Special outpatient clinic for CNS tumours / Internal Medicine III

Phone 0731 500-44 046

Tuesday from 8 am - 12 pm

The special outpatient clinic is located in the internal medicine building
in the outpatient area (level 1)

Specialised neurology outpatient clinic at the RKU

Phone 0731-500 63003

Appointments by arrangement

The neurological university outpatient clinic is located in the RKU building
Oberer Eselsberg 45
89081 Ulm

Neurosurgical outpatient clinic at BKH-Günzburg

Phone 08221 96-22222

Fax 08221 96-22240

District Hospital Günzburg
Neurosurgical Clinic
Ludwig-Heilmeyer-Str. 2
89312 Günzburg