenatal medicine (Prof. Friebe-Hoffmann and Dr K. Lato). Optimal care for children following accidents or injuries is provided in close cooperation with our traumatology colleagues under the direction of Prof. Gebhard.

Disease patterns

Tumours of the central nervous system are the most common solid neoplasms in children. According to recent studies, there are approximately 320 new cases per year in the Federal Republic of Germany. Low-grade infratentorial astrocytomas (approx. 30%) and medulloblastomas (approx. 20%) as well as ependymomas are found most frequently, whereas supratentorial gliomas or ependymomas are less common. Apart from a few exceptions (e.g. gliomas of the visual pathway, germinomas), surgical removal of the tumour, possibly followed by adjuvant therapy, is the method of choice.

Whereas 30 years ago the prognosis for children with malignant brain tumours in particular was extremely poor, the use of microsurgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy in recent years has made it possible to significantly improve both the survival times and the quality of life of affected children.

Spinal malformations or dysraphia have become rare today thanks to modern prenatal diagnostics and prevention. The spectrum ranges from clinically harmless clefts in the spinal column or skull to meningo- and/or myelomeningocele and open spinal canal. The timing of surgical treatment and the ideal procedure depend on the type of malformation (open MMC requires surgical closure in the first few days of life) and the clinical symptoms. In the case of closed dysraphia, increased traction (tethering) of the spinal cord during the child's growth can slowly lead to a deterioration in muscle strength, coordination, bladder and bowel emptying function or even pain. Prompt surgical release (detethering) of the spinal cord is then indicated. Regular clinical follow-up by an interdisciplinary team consisting of paediatric neurologists, paediatric neurosurgeons, paediatric urologists, paediatric orthopaedic surgeons and physiotherapists is therefore very important.

Spinal dysraphia is often associated with other malformations of the central nervous system such as Chiari syndrome, syringomyelia or hydrocephalus. The lowering of the cerebellar tonsils (type I) or parts of the brain stem (type II) into the upper spinal canal can lead to compression of the brain stem, cerebellum and spinal cord and corresponding symptoms. Surgical widening of the foramen magnum relieves the compressed structures and thus improves the symptoms. Associated cavities in the spinal cord (syrinogomyelia) usually disappear as a result.

The premature closure of one or more cranial sutures results in characteristic skull deformities, known as craniosynostosis. Premature synostosis of the sagittal suture with the formation of an elongated head, the scaphocephalus, is most common. While surgical correction by excision of the prematurely closed suture is quite simple in these cases, more complicated skull asymmetries or syndromic suture synostoses require quite complex skull reconstructions. These are carried out in co-operation with oral and maxillofacial surgeons. In these children, further surgical interventions are sometimes necessary later in life.

Hydrocephalus occurs when cerebrospinal fluid production and reabsorption into the vascular system are not in balance (hydrocephalus malresorptivus) or when the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid within the ventricular system is obstructed, e.g. by adhesions or tumours (hydrocephalus occlusus). Clinically, the patient shows signs of increased intracranial pressure with headaches, nausea, vomiting, impaired vision and consciousness, increased head circumference or a tense fontanel. Depending on the cause and radiological picture of hydrocephalus, different surgical procedures are used. If the cause of the occlusive hydrocephalus can be eliminated by removing a space obstruction in the posterior fossa or in the area of the foramina monroi, in most cases no permanent CSF drainage (e.g. via a tube valve system/shunt) is necessary. In the case of outflow obstructions at the level of the mesencephalic aqueduct, an endoscopic ventriculocisternostomy can be used to create a connection between the inner and outer cerebrospinal fluid spaces. In most other cases, implantation of a shunt system (permanent drainage of cerebrospinal fluid) is necessary. For controlled CSF drainage, a valve unit is inserted into the catheter system in order to be able to adjust the drainage resistance of the cerebrospinal fluid to the individual needs of the patient. Ideally, these valves should be adjustable, but their setting should not change automatically in the MR scanner.

Children are particularly susceptible to injuries due to their body proportions and size as well as their lack of experience with dangerous situations. While falls are most common in infancy, in adolescence it is mostly two-wheeled accidents or sports injuries. The still-developing brain and spinal cord are particularly vulnerable in the first years of life and the negative effects on further motor and mental development can sometimes be considerable. This is why the rapid and appropriate treatment of children with brain and spinal cord injuries in an interdisciplinary team with trauma surgeons is of crucial importance. As a supra-regional trauma centre including a helipad, Ulm University Hospital is equipped for the complex treatment of childhood trauma thanks to the permanent presence of neurosurgeons, anaesthetists, traumatologists and intensive care specialists with experience in children.

Consultation hour

Phone 0731 500 55015

Fax 0731 500 55002

Oberer Eselsberg site:
University outpatient clinic of the Surgical Centre: Thursday 09:00 - 14:00
Albert-Einstein-Allee 23, 89081 Ulm

Michelsberg site:
Paediatric Clinic on Michelsberg: Friday 09:00 - 12:00
Eythstr. 24, 89075 Ulm

Appointments Mrs Anita Berger, secretary: 0731 500 55015

Please bring a referral from your doctor for the appointment at the consultation. A referral is required for inpatient treatment.


If you have any questions, please contact our INTERNATIONAL OFFICE in advance.

If you do not speak German or English, you should bring an interpreter with you.
The costs for the visit to the paediatric clinic can be transferred in advance or paid on site by credit card. Our staff will also be happy to help you draw up an overview of the costs for an inpatient stay.


Dear Patients,
please contact the international office for detailed information about consultations or stay in our hospital. They will keep you informed in terms of payment, translators and costs.

Internships & work shadowing

Paediatric neurosurgery is of great interest to medical students, doctors in training and international colleagues. In order to organise the desired work shadowing and internships as effectively as possible for you, we ask you to register early. We ask for your understanding that data protection and the safety of our patients, as well as your own health protection, make a certain amount of administrative work unavoidable. We will of course be happy to help you with the formalities, finding a room and obtaining a short-term pass.

Profilbild von Prof. Dr. med. Aurelia Peraud

Prof. Dr. med. Aurelia Peraud

Sektionsleiterin Pädiatrische Neurochirurgie am Standort Ulm

Profilbild von Dr. med. Marie Schuler-Ortoli

Dr. med. Marie Schuler-Ortoli

Oberärztin am Standort Ulm