The Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene supports clinical diagnosis through the direct detection of infectious agents (bacteria, fungi, protozoa), their antigens and the antibodies directed against them.

Individual tests that cannot be carried out on site are forwarded to specialised, qualified institutes.

Do you have any questions? We are here to help you.

Profilbild von Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Essig

Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Essig

Ltd. Oberarzt

Contact laboratory

Phone +49 731 500-65380

Fax +49 731 500-65304

You can reach us by telephone during our opening hours:

Monday to Friday: 07.30 - 17.00 - closing time for samples 16:00

Weekend/Public holiday: 07.30 - 12.00 - closing time for samples 11:30


Outside laboratory opening hours you can reach us in urgent cases
the microbiologiston duty
via the hospital switchboard in urgent cases.


Feedback/complaints (not urgent)

The diagnostics team

Medical team

Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Essig  

Dr. med. J. Benjamin Hagemann  

 Jeremy Meier  

Dr. med Simon Nuber  

Prof. Dr. med. Steffen Stenger  


 Christine Meißle, BBA  

 Kathrin Storr  



General information and instructions for submitters

Below you will find information on the different materials as well as information on material transport and performance requirements. You can also find out more about the special examination and diagnostic procedures here.


Online request

All test requests should be made online via the voucherless laboratory request. If you have any questions, please call us on 65368.
You can find an example page for voucherless requests here.

Subsequent requests for tests
  • Subsequent requests for tests after the sample and the test request have arrived at the laboratory are generally possible. Please contact the laboratory by telephone (Tel. 65312).
  • All diagnostic sample materials are stored in the laboratory refrigerator for 1 week and are therefore available for subsequent requests. However, please note that some pathogens are environmentally labile, sensitive to cold or not very tolerant to oxygen and that the detection of these pathogens is not promising after prolonged storage of the sample. If a test request you have made does not appear to make sense due to the growth requirements of the pathogens, the laboratory doctor responsible will advise you accordingly. For specific requests, please contact the laboratory doctor responsible for the respective laboratory directly.
  • Follow-up requests for serological tests are possible at any time, as all serum samples are kept frozen in the laboratory for several years. The longer storage period does not usually have a negative effect on serological tests. Please contact the serology staff directly (Tel. 65327/65376) if you require additional serological tests, including those from earlier test materials.
Paper forms for requesting services in the event of system failure

Please only use the paper forms to request services in the event of system failures (IS-H*Med, Konas).

The required forms can also be stored locally on the PC.

Please print out paper forms (pdf file) on a laser printer.

The patient data can be labelled manually or with labels (if labels are required for labelling the collection material, label them manually or use pre-printed labels).

Request forms

Our laboratory offers laboratory services for both privately and statutorily insured patients.
For each examination of patients with statutory health insurance, we require a referral slip, which should be enclosed directly with the sample!

Request forms
Instructions for completing the request forms
  • Please send in one request form per test material!
  • Please fill in the form carefully and completely. This is the only way we can carry out a quick and efficient diagnosis for you!


General microbiology request form

The request form for general microbiology contains the following sections:

Patient data/sender data: Please enter the surname, first name, date of birth and the sender's address, fax/telephone number etc. as accurately as possible.

Diagnostically relevant information/suspected diagnosis: Please enter the relevant clinical information here as precisely as possible, as the processing and assessment of the results will be based on the clinical information!

Examination material: Please mark exactly one type of material in this area! If no tick box is available for an individual material type, please tick "Other" and note the material type there. In the "Localisation" field, please enter any details about the collection site.

Examinationorder: A distinction is made here between a general examination order and special examination orders.

The general test order "Pathogen culture and resistance" is used to record the pathogens usually found in the respective test material.

However, for some pathogens that require, for example, special culture media, extended incubation times, etc., special test orders must be requested. These special pathogens are explicitly named on the request form. If you cannot find a specific pathogen on this list, please contact the laboratory doctor responsible by telephone.

Additional information on tuberculosis: Please note the clinical suspicion of open tuberculosis on the request form or contact the responsible microbiologist (Tel.: 65318/65368) so that a direct preparation can be prepared and assessed in advance.


Serology and molecular biology request form

The request form for serology and molecular biology contains the following sections:

Patient data/sender data: Please enter the surname, first name, date of birth and the sender's address, fax/telephone etc. as accurately as possible.

Test material: Please mark exactly one type of material in this area! If no tick box is available for an individual type of material, please tick "Other" and note the type of material as well as any details of the place of collection.

Diagnostically relevant information/suspected diagnosis: Please enter the relevant clinical information as precisely as possible here, as the processing and assessment of the results is based on the clinical information!

Examination request:
  • Please tick here whether this is an initial examination or a follow-up examination . This information is very important for the interpretation of the findings!
  • Mark the desired examinations or pathogens to be detected in this area.
  • If you cannot find a specific pathogen in this list, please contact the laboratory doctor responsible by telephone.


Additional information: Please note any additional information that is important for the diagnosis in the field marked accordingly.

Subsequent requests for tests

Subsequent requests for tests after the sample and the test request have arrived at the laboratory are generally possible. Please contact the laboratory by telephone (Tel. 65380).

All diagnostic sample materials are stored in the laboratory refrigerator for 1 week and are therefore available for follow-up requests.

However, please note that some pathogens are environmentally unstable, sensitive to cold or not very tolerant to oxygen and the detection of these pathogens is not promising after prolonged storage of the sample. If a test request you have made does not appear to make sense due to the growth requirements of the pathogens, the laboratory doctor responsible will advise you accordingly. For specific requests, please contact the laboratory doctor responsible for the respective laboratory directly.

Follow-up requests for serological tests are possible at any time, as all serum samples are kept frozen in the laboratory for several years. The longer storage period does not usually have a negative effect on serological tests. Please contact the serology staff directly (Tel. 65327/65376) if you require additional serological tests, including those from earlier test materials.

The standard requirement "Pathogen culture and resistance" includes the cultural examination and preparation of antibiograms for obligate and facultative pathogens. For primarily sterile materials, such as cerebrospinal fluid, punctates and biopsies, the requirement also includes the preparation of a microscopic direct preparation.

The culture media, enrichment methods and further diagnostic procedures used represent a procedure that is optimally adapted to the respective test material and is based on the applicable national and international standards. Depending on the material, this also includes the search for anaerobically growing or fastidiously growing germs. For example, Nocardia, actinomycetes and anaerobes are always included in the "Pathogens and resistance" request from brain abscess materials.

However, for other test materials, especially those that are subject to a high degree of contamination with physiological flora, particular pathogens must be specifically requested by the sender by means of a special request.

General information on the collection and transport of test materials

Proper collection and transport of the test materials contributes significantly to the validity of the test results obtained in the microbiological laboratory.

The following general instructions apply to (almost) all test materials:

  • Take specific samples while avoiding contamination (normal flora)!
  • Avoid temperature extremes!
  • Avoid drying out the samples!
  • If possible, take samples before starting antimicrobial therapy!
  • Label samples clearly: either online sticker or
    (for requests that are not generated via the online system) Patient's first and last name, date of birth, sender/station, date of sample collection and test material
  • Send samples to the microbiological laboratory as quickly as possible, as shifts in pathogen quantities can occur during prolonged storage:
    • Undemanding germs, such as staphylococci and enterobacteria, multiply
    • fastidious germs, such as Haemophilus spp. pneumococci and meningococci, die off.
  • Send the sample to the bacteriological laboratory as quickly as possible, as shifts in pathogen quantities occur after just a few hours.
  • Always close sample containers securely!
  • When transporting infectious materials, the relevant transport regulations must be observed! Information on this can be obtained from the Microbiological Diagnostics team.
  • If the samples are not sent to the laboratory immediately, observe the storage conditions of the samples.


Sample containers

Overview of sample containers


Test materials

Eye swab
Sample container:
Universal swabs with transport medium.
Thinner swabs with transport medium (orange lid) are also available for swabbing newborns and children.
Take the swab:
  • Ectropion of the eyelid to allow optimum access to the conjunctiva.
  • Swab the conjunctiva several times with a fine sterile swab.
  • Place the swab in the transport medium and close.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.

If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day. Sensitive bacteria, such as Haemophilus spp. or pneumococci, may die if stored in the refrigerator!

A special PCR collection kit is required for PCR for Chlamydia trachomatis.

Sample container:
Universal swab with transport medium.
  • In the case of open vesicles, remove the swab from the sterile packaging and swipe the end of the swab over the vesicle several times. Make sure that you only touch the vesicle and not the healthy skin to avoid contaminating the sample with physiological skin flora! In the case of closed blisters, lance them with a sterile cannula beforehand if necessary.
  • Remove the cap from the transport medium and discard.
  • Insert the swab into the transport medium and close tightly.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature!
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features:
For larger bubbles, you can also try to aspirate some liquid with a sterile syringe.
Sample container:
Universal swab with transport medium.
  • Remove the swab from the sterile packaging.
  • Swipe the cotton end of the swab several times over the affected area of skin.
  • Remove the lid of the transport medium and discard.
  • Insert the swab into the transport medium and close tightly.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features:
Taking a skin swab is generally only advisable if there are open efflorescences on the skin. Contamination of the test sample with bacteria from the physiological skin flora is usually unavoidable.
Sample container:
Universal swab with transport medium.
  • Remove the swab from the sterile packaging.
  • Swipe the cotton end of the swab several times into the region to be swabbed.
  • Remove the lid of the transport medium and discard.
  • Insert the swab into the transport medium and close tightly.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if samples are taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features:
Please be sure to specify the exact localisation and label "intraoperative" so that the findings can be interpreted correctly!
Sample container:
Universal swab with transport medium.
  • Remove the swab from the sterile packaging.
  • Swipe the cotton end of the swab several times into the region to be swabbed.
  • Remove the lid of the transport medium and discard.
  • Insert the swab into the transport medium and close tightly.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate despatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features:
Bacteria of the physiological oral flora are usually detected in oral swabs.
A specific test order is required to detect yeasts(Candida spp.) in the case of oral thrush!
Sample container:
Universal swab with transport medium.
Thinner swabs with transport medium (orange lid) are also available.
  • Remove the swab from the sterile packaging.
  • Swab the nasal cavity with the cotton end of the swab.
  • Remove the lid of the transport medium and discard.
  • Insert the swab into the transport medium and close tightly.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate despatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features:
When taking nasal swabs for MRSA testing, please swab both nasal cavities in succession with one swab!
Also use universal swabs with transport medium for MRSA PCR as part of MRSA screening!
Sample container:
Universal swab with transport medium.
Thinner swabs with transport medium (orange lid) are also available.

For ear canal swabs, the pinna should be disinfected beforehand and crusts removed if necessary. The ear canal is then swabbed in rotation using a swab. For a deep ear canal swab, an ear funnel should be used to avoid contamination with germs from the outer ear.

For middle ear punctures and paracentesis with the eardrum closed, first clean the ear canal with physiological NaCl solution. Then puncture or incise the eardrum and aseptically aspirate some fluid.

If the eardrum is ruptured, the examination material can be obtained directly with a swab using a speculum.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if samples are taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features:
For ear swabs, a selective culture medium is routinely used in the laboratory to detect mould fungi.


Sample container:
Universal swab with transport medium.
  • Remove the swab from the sterile packaging.
  • Swab the throat several times with the cotton end of the swab. Ensure that the swab does not come into contact with the cheek and tongue mucosa in order to avoid contamination of the sample with bacteria from the physiological oral flora.
  • Remove the cap from the transport medium and discard.
  • Insert the swab into the transport medium and close tightly.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features:
If Angina Plaut-Vincent is suspected, "Microscopic preparation Gram" should also be requested!
Sample container:
Universal swab with transport medium.
  • Remove the swab from the sterile packaging.
  • Swab the rectal area with the cotton end of the swab.
  • Remove the lid of the transport medium and discard.
  • Insert the swab into the transport medium and close tightly.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. in the case of overnight collection), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features:

Rectal swabs are mainly taken as part of screening for multi-resistant pathogens (e.g. MRSA, VRE, MRGN). They are notsuitable for diagnosing gastroenteritis.

Rectal swabs are also suitable for detecting chlamydial proctitis. Please use a special swab kit for this

Sample container:
Universal swab with transport medium.
  • Remove the swab from the sterile packaging.
  • Swipe the cotton end of the swab several times over the tonsils. Ensure that the swab does not come into contact with the cheek, tongue and throat mucosa in order to avoid contamination of the sample with bacteria from the physiological throat flora.
  • Remove the cap from the transport medium and discard.
  • Insert the swab into the transport medium and close tightly.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features:
If Angina Plaut-Vincent is suspected, "Microscopic Gram preparation" should also be requested!

Sample container:

Universal swab with transport medium
Thinner swabs with transport medium (orange lid) are also available.

  • Remove the swab from the sterile packaging.
  • Swipe the cotton end of the swab into the urethral opening. Ensure that the swab does not come into contact with the skin in order to avoid contamination of the sample with bacteria from the physiological flora.
  • Remove the cap from the transport medium and discard.
  • Insert the swab into the transport medium and close tightly.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if samples are taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features: PCR for Neisseria gonorrhoeae,Chlamydia trachomatis and Trichomonas vaginalis from swab or urine (preferably first stream urine) possible (special collection kit for PCR required).
Sample container:
Universal swab with transport medium.
  • Remove the swab from the sterile packaging.
  • Put on disposable gloves.
  • Spread the vagina slightly with your fingers.
  • Swipe the cotton end of the swab into the vagina. Make sure that the swab does not come into contact with the skin to avoid contaminating the sample with bacteria from the physiological skin flora.
  • Remove the cap from the transport medium and discard.
  • Insert the swab into the transport medium and close tightly.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if samples are taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features: PCR for Neisseria gonorrhoeae,Chlamydia trachomatis and Trichomonas vaginalis from swab or urine (preferably first stream urine) possible (special collection kit for PCR required).
Sample container:
Universal swab with transport medium

Take off

  • Remove the swab from the sterile packaging.
  • Swipe the cotton end of the swab over the wound. If possible, do not touch the edges of the wound to avoid contamination with surrounding skin flora!
  • Remove the lid of the transport medium and discard.
Insert the swab into the transport medium and close tightly.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if samples are taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features:
When requesting the test, please differentiate between deep and superficial wounds and specify the wound localisation, as this information influences the microbiological assessment of the sample!
Sample container:
Universal swab with transport medium.
Take the swab:
  • Put on disposable gloves.
  • Spread the vagina with your fingers.
  • Insert the speculum.
  • Remove the swab from the sterile packaging.
  • Swipe the cotton end of the swab into the opening of the cervical canal. Ensure that the swab does not come into contact with the vaginal mucosa in order to avoid contamination of the sample with bacteria from the physiological vaginal flora.
  • Remove the cap from the transport medium and discard.
  • Insert the swab into the transport medium and close tightly.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if samples are taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features: PCR for Neisseria gonorrhoeae,Chlamydia trachomatis and Trichomonas vaginalis from swab or urine (preferably first stream urine) possible (special collection kit for PCR required).
Sample container:
Sterile tube with screw cap.
The material is obtained as part of a bronchoscopic examination. The BAL is a representative test material for infections of the alveolar space.
  • Prepare patients for bronchoscopy in accordance with the care standards.
  • Insert the bronchoscope into the bronchial tree in accordance with the bronchoscopy standards.
  • Place bronchoscope in wedge position in subsegmental bronchus.
  • Rinse the alveolar space with 20-50 ml sterile physiological saline solution.
  • Aspirate the saline solution again with the bronchoscope and place in a sterile sample container.
  • Close the sample containers tightly.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature:
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if samples are taken at night), store BAL at room temperature until the next day. If stored in the refrigerator, sensitive bacteria such as Haemophilus spp. or pneumococci may die!
Special features:
BAL are prepared in the laboratory natively and after dilution quantitatively on culture media. Therefore, the bacterial count in bacteria per ml is indicated on the report.

Each BAL is examined microscopically in the laboratory using Gram staining and Calcofluor-White staining (special staining for fungi). In addition, selective culture media for the detection of Legionella and anaerobic bacteria are routinely added to each BAL.

A separate test request is required for the examination for Pneumocystis jiroveci!
Sample container:
Sterile tube with screw cap.
The material is obtained as part of a bronchoscopic examination.
  • Prepare patients for bronchoscopy in accordance with the care standards.
  • Insert the bronchoscope into the bronchial tree in accordance with the bronchoscopy standards.
  • Aspirate secretions and place in the sample container.
  • Close the sample containers tightly.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if samples are taken at night), store bronchial lavage at room temperature until the next day. If stored in the refrigerator, sensitive bacteria such as Haemophilus spp. or pneumococci may die!
Special features:
Note: Bronchial secretion is a secretion that is aspirated directly from the bronchial system during a bronchoscopic examination without prior rinsing with saline solution. If saline solution is introduced into the bronchial tract in order to aspirate secretions (which is necessary in most cases), the sample is a bronchial lavage.

Bronchial secretions are prepared in the laboratory natively and after dilution quantitatively on culture media. The bacterial count in bacteria per ml is therefore stated on the report.
Sample container:
Sterile tube with screw cap.
The material is obtained as part of a bronchoscopic examination. The bronchial lavage is a representative test material for infections of the respiratory tract.
  • Prepare patients for bronchoscopy in accordance with the care standards.
  • Insert the bronchoscope into the bronchial tree in accordance with the bronchoscopy standards.
  • Insert the bronchoscope into the bronchus.
  • Rinse the bronchial tree with 20-40 ml sterile physiological saline solution.
  • Aspirate the saline solution again with the bronchoscope and place in a sterile sample container.
  • Close the sample containers tightly.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if samples are taken at night), store bronchial lavage at room temperature until the next day. If stored in the refrigerator, sensitive bacteria such as haemophilus spp. or pneumococci may die!
Special features:
Bronchial lavages are prepared in the laboratory natively and after dilution quantitatively on culture media. The bacterial count in bacteria per ml is therefore stated on the report.
Sample container:
Sterile sample container, e.g. universal sample tube with screw cap or
Vanek beaker.
  • Inhalation of a hyperbaric isotonic saline solution is required to obtain induced sputum. The pump unit sprays a fine aerosol. The saline concentration can vary between 15 % - 0.9 % (non-coughing patient - asthmatic). Temperature of the solution 37 °C - 40 °C, inhalation time approx. 20 minutes, possibly addition of bronchodilators
  • The sputum is collected in a sterile collection vessel during and up to 30 minutes after inhalation (see sputum).
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate despatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features:
Induction with hypertonic saline solution is intended to increase coughing up of secretions from the lower respiratory tract. Induced sputum is particularly useful for diagnosing tuberculosis. For general information on sputum diagnostics, see "Sputum".
Sample container:
Sterile gastric juice tube with sodium phosphate solution.
Hygienic hand disinfection and use of disposable gloves.
  • Insert the probe into a nostril. Carefully advance the probe.
  • Allow the patient to swallow while advancing the tube quickly.
  • After reaching about 50 cm of the stomach (in adults)
  • Aspirate gastric juice (at least 2 ml) with a sterile 20 ml syringe
  • Transfer the fasting gastric secretion into the sterile tube with sodium phosphate solution
If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature! The sample must be transported in sterile, leak-proof sample containers.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible, store samples in the refrigerator at
2-8 °C for up to 24 hours.
Special features:
The submission of gastric juice is generally used to diagnose tuberculosis. For this purpose, the gastric juice must be placed in a gastric juice tube in which sodium phosphate solution has already been placed to buffer the gastric acid (available from the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene tel.: 65318 ).
Care must be taken to send in certain minimum quantities of sample material.
To increase sensitivity, it is suggested that 3 samples be tested on 3 consecutive days.

The NALC-NaOH enrichment procedure for decontamination, homogenisation and enrichment of samples for cultural, microscopic and molecular biological detection is carried out from Monday to Friday. (Samples must arrive at the laboratory before 8 a.m., otherwise they will be processed the following day).
Sample container:
Sterile tube with screw cap
  • Rinse mouth briefly with sterile saline solution.
  • Ask the patient to rinse the throat with approx. 10 ml sterile 0.9% saline solution, gargling is helpful.
  • Spit out the saline solution into a sterile tube.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample in the refrigerator at 2-8 °C room temperature until the next day.


Sample container:
Sterile tube with screw cap

Vanek cup

  • Obtain morning sputum if possible
  • Rinse the mouth well with tap water.
  • Remove the lid from the sputum tube. Please only touch the outside of the container.
  • Breathe in and out deeply. Hold your breath for approx. 3-5 seconds after each inhalation. Repeat this process if possible. The work of breathing expands the lungs and stimulates the production of sputum.
  • Take another deep breath and cough up the sputum.
  • Hand the sputum tube to the staff immediately so that the sample can be transported to the laboratory quickly. This prevents incorrect results due to excessively long storage times.

Note on mycobacterial diagnostics: Repeat coughing up 2-3 times to obtain the largest possible sample quantity. When testing for atypical mycobacteria, rinse the mouth with sterile saline solution before collecting the sputum to prevent contamination of the sample with mycobacteria from the tap water!
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day. If only mycobacteria are required, the sputum should be stored at 2-8 °C in the refrigerator.
Special features:
A separate request is required for PCR detection of atypical pneumonia pathogens(Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophila).
Sample container:
Tracheal suction set with collection container or
sterile tube with screw cap.
Take the sample:
  • Put on disposable gloves.
  • Connect the suction catheter to the tracheal suction set.
  • Insert the sterile suction catheter into the trachea. As soon as resistance is reached, pull the catheter back 1 cm and then pull it out using suction
  • Close the tube.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if samples are taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day. If stored in the refrigerator, sensitive bacteria such as Haemophilus spp. or pneumococci may die!
Sample container:
Sterile sample container, e.g. universal sample tube with screw cap or
Vanek beaker
  • Pour a few ml of sterile physiological saline solution into a sample container.
  • Disinfect the skin according to the hygiene plan (see intranet).
  • Put on disposable gloves.
  • Carry out biopsies in strict compliance with sterile conditions in accordance with the guidelines of the respective department.
  • Place the biopsy specimen in the sample container. Ensure that it is completely surrounded by the saline solution so that it does not dry out.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate despatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.

Special features:
For biopsies where there is a very high probability of infection with anaerobes, e.g. brain biopsies, it is advisable to additionally place some sample material in universal swabs with transport medium (Amies).

Place biopsies from the gastrointestinal tract in Portagerm pylori transport medium for testing for Helicobacter pylori and transport the samples to the laboratory as quickly as possible, as the pathogens are very sensitive to environmental influences.

Sample container:
Sterile sample container, e.g. universal sample tube with screw cap or
Vanek beaker
  • Pour a few ml of sterile physiological saline solution into a sample container.
  • Disinfect the skin according to the hygiene plan (see intranet).
  • Put on disposable gloves.
  • Carry out biopsies in strict compliance with sterile conditions.
  • Place the biopsy specimen in the sample container. Ensure that it is completely surrounded by the saline solution so that it does not dry out.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if samples are taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features:
If a fungal infection of the skin is suspected, a specific test request for fungi (yeasts, moulds and/or dermatophytes) is required!
Sample container:
Blood culture bottles, BD, BACTEC Plus Aerobic/F and
BACTEC Anaerobic Lytic (to be inoculated with 5-10 ml blood each)
For children: Children's blood culture bottle, BD BACTEC PEDS Plus/F (to be inoculated with 2-5 ml blood)
If possible, collect blood cultures before starting antibiotic therapy! If samples need to be taken during antibiotic therapy, the blood cultures should be taken immediately before the next dose of antibiotics is administered.
  • Thoroughly disinfect the puncture site
  • Create a venous tourniquet.
  • Puncture the peripheral vein using a sterile syringe with cannula and draw 10-20 ml of blood.
  • Pull the cannula out again, compress the puncture site firmly and apply a plaster bandage.
  • Discard the cannula and attach a new sterile cannula to the filled syringe.
  • Disinfect the rubber stoppers of the blood culture bottles.
  • Inject (5)-10 ml of blood into each blood culture bottle (aerobic and anaerobic). Do not aerate the bottles!
  • Transport inoculated bottles to the microbiological laboratory as quickly as possible.
When taking blood cultures from a horizontal central venous catheter, carefully disinfect the end of the central venous catheter or stopcock before taking the blood cultures.
Taking blood cultures from peripheral venous catheters, e.g. Viggo, is not indicated!
Transport blood culture bottles to the laboratory immediately at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. in the case of overnight collection), store the sample at room temperature until the next day. Do not pre-incubate blood culture bottles!
Special features:
A pair of (aerobic/anaerobic) bottles should always be taken in order to also optimally capture anaerobically growing bacteria.

At least two to a maximum of four blood cultures should always be taken, which should be obtained by separate punctures

. If acute infective endocarditis is suspected, three blood cultures should be taken by three different venipunctures within one hour before the start of therapy.

If subacute endocarditis (endocarditis lenta) is suspected, up to 4 blood cultures should be taken within 24 hours.

The detection rate increases with the number of blood cultures taken (usually 2-3).

If a catheter infection is suspected, simultaneous collection of central and peripheral blood cultures (one pair each) is recommended. In addition, the time of the positive report can be determined in the automated blood culture device and the "differential time to positivity" can be determined if the cultures are taken simultaneously. If the central blood culture reports positive at least 2 hours earlier than the peripheral culture, this indicates a catheter infection.

Sample container:
Citrate blood tube
  • Fit citrate blood tubes with butterfly or cannula via Luer adapter. For tuberculosis diagnostics, always take 2 x 5 ml citrated blood samples (please use only one order number (2 labels))!
  • Stow above the collection site
  • Spray on disinfectant and wipe off with a non-sterile swab after half a minute. Do not touch up after disinfection. (see hygiene plan)
  • Tighten the skin during removal. The needle bevel points upwards.
  • Pierce the skin quickly at an angle of 30-40° and draw as much blood into the tube until the plunger cannot be pulled out any further. Make sure that the blood flows slowly into the tube to avoid haemolysis.
  • Then gently swirl the tube
  • Loosen the tourniquet before removing the needle. Press the swab onto the puncture site.
  • Note: never put the cap on the used needle! Dispose of the needle directly in a waste container.
  • Apply a plaster bandage.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample in the refrigerator until the next day.
Special features:
Citrated blood is required in particular for the culture of mycobacteria in cases of suspected tuberculosis septicaemia (e.g. Landouzy septicaemia).
Sample container:
EDTA blood tube
  • Fit EDTA blood tube with butterfly or cannula via Luer adapter.
  • Stow above the sampling point
  • Spray on disinfectant and wipe off with a non-sterile swab after half a minute. Do not touch after disinfection. (see hygiene plan)
  • Tighten the skin during removal. The needle bevel points upwards.
  • Pierce the skin quickly at an angle of 30-40° and draw as much blood into the tube until the plunger cannot be pulled out any further. Make sure that the blood flows slowly into the tube to avoid haemolysis.
  • Then gently swirl the tube
  • Loosen the tourniquet before removing the needle. Press the swab onto the puncture site.
  • Note: never put the cap on the used needle! Dispose of the needle directly in a waste container.
  • Apply a plaster bandage.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if samples are taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.

Special features:
EDTA blood is required in particular for the microscopic detection of parasites (e.g. malaria). EDTA is bactericidal and therefore not suitable for the cultural detection of pathogens.

Please take EDTA blood (microscopic parasite detection) or citrate blood (cultural pathogen detection, e.g. mycobacteria)!

Sample container:

Vacutainer: InTube plasma (contains 4 QuantiFERON®-TB Gold (QFT) plus blood collection tubes

(zero control, Tb1 and Tb2 antigen, mitogen control tubes)

  • Ensure sterile blood collection (see Native blood)
  • Collect 1 ml of venous blood using the Vacutainer system into each of the 4 QFT blood collection tubes (up to the black mark)
  • The tubes should be kept at a temperature of 17-25 °C during blood collection.
  • As the 1 ml tubes absorb the blood relatively slowly, please leave the tube on the needle for 2-3 seconds after it appears to have reached the filling level.
  • If the black marking line on the edge of the label is not reached when taking blood, please take a new blood sample
  • When using a butterfly needle for blood sampling, use an empty tube (not supplied) to ensure that the tube connection is filled before attaching the QFT tubes.
  • Immediately after filling the tubes, please shake them several times so that the inner wall of the tubes is completely covered with blood. This allows the antigens to release from the wall coating.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature. The blood samples must arrive at the laboratory as quickly as possible (within 16 hours of blood collection).
Storage is not possible. No submission at weekends and before public holidays
Sample container:
Sterile transport container, e.g. Vanek beaker or universal sample tube with screw cap


  • Put on disposable gloves.
  • Carefully pull the drainage tube out of the patient. Ensure that the tip does not touch non-sterile material (bed, hands, etc.).
  • Open the transport container.
  • Carefully cut off the drainage tip with sterile scissors and drop into a sterile transport container.
  • Close the transport container.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if samples are taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features:
Routine microbiological examination of drainage tips is not recommended.
If infection of a wound is suspected, wound secretions from the drainage should be sent for examination.


Sample container:
Sterile transport container, e.g. Vanek beaker
Take the sample:
  • Fill the Vanek beaker with approx. 20 ml sterile physiological saline solution.
  • Remove the sterile heart valve during the operation and drop it into the solution in the transport container. It should be completely covered by the saline solution.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.


Sample container:
Sterile transport container, e.g. Vanek beaker.
  • Prepare a transport vessel and fill it with approx. 20 ml sterile physiological saline solution.
  • Remove the intrauterine device under sterile conditions and drop it into the transport container. Do not touch the outer edge of the container.
  • Close the transport container.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if samples are taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features:
If actinomycosis is clinically suspected, please request a test for Actinomyces spp.
Sample container:
Sterile transport container, e.g. Vanek beaker.
  • Put on disposable gloves.
  • Carefully pull the catheter out of the patient. Ensure that the tip does not touch non-sterile material (bed, hands, etc.).
  • Open the transport container.
  • Carefully cut off the catheter tip with sterile scissors and drop it into a sterile transport container.
  • Close the transport container.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if samples are taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features:
Catheter tips are cultivated in the laboratory according to the MAKI roll-off method. Colony counts of more than 15 colonies/catheter tip are considered significant for a catheter infection.
Sample container:
Sterile transport container, e.g. Vanek cup, contact lens storage box if necessary
  • Disinfect hands carefully.
  • Prepare the transport container and fill it with a few ml of sterile physiological saline solution.
  • Remove the contact lens from the eye and drop it into the transport container.
  • Close the transport container.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features:
If acanthamoeba infection is suspected : specific test order required.

Due to the great effort involved and the rarity of the disease, strict indication and consultation with a laboratory doctor

Sample container:
Sterile transport container, e.g. Vanek beaker.
Take the sample:
  • Fill the transport container with approx. 20 ml sterile physiological saline solution.
  • Remove the pacemaker or pacing wire sterile during the operation and drop it into the solution in the transport container. It should be completely covered by the saline solution.
  • Close the transport container.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if samples are taken at night), store the pacemaker wire in sterile NaCl overnight at room temperature.

see under the heading "Smears"

see under the heading "Biopsies"

Sample container:
Sterile transport container, e.g. Vanek beaker or
universal transport container with screw cap.
  • Prepare and open a sample container.
  • Carefully scrape off a few pieces of skin with a sterile scalpel and drop them into the sample container.
  • Close the sample container.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features:
A special test requirement is necessary for the examination for dermatophytes, so that a selective medium is inoculated and incubated for several weeks!
Sample container:
Sterile transport container, e.g. Vanek beaker or
universal transport container with screw cap.
  • Prepare and open a sample container.
  • Carefully scrape off a few flakes of skin with a sterile scalpel and allow them to fall into the sample container.
  • Close the sample container.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features:
A special test requirement is necessary for the examination for dermatophytes, so that a selective medium is inoculated and incubated for several weeks!


Sample container:
Sterile transport container, e.g. Vanek beaker or
universal transport container with screw cap.
  • Prepare and open a sample container.
  • Disinfect the nail with skin disinfectant.
  • Carefully scrape a few nail shavings from the nail with a sterile scalpel and drop them into the sample container.
  • Close the sample container.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.
Special features:
A special test requirement is necessary for the examination for dermatophytes, so that a selective medium is inoculated and incubated for several weeks!

Sample container:

Sterile tube with screw cap


Lumbar puncture, only in exceptional cases suboccipital puncture, under strict adherence to sterile conditions! Performing the lumbar puncture:

  • Inform the patient, give premedication if necessary.

  • Label the sample containers.

  • Position the patient on their side with their knees drawn up or have them sit down with their back on the edge of the bed.

  • Mark the L4/5 or L3/4 position between the spinous processes with thumb nail pressure.

  • Carry out hygienic hand disinfection and put on sterile gloves (see also hygiene plan on the intranet).

  • Disinfect the skin for at least 1 minute with a serile swab, cover/enclose the puncture area with a sterile cloth (see also hygiene plan on the intranet).

  • Insert spinal needle with mandrin through the skin. Perform puncture.

  • Collect the cerebrospinal fluid in the tubes one after the other under sterile conditions. Collect at least 1-2 ml per tube!

Pull out needle, cover puncture site with sterile plaster, compress for a few minutes, leave patient lying flat on stomach for 1 hour, place sandbag on puncture site.


Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature!


If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if samples are taken at night), store the CSF at room temperature.

Special features:

In addition to sending native CSF, a portion (1-2 ml) can be placed in a blood culture bottle. Then request this as a CSF in blood culture bottle!

The detection of Mcobacterium tuberculosis in CSF is only sufficiently sensitive if a high volume of CSF is sent in, i.e. approx. 3-5 ml of CSF. If tuberculous meningitis is clinically suspected, please also request PCR!

If neuroborreliosis is suspected, send in a paired CSF/serum sample (see Borrelia burgdorferi pathogen information).

Sample container:
Depending on the quantity, e.g.
sterile syringe
Universal sample tube with screw cap
Universal sample beaker "Vanek beaker"
  • Disinfect in accordance with the hygiene plan.
  • Perform puncture under strict adherence to sterile conditions using a sterile syringe and attached cannula or wipe off secretions using a sterile swab.
  • Cap the syringe and send it in directly or place the swab or punctate in the transport medium
  • Apply a sterile dressing
If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature!
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day. Sensitive bacteria may die if stored in the refrigerator!
Special features:
Sample containersUse a syringe (without air inclusion) to detect anaerobic bacteria! For the detection of nocardia and actinomycetes, a specific test request is necessary.
Sample container:
Depending on the quantity, e.g.
sterile syringe
Universal sample tube with screw cap
Universal sample beaker "Vanek beaker"
  • Under sterile conditions under local anaesthesia
  • Access at the transition from the middle to the outer third of the line between the anterior superior iliac spine and the umbilicus, possibly under sonographic control.
  • After careful disinfection, insertion of a needle with a large lumen, insertion of a catheter if necessary and collection of the fluid in a sterile sample container. The procedure is performed passively due to the increased intra-abdominal pressure. Using a sterile syringe, inoculation of the above-mentioned transport media or direct insertion of the sample container for diagnostics
  • Remove the needle and apply a sterile dressing.
If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature!
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day. Sensitive bacteria may die if stored in the refrigerator
Special features:
Use a syringe without air inclusion to detect anaerobic bacteria! In addition to sending in the punctate, a portion (approx. 5 ml) can be placed in a blood culture bottle. Then label this as a "punctate bottle"!
Sample container:
Sterile syringe,
Universal sample tube with screw cap
Universal sample beaker "Vanek beaker"
Paediatric blood culture bottle
Strictly aseptic procedure! Local anaesthesia not always necessary.
  • Puncture of the shoulder joint: anterior approach. A 21 G needle is inserted just below and lateral to the coracoid process through the anterior deltoid muscle.
  • Puncture of the knee joint: - extended knee: a 20 G needle is inserted 1 cm from the medial edge of the patella and advanced laterally backwards between the patella and the medial condyle. - knee bent at a right angle: insert the needle medial to the patellar tendon and advance it upwards and backwards to the joint space between the condyles.
  • Collection of synovial fluid using a sterile syringe, punctate into one or more of the above-mentioned sample containers.
  • Remove the cannula and apply a sterile dressing.
If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature!
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day. Sensitive bacteria may die if stored in the refrigerator!

Special features:

In addition, or in the case of very little material (1-3 ml), a paediatric blood culture bottle (for small volumes) can be inoculated. Request as joint punctate in blood culture bottle.

Serological examination requirements (arthritis screening) are necessary for the diagnosis of reactive arthritis.


Sample container:
Sterile syringe with screw cap
Enrichment broth (if necessary, request from the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene)

  • Intraoperative collection: collect intraocular fluid using a sterile syringe and/or swab. Transfer the material to the transport media or close the syringe and send it to the laboratory immediately.
If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature!
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), enrichment broths are available in the operating theatre of the eye clinic. Add part of the sample to the broth and store the broth and the rest of the sample at room temperature until the next day. Sensitive bacteria may die if stored in the refrigerator!

Sample container:
Sterile syringe with screw cap or paediatric blood culture bottle for 1-3 ml punctates.
Citrate blood tube (for the detection of mycobacteria)
EDTA tube (for the detection of leishmania)

  • Puncture of the iliac crest and sternal puncture under strict sterile conditions!
  • For puncture of the posterior iliac crest (spina iliaca posterior superior), the patient lies in the lateral position.
  • Disinfect hands thoroughly
  • Put on sterile gloves and cover the puncture site with a sterile cloth after sufficient disinfection.
  • Apply local anaesthetic and infiltrate the periosteum under aspiration
  • Make a 3-4 mm skin incision using a scalpel and advance the Jamshidi needle with a bevelled obturator vertically down to the periosteum while applying forceful rotational movements. The direction of puncture is 15° caudally at the back and 15° cranially at the front.
  • Once the compacta has been passed, remove the obturator (contains bone biopsy material, which is required for haematological diagnostics and is therefore placed in formalin). Then aspirate the bone marrow using a sterile syringe (for the detection of parasites (Leishmania etc.), place EDTA in the syringe). For the cultural detection of pathogens, e.g. mycobacteria, provide citrate or heparin in the syringe.
  • Remove all needles and compress the puncture site using a sterile swab, apply a sterile dressing and place the patient on a sandbag.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day.

Special features:
A separate request is necessary for the detection of mycobacteria (tuberculosis, atypical mycobacteriosis), as special culture media must be inoculated! In this case, please use citrate blood tubes, EDTA is bactericidal and therefore not suitable for the cultural detection of pathogens. In the case of brucellosis, please indicate this on the request form so that the cultures can be incubated for longer! Bone marrow punctate mixed with EDTA is suitable for the microscopic detection of Leishmania (PCR for Leishmania: external examination).

Sample container:
Sterile syringe
Universal sample tube with screw cap

Strictly aseptic procedure!
  • Localisation of the effusion using echocardiography.
  • Position the patient with the upper body raised on the back
  • The preferred puncture site is the inferior approach in the angle between the xiphoid process and the left costal arch. Local anaesthesia and puncture under aseptic conditions using an 8 cm long, thick lumen needle with a sterile syringe attached. The needle is inserted at an angle of 45 °C to the frontal plane and advanced towards the left shoulder blade under aspiration. Alternative puncture site: anterior access 4th-5th intercostal space on the left between the sternal border and the medioclavicular line.
  • Remove puncture fluid using a sterile syringe and place in one or more of the above-mentioned sample containers or close the syringe.
  • Remove the cannula and apply a sterile dressing.
If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature!
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day. Sensitive bacteria may die if stored in the refrigerator!
Special features:
Use a syringe without air inclusion to detect anaerobic bacteria! A specific test request is necessary for the detection of mycobacteria.
Sample container:
Sterile syringe,
Universal sample tube with screw cap
  • Under sonographic, radiological control or intraoperatively under sterile conditions using a sterile syringe
  • If the transport time is short, leave the material in the syringe (sealing cap), otherwise inoculate part of the punctate into a blood culture bottle (paediatric bottles for 1-3 ml). Request as punctate in blood culture bottle.
If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature!
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day. Sensitive bacteria may die if stored in the refrigerator!
Special features:
  • If mycobacteria are suspected, a separate test order is required.
  • The more material obtained, the better the chances of isolating the pathogen.
Sample container:
Sterile syringe
Universal sample tube with screw cap
Universal sample beaker "Vanek beaker"
  • Labelling sample containers
  • Patient sits leaning forwards
  • The puncture site should be above the 5th ICR in the medioclavicular line, above the 7th ICD in the mid-axillary line and above the 9th ICD in the mid-axillary line.
  • ICR in the scapular line (ultrasound control).
  • Extensive disinfection of the puncture site
  • Put on a face mask and sterile gloves
  • Cover the puncture site with sterile cloths (perforated cloth)
  • Apply the local anaesthetic using a 10 ml syringe and 22 G cannula.
  • Insert the needle at the upper edge of the rib, withdraw the needle if pleural fluid is aspirated
  • Using the 18 G cannula, carefully advance the cannula until pleural fluid flows back.
  • Connect the three-way stopcock, drainage tube and collection bag, as well as the 50 ml syringe.
  • Remove the pleural fluid using a sterile syringe, close it with a cap or place it in one or more of the above-mentioned sample containers.
  • Remove the cannula at the end of an expiration and apply a sterile dressing.
If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature!
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day. If stored in the refrigerator, sensitive bacteria such as Haemophilus spp. or pneumococci may die!
Special features:
For the detection of anaerobic bacteria, use a syringe without air inclusion!
In addition to sending in the punctate, a portion (approx. 5 ml) can be placed in a blood culture bottle. Then label this as a"punctate bottle"!
Sample container:
Universal sample beaker "Vanek beaker", sterile stool tube with spoon
Hygienic hand disinfection and use of disposable gloves.
  • Labelling the sample container
  • Remove the adhesive bag from the anus praeter and pour the AP secretion into the sterile sample container. Ensure that the secretion does not come into contact with the outer surface of the bag to avoid contamination.
If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature! Longer transport times may result in a falsification of the bacterial count.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible, store the sample in the refrigerator at
2-8 °C for up to 24 hours.


Sample container:
Sterile tube with screw cap.
The material is obtained as part of a bronchoscopic examination.
  • Prepare patients for bronchoscopy in accordance with the care standards.
  • Insert the bronchoscope into the bronchial tree in accordance with the bronchoscopy standards.
  • Aspirate secretions and place in the sample container.
  • Close the sample containers tightly.
Send the samples to the laboratory immediately at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if samples are taken at night), store bronchial lavage at room temperature until the next day. If stored in the refrigerator, sensitive bacteria such as Haemophilus spp. or pneumococci may die!
Special features:
Note: Bronchial secretion is a secretion that is aspirated directly from the bronchial system during a bronchoscopic examination without prior rinsing with saline solution. If saline solution is introduced into the bronchial tract in order to aspirate secretions (which is necessary in most cases), the sample is a bronchial lavage.

Bronchial secretions are prepared in the laboratory natively and after dilution quantitatively on culture media. The bacterial count in bacteria per ml is therefore stated on the report.
Sample container:
Sterile syringe
Universal sample tube with screw cap
Universal sample beaker "Vanek beaker"
Hygienic hand disinfection and use of disposable gloves.
  • Sample obtained during extracorporeal haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis or haemofiltration
  • Sampling using a sterile tip. If the transport time is short, leave the material in the syringe or sample tube (cap), otherwise add to the above-mentioned transport medium
If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature!
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day. Sensitive bacteria may die if stored in the refrigerator!
Special features:

Use a syringe without air inclusion to detect anaerobic bacteria

Sample container:
sterile syringe,
universal swab with transport medium.
Hygienic hand disinfection and use of disposable gloves.
  • Labelling sample containers
  • Draw off the secretion from the existing drainage system using a sterile syringe or wipe off any secretion that escapes using a sterile swab
  • Close the sterile syringe with the cap provided or insert the swab into the transport medium
If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature!
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible, store the sample at room temperature for up to 24 hours.
Special features:
The examination of drainage secretions can provide valuable information on the presence of an infection in the drainage area. However, there is always a risk that germs from the patient's own flora, which colonise the (plastic) drainage as a biofilm, will be detected.
Sample container:
Universal sample beaker "Vanek beaker".
  • Hygienic hand disinfection and use of disposable gloves.
  • After carefully cleaning the genitals with soap and water, place the sample in a sterile collection container.
If possible immediately on the day of collection at room temperature!
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible, store the sample at room temperature for up to 24 hours.

If Neisseria gonorrhoeae is suspected, transport to the laboratory immediately.
PCR for Neisseria gonorrhoeae,Chlamydia trachomatis and Trichomonas vaginalis from swab or urine (preferably first stream urine) possible (special collection kit for PCR required).
For cultural detection of Ureaplasma spp. and Mycoplasma hominis use special transport media Mycoplasma/Ureaplasma culture medium (urea-arginine broth).

Sample container:
Universal sample tube with screw cap (blue cap).
Universal swab with transport medium.
  • Endoscopic or intraoperative collection of bile secretions, as well as from existing drainage systems (e.g. PTCD).
  • Aspiration of bile into a sterile sample container or swabbing of bile using a sterile swab, which is then placed in the transport medium.
If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature!
If immediate despatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next morning.
Special features:
Endoscopic collection harbours the risk of contamination with germs from the upper respiratory tract.


Sample container:
Sterile gastric juice tube with sodium phosphate solution.
Hygienic hand disinfection and use of disposable gloves.
  • Insert the probe into a nostril. Carefully advance the probe.
  • Allow the patient to swallow while advancing the tube quickly.
  • After reaching about 50 cm of the stomach (in adults)
  • Aspirate gastric juice (at least 2 ml) with a sterile 20 ml syringe
  • Transfer the fasting gastric secretion into the sterile tube with sodium phosphate solution
If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature! The sample must be transported in sterile, leak-proof sample containers.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible, store samples in the refrigerator at
2-8 °C for up to 24 hours.
Special features:
The submission of gastric juice is generally used to diagnose tuberculosis. For this purpose, the gastric juice must be placed in a gastric juice tube in which sodium phosphate solution has already been placed to buffer the gastric acid (available from the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene tel.: 65318 ).
It is important to ensure that certain minimum quantities of sample material are sent in.
To increase sensitivity, it is suggested that 3 samples be tested on 3 consecutive days.

The NALC-NaOH enrichment procedure for decontamination, homogenisation and enrichment of samples for cultural, microscopic and molecular biological detection is carried out from Monday to Friday. (Samples must arrive at the laboratory before 8 a.m., otherwise they will be processed the following day).


Sample container:
Universal sample beaker "Vanek beaker",
Urikult: Immersion culture medium

  • Hygienic hand disinfection and use of disposable gloves.
  • After thorough skin disinfection of the nipple, remove at least 2-10 ml of breast milk by pressure or using a suction pump
  • Transfer to a sterile collection container
  • If necessary, incubation is carried out on site: sending in the positive urine samples to determine the bacterial count and differentiate the pathogens.


If possible, refrigerate immediately on the day of collection!
After completion of the incubation period on the same day at room temperature.

If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible, store samples in the refrigerator at 2-8 °C for up to 24 hours.
Sample container:
Universal sample cup "Vanek cup",
Universal swab with transport medium
Thinner swabs with transport medium (orange lid) are also available.
  • Hygienic hand disinfection and use of disposable gloves. After cleaning the urethral orifice, the prostate is massaged from the rectum
  • Collect the exudate flowing out in a sterile container or, in the case of smaller quantities, collect the secretion with the swab and place it in the transport medium.
If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature!
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible, store the sample at room temperature for up to 24 hours.

Special features:
If Neisseria gonorrhoeae is suspected, transport to the laboratory immediately .
PCR for Neisseria gonorrhoeae,Chlamydia trachomatis and Trichomonas vaginalis from swabs or urine (preferably first stream urine) possible (special collection kit for PCR required).
For cultural detection of Ureaplasma spp. and Mycoplasma hominis use special transport media Mycoplasma/Ureaplasma culture medium (urea-arginine broth).

Sample container:
Sterile syringe
Universal sample tube with screw cap,
  • Intraoperative collection of secretions, puncture of the NNH with (possibly irrigation and) aspiration of secretions as part of an NNH operation
  • The syringe used for puncture and aspiration is then sealed with a screw cap and transported directly to the laboratory.
  • Alternatively, the aspirated fluid can also be placed in a universal sample tube with a screw cap.
  • If the sample cannot be sent to the laboratory IMMEDIATELY, it should be placed on a transport medium that is also suitable for anaerobic pathogens (e.g. Amies transport medium
In order to avoid the death of sensitive pathogens (e.g. pneumococci, anaerobes), the sample should be transported and the material should be set up as quickly as possible after the secretion has been removed. If transport times exceed 24 hours, the significance of the resulting microbiological findings is limited.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible, store the sample at room temperature for up to 24 hours.
Special features:
For an adequate microbiological examination of sinus secretions, material is required that is obtained either by puncturing the nasal cavity or intraoperatively during a surgical opening of the nasal cavity. Nasal lavage fluids or nasal swabs drained openly through the nose are not suitable for sinusitis diagnostics as they are contaminated with physiological nasal flora.
Sample container:
Tracheal suction set with collection container or
sterile tube with screw cap.
  • Put on disposable gloves.
  • Connect the suction catheter to the tracheal suction set.
  • Insert the sterile suction catheter into the trachea. As soon as resistance is reached, pull the catheter back 1 cm and then pull it out using suction
  • Close the tube.
Immediate dispatch of the samples to the laboratory at room temperature.
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if samples are taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next day. If stored in the refrigerator, sensitive bacteria such as Haemophilus spp. or pneumococci may die!
Sample container:
Universal swab with transport medium
Thinner swabs with transport medium (orange lid) are also available.
  • Best collected in the morning before the first micturition. Hygienic hand disinfection and use of disposable gloves
  • After carefully cleaning the urethral orifice with soap and water, the urethra is swabbed from back to front and the secretions are collected with the swab.
  • If no secretion appears, the swab is carefully pushed slightly forward into the urethra and slowly rotated.
  • Insert the swab into the transport medium
If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature!
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible, store the sample at room temperature for up to 24 hours.

Special features:

In case of V. a. Neisseria gonorrhoeaeimmediate transport to the laboratory. ZPCR for Neisseria gonorrhoeae,Chlamydia trachomatis and Trichomonas vaginalis from smear or urine (preferably first stream urine) possible (special collection kit for PCR required).
For cultural detection of Ureaplasma spp. and Mycoplasma hominis use special transport media Mycoplasma/Ureaplasma culture medium (urea-arginine broth).

Sample container:
Serum tube.
Hygienic hand disinfection and use of disposable gloves. Puncture usually in the crook of the elbow.
  • Stow above the sampling site
  • Spray on disinfectant and leave to work for at least 15 seconds. Do not touch after disinfection.
  • Tighten the skin during removal. The needle bevel points upwards.
  • Pierce the skin quickly at an angle of 30-40°
  • Withdraw 2-10 ml of blood, then swivel the tube slightly
  • Loosen the tourniquet before removing the needle. Press swab onto puncture site.
  • Note: never put the cap on the used needle! Dispose of the needle directly in a waste container.
If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature!
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample at room temperature until the next morning.
Sample container:
Universal sample tube with screw cap (blue lid).
Universal sample beaker "Vanek beaker".
Hygienic hand disinfection and use of disposable gloves.
  • Endoscopic insertion of a rubber or flexible plastic tube into the duodenum through the mouth or nose. Once the tube has been inserted into the stomach (up to the 50-60 cm mark), it is advanced further with the subject in the pelvic upright and right-sided position (up to the 70-80 cm mark).
  • After duodenal probing, aspirate duodenal juice and place samples in sterile tubes.
If possible, immediately on the day of collection within one hour at room temperature!
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible, store the sample at room temperature.
Special features:
Duodenal secretions should be analysed natively or as sediment for Giardia duodenalis (formerly lamblia) if there is persistent suspicion of infection in negative stool samples.
Sample container:
Sterile stool tube with spoon
Hygienic hand disinfection and use of disposable gloves.
  • Empty the faeces into a clean container or a freshly rinsed toilet bowl
  • Use the spoon contained in the transport container to remove an amount at least the size of a hazelnut and transfer it to the faeces tube.
  • Bloody, mucous or purulent portions should preferably be removed.
  • If additional parasitological or immunological examinations are planned, the stool container should be half full if possible. Stool portions should be taken from different localisations.


The sample should be transported at room temperature (2°C-25°C) on the day the sample is taken. If, in exceptional cases or at weekends, it is not possible to process the material within 24 hours of sampling, the material should be stored in a refrigerator at 2-8°C.

If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. if the sample is taken at night), store the sample in a refrigerator at 2-8 °C for up to 24 hours.

Special features:
For the detection of amoebae and Giardia duodenalis (lamblia), fresh stool (body-warm) should be sent in. Note: A molecular biological (PCR) method is available for this test. For sample transport, see above.
If typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever are suspected, the cultural examination of stools is only promising in the late stages of the disease. Therefore, always endeavour to detect the pathogen using blood cultures.

Sample container:
Universal sample cup "Vanek cup",
Boric acid tube
Suprapubic bladder puncture e.g. as part of a Cystofix system under strict adherence to sterile conditions!
  • Labelling sample containers
  • Palpation and percussion of the bladder. Sonographic assessment of the filling level. A suprapubic puncture may only be performed if the bladder is full.
  • Shaving and disinfecting the skin
  • Carry out hygienic hand disinfection, put on sterile gloves, then cover the lower abdomen with a sterile drape
  • 2 transverse fingers above the symphysis strictly in the midline, infiltration anaesthesia is administered with a 10 cm long needle, the needle is advanced into the bladder and urine is aspirated.
  • Puncture incision of the skin with a scalpel. Insertion of the puncture instrument through the incision site into the bladder
  • After puncturing the bladder, a tube is left in place as a cystostomy, remove the puncture needle
  • Skin suture and fixation of the catheter, sterile dressing, connection to closed urinary drainage system
  • Pour a portion of urine into a sterile urine container.
  • Transfer 10 ml of the urine into a sterile boric acid tube.
Sample container:
Universal sample beaker "Vanek beaker",
Boric acid tubes,


  • Labelling sample containers
  • Carry out hygienic hand disinfection and put on disposable gloves
  • Collect the urine via the corresponding collection point of the urine drainage system using a sterile syringe.
  • Pour the urine portion into a sterile urine container.

Transfer 10 ml of the urine into a sterile boric acid tube.

If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature!
Store urine in the boric acid tube for up to 24 hours at room temperature.
Special features:
When collecting permanent catheter urine, it is essential to ensure that the urine is freshly collected. Urine that has already been in the bag for some time should not be collected, as germs multiply in the urine bag!
Sample container:
Universal sample beaker (Vanek beaker)
Boric acid tubes
There are various catheter systems. As a rule, sizes of 14-18 Charierre are used.
  • Patient education
  • Labelling sample containers
  • Positioning the patient
  • Carry out hygienic hand disinfection and put on sterile gloves.
  • Spread out a sterile pad, pour disinfectant over the sterile swabs
  • Procedure for women: spread the labia with one hand. Disinfect the external genitalia with the soaked swabs in the direction of the perineum (outer and inner labia, urethral opening). The last swab is placed in the vaginal entrance. The spreading hand is left in place, the other hand grasps the catheter with the plastic sheath and pushes the already exposed end about 5 cm into the urethra. As soon as urine starts to flow out, do not push it in any further.
  • Procedure for men: Push the foreskin back behind the corona. One hand grasps the penis, the other hand disinfects the glans and the urethral opening. Insert the syringe with the lubricant into the urethral opening. Instillation of lubricant containing local anaesthetic into the urethra. Insert the catheter with sterile forceps about 10 cm until urine flows.
  • Pour the urine portion into a sterile urine container.
  • Transfer 10 ml of the urine into a sterile boric acid tube.
  • Remove the catheter by pulling gently
If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature!
Store the urine in the boric acid tube for up to 24 hours at room temperature.

Special features:
To detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 30 ml of first morning urine is required, to detect Schistosoma haematobium approx. 400 ml (collection time 3-4 hours) of early afternoon urine (highest egg excretion at this time).
In the case of leucocyturia without significant bacteriuria, urethritis or atypical pathogens, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, should be considered.

Sample vessel:

Boric acid tube

Universal sample cup "Vanek cup"

Collection in the morning before urinating.

  • Label the sample containers
  • Carry out hygienic hand disinfection and put on disposable gloves
  • Careful cleaning of the ostium urethrae: for men, pull back the foreskin and clean the glans penis twice with water; for women: clean the vulva (twice with water, swab or cloth from front to back, do not use disinfectant solutions or soap)
  • Collect the first stream of urine in a sterile urine container for the culture test (volume 2-30 ml depending on the test requirements, see below)
  • Transfer 10 ml of the urine into a sterile boric acid tube.
If possible immediately at room temperature!

Store urine samples in boric acid tubes for up to 24 hours at room temperature


Special features:
If urogenital tuberculosis is suspected , morning first-jet urine (at least 30 ml) is absolutely preferable to mid-jet urine, as the pathogens collect in the urine overnight!
PCR for Neisseria gonorrhoeae,Chlamydia trachomatis and Trichomonas vaginalis from swabs or urine (preferably first stream urine) is possible (special collection kit for PCR required).
Freshly collected first stream urine (activity urine) is used to detect Schistosoma haematobium. first stream urine (activity urine) or 24-hour collected urine can be used. At least 10 ml of urine should be collected. The best results are achieved if the urine is collected between 12 noon and 2 p.m. and after major physical exertion (patients climbing stairs).

Sample container:
Boric acid tubes
Universal sample beaker "Vanek beaker"
  • Carry out hygienic hand disinfection and put on disposable gloves
  • Disconnect the PCN tube from the urine bag and disinfect the end of the tube, then withdraw the urine directly from the PCN using a sterile 10 ml syringe.
  • If there is a valve for urine collection on the urine bag tube, this is also disinfected and inserted into the valve with a sterile 10 ml syringe and attached cannula and the urine in the urine bag tube is withdrawn.
  • Transfer 10 ml of urine into a sterile boric acid tube.
If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature!

Store urine in the boric acid tube for up to 24 hours at room temperature

Special features:
In the case of leucocyturia without significant bacteriuria, atypical pathogens such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis should be considered.

Sample container:
Boric acid tubes
Universal sample beaker "Vanek beaker"

  • Collection best in the morning, before urinating.
  • Labelling sample containers
  • Carry out hygienic hand disinfection and put on disposable gloves
  • Careful cleaning of the ostium urethrae: for men, strip back the foreskin and clean the glans penis twice with water; for women: clean the vulva (twice with water, swab or cloth from front to back, do not use disinfectant solutions or soap)
  • Discard the first stream of urine, collect the next portion of urine in a sterile urine container for cultural examination
  • Transfer 10 ml of urine into a boric acid tube.
If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature!
Store urine in the boric acid tube for up to 24 hours at room temperature.

Special features:
Midstream urine is the standard test material for the diagnosis of bacterial urinary tract infections.

If urogenital tuberculosis(Mycobacterium tuberculosis) or bladderschistosomiasis (Schistosoma spp.) is suspected, please send in first stream urine as native urine!

PCR for Neisseria gonorrhoeae,Chlamydia trachomatis and Trichomonas vaginalis from smear or urine (preferably first stream urine) possible (special collection kit for PCR required).

In the case of leucocyturia without significant bacteriuria, urethritis or atypical pathogens, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, should be considered.

Sample container:
Universal sample cup "Vanek cup"
Boric acid tubes
Collection best in the morning, before urination or 4 hours after the last micturition:
  • Label sample containers
  • Carry out hygienic hand disinfection and put on disposable gloves
  • Collection of first stream urine, midstream urine, bladder puncture urine or disposable catheter urine, depending on the examination requirements.
  • Transfer 10 ml of urine into a boric acid tube.
If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature!


Store urine in the boric acid tube for up to 24 hours at room temperature.

Special features:
Midstream urine is the standard test material for the diagnosis of a bacterial urinary tract infection.
Morning first stream urine (at least 30 ml) is absolutely preferable to midstream urine if urogenital tuberculosisis suspected, as the pathogens collect in the urine overnight!

For the detection of Schistosoma haematobium, freshly collected single urine (activity urine) or 24-hour urine collection. At least 10 ml of urine should be collected. The best results The best results are obtained if the urine is collected between 12 noon and 2 p.m. and after major physical exertion (patients climbing stairs).
In the case of leucocyturia without significant bacteriuria, urethritis or atypical pathogens, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, should be considered.

PCR for Neisseria gonorrhoeae,Chlamydia trachomatis and Trichomonas vaginalis from smear or urine (preferably first stream urine) possible (special collection kit for PCR required)

Sample container:
Universal sample beaker "Vanek beaker", or
Collection best in the morning
  • Labelling sample containers
  • Collection of disposable catheter urine, bladder puncture urine or midstream urine
  • Pour the urine portion into a sterile urine container and wet the urine culture. To do this, immerse the agar-coated slide completely in the urine, remove it and allow the urine to drain. Return the slide to the original container.
If possible, immediately on the day of collection at room temperature!
If immediate dispatch to the laboratory is not possible (e.g. in the case of nocturnal collection), store the urine at room temperature.
Special features:
In the case of leucocyturia without significant bacteriuria, urethritis or atypical pathogens, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, should be considered.


List of services according to infectious diseases

Incidence and pathogen spectrum:
Brucellosis is an anthropozoonosis. Brucella are found in particular in the urogenital tract of cattle(B. abortus), pigs(B. suis), goats and sheep(B. melitensis). There they cause inflammation of the placenta, resulting in abortion and sterility. A chronic infection can develop with lifelong persistence of the pathogens with long-lasting excretion in the milk.

Around 500,000 Brucella infections in humans are recorded worldwide every year. Infections caused by B. abortus have almost disappeared in Germany thanks to effective control measures. In Germany, infections mainly occur through the consumption of imported and non-pasteurised dairy products from countries where brucellosis is still endemic (Mediterranean region). These are mostly "imported" diseases from migrant workers and holiday travellers. Due to exposure, endemic brucellosis is mainly found in farmers, butchers, veterinarians, dairy and slaughterhouse workers. Brucella are excreted from infected animals in milk (the most important transmission route for humans), urine, faeces or with the placenta during birth or abortion. There is no transmission from person to person.

The incubation period is 1 week to several months. After prodromal symptoms such as fatigue, moderate fever, headache and aching limbs, infections with B. melitensis lead to a rapid rise in temperature of up to 40 °C (typically an undulating fever with profuse sweating). In the organ manifestation stage, hepatosplenomegaly, icterus and lymphadenopathy occur. The symptoms can recur over a period of months. Relatively frequent complications are arthritis and spondylitis (affecting the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae), manifestations in the urogenital tract (orchitis, epididymitis), neurological deficits (peripheral neuritis, meningoencephalitis) and manifestations in the heart.
The lethality of untreated disease is approx. 2 %.
Human infections with B. abortus are often mild or inapparent.
Test material:
Blood cultures
Biopsies (lymph nodes)
Punctates (bone marrow)
Basic diagnostics:
A cultural and serological pathogen detection is performed.
For the examination for Brucella spp. a specific examination request should be made in case of clinical suspicion, as the blood cultures and other culture media must be incubated longer than usual!
Further diagnostics:
There is no standard procedure or specific limit values for susceptibility testing of Brucella spp. For this reason and due to the high infectivity of the pathogen, resistance testing in our laboratory is not carried out.
B. melitensis is categorised as a safety level 3 pathogen in accordance with the German Ordinance on Biological Agents. Due to the risk of laboratory infections, please make a corresponding note on the request if there is a clinical indication of brucellosis (food, occupational, travel history)!
Obligation to report illness and death.
Incidence and pathogen spectrum:
Malaria is widespread in tropical countries worldwide, although the distribution areas of the individual malaria pathogens differ. Every year, around 0.5 to 2 million people die from malaria, 80-90% of them in tropical Africa. Around 1000 cases are imported to Germany every year, of which around 30 are fatal. Clinically, malaria is a febrile illness with chills. It has an incubation period of at least 5 days. Malaria tropica is often very severe and is often accompanied by complications such as anaemia, jaundice, kidney failure, CNS involvement and pulmonary oedema. Malaria tertiana and malaria quartana are milder diseases that are mainly characterised by recurrent fever attacks. In malaria tertiana, the pathogens can persist in the liver for decades and lead to frequently recurring fever attacks.

All forms of malaria are caused by protozoa of the genus Plasmodium. There are four human pathogenic species: Plasmodium falciparum (causative agent of malaria tropica), P. malariae (causative agent of malaria quartana), P. ovale and P. vivax (causative agent of malaria tertiana). In Southeast Asia, malaria caused by Plasmodium knowlesi can occur in rare cases. The plasmodia are transmitted to humans via the bite of infected mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles. They multiply in humans first in the liver and later in the erythrocytes after release from the liver. They form rings in the erythrocytes. These develop via trophozoites into multinucleated schizonts, which are released again when the erythrocytes burst (this leads clinically to anaemia). They develop further in the blood into sexual forms(gametocytes) or can infect new erythrocytes. During a mosquito bite, the gametocytes are again ingested by Anopheles mosquitoes, and the cycle is completed by further development in the mosquito's intestine.

The different Plasmodium species can be differentiated morphologically in the blood smear. It is particularly important to recognise P. falciparum, as the immediate treatment of malaria tropica can be life-saving.

Test material:
EDTA blood,
Native blood (at least 1 ml)
(serum is not suitable for the detection of acute malaria!)
The blood should be taken to the microbiological laboratory as quickly as possible.

Basic diagnostics:
If malaria is requested, the rapid test (RIDA MalaQuick Kombi) is carried out. The rapid test detects antigens of P. falciparum (detection of HRP-2) and P. ovale and P. vivax (detection of aldolase).

In addition, microscopic detection of the plasmodia is always carried out in the blood smear and in the thick drop (after Giemsa staining). The different types of plasmodia are also differentiated and, in the case of malaria tropica, the parasitaemia is quantified.

Antibody detection can be carried out at the National Reference Centre for Tropical Infectious Pathogens to clarify a previous infection with plasmodia.
However, serology is not suitable for acute detection!

Outside laboratory opening hours , the rapid test is carried out in the Clinical Chemistry Department. For microscopic detection, the test material is forwarded promptly (the following day) to the microbiology department.

Incidence and pathogen spectrum

Sepsis is defined as a systemic inflammatory reaction to an infection, whereby microorganisms usually enter the bloodstream from a focus, either constantly or periodically, and cause metastases or damage to other organs.
The majority of sepsis cases are caused by bacteria, but fungal infections also play a role in immunocompromised patients. The spectrum of bacterial pathogens varies greatly depending on the patient's immune status, the underlying disease and the location of the sepsis site (see Table 1).
Overall, gram-positive germs account for around 50 % and gram-negative germs for around 40 % of pathogens. The remaining 10 % of sepsis cases are caused by mixed bacterial infections (8 %) and fungi (2 %). Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci make up the majority of gram-positive pathogens, while E. coli is by far the most frequently detected gram-negative pathogen (see Table 2).
However, it should be noted that sepsis pathogens can only be detected in around 70% of patients. The differentiation of contaminants is of particular relevance.

Test material:
The primary aim should be to detect the pathogen from the blood. This should involve inoculating 2-4 pairs of blood cultures (each BK bottle aerobic and anaerobic) with approx. 10 ml of venous blood.
The blood should be collected strictly aseptically, if possible before initiating antimicrobial therapy at different puncture sites. If possible, peripheral blood should not be taken from brown needles or other indwelling venous catheters, as this can easily lead to contamination of the blood culture and a positive blood culture can be faked. If catheter sepsis is suspected, samples should be taken from the central line (CVC, port) at the same time.

Blood culture bottles should be transported to the laboratory within 24 hours.
Blood culture bottles should be stored at room temperature until arrival at the laboratory, not in an incubator!
Special bottles (Becton Dickinson Ped) for 1-3 ml should be used for small children.

If there are clinical indications of a source of infection, specific material should be obtained:

  • Wound swabs,
  • abscess punctate,
  • joint punctate,
  • tracheal secretion,
  • midstream urine,
  • faeces etc..

If there is no evidence of a source of infection, urine and, if possible, sputum should always be analysed due to the frequency of urinary tract infections.
Test material from primarily sterile body compartments (e.g. punctates) can be inoculated into a blood culture bottle for diagnosis; other swabs, drainage and secretions from the respiratory or gastrointestinal tract should be sent to the laboratory in their native state in an appropriate transport container as quickly as possible.
Basic diagnostics:
As part of basic diagnostics, the request "Pathogens and resistance" on the request form is sufficient. The blood cultures are incubated in the automated incubator for 5 days. If the device gives a positive signal, the grown bacteria are first differentiated microscopically and then cultivated on enrichment and selective culture media for species differentiation and resistance testing. An antibiotic resistance test is usually available at the latest 48 hours after notification of the microscopic findings. In the case of the growth of fast-growing bacteria such as enterobacteria and S. aureus, a resistance test is usually available after 24 hours.

If there are already indications of an infection with difficult-to-cultivate, very slow-growing bacteria (e.g. brucella) in the medical history or clinic, this should be checked for the presence of antibiotics. Brucella), this should be noted on the request form so that the blood cultures are incubated for longer than 5 days and, if necessary, special culture media are used for pathogen cultivation.

The examination of materials from sepsis samples should be carried out according to the usual diagnostic standards. For urine, punctates, tracheal secretions etc., the requirement "pathogen and resistance" is usually sufficient.
Further diagnostics:
If no sepsis pathogens can be isolated in the usual blood culture and focal examination, rarer pathogens or pathogens that can only be cultivated under special conditions should also be included in the diagnostics, depending on the patient history and clinical picture. This applies in particular to patients with immunosuppression and a history of travelling abroad or to tropical countries.

If sepsis caused by fungi is suspected, antigen detection in serum for Candida, Aspergillus and Cryptococcus can also be carried out in addition to culture on special fungal culture plates.
With these antigen tests, however, it should be noted that some of the commercially available tests only have a sensitivity of 60-90% and therefore a negative test does not rule out fungaemia. A urine antigen test is also recommended to clarify septicaemia induced by Legionella or pneumococci.
If a so-called Landouzy septicaemia caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex is suspected, culture citrated blood. If the microscopic preparation in respiratory secretions is positive, nucleic acid detection by PCR can also be attempted.
In the case of previous stays in the tropics, septic diseases such as malaria (request thick drops and smear), typhoid fever (blood culture) etc. should also be considered.

The interpretation of blood culture results in the clinical context plays a special role in clarifying the question of significant bacteraemia.

The following in particular indicates contamination of the blood culture during collection:
  • Detection of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) in only one of several blood culture bottles,
  • Detection of several different NSCs with different antibiograms in one or more blood culture bottles,
  • Detection of corynebacteria or propionibacteria, especially after prolonged incubation. Therefore, always send at least two independent blood culture pairs for diagnosis.

Table 1: Pathogen spectrum depending on the form of sepsis (examples):
Form of sepsisMost common pathogens
UrosepsisE. coli and other enterobacteria
Venous catheter sepsisCoagulase-negative staphylococci
Staphylococcus aureus
Postoperative wound sepsisS. aureus
S. pyogenes
(often mixed flora!)
E. coli and other enterobacteria
Anaerobes (Bacteroides, cocci)
Puerperal septicaemiaStreptococcus pyogenes
Enterogenic septicaemia
(often mixed flora!)
Salmonella spp.
Campylobacter spp.
Yersinia spp.
Sepsis in immunocompromised patientsEnterobacteria
Pseudomonas spp.
Nosocomial pathogens

Incidence and pathogen spectrum:

Incidence and pathogen spectrum:
Diarrhoea is the most common symptom of an infection of the gastrointestinal tract.
The most common causes of community-acquired gastroenteritis in Germany are





E. coli (e.g. EHEC)

Other important enteritis pathogens and their characteristics are listed below (see table).
However, an infection should not be assumed per se, as diarrhoea also occurs in many non-infectious conditions (e.g. drug side effects).

The most common cause of nosocomial or antibiotic-associated colitis is Clostridioides difficile (formerly Clostridium difficile).

Examination material:
The amount of stool sent in should be about the size of a hazelnut. Parasites are not evenly distributed in the intestine, but sit in nests in the intervillous spaces or in diverticula of the large intestine. It is therefore advisable to stir the stool with the collection spoon before taking the sample. The stool sample should then be taken from different places.

Basic diagnostics requirement for bacterial gastroenteritis pathogens

A multiplex PCR is carried out, which includes the following pathogens:




Campylobacter and


If received by 11 a.m., the test is carried out on the same day; if the result is positive, the culture is followed by a resistance test.

Further diagnostics:
Further, additional diagnostics are required in the case of specific anamnestic information or specific findings:



Most common pathogens

Bloody diarrhoea after administration of antibiotics (in the last 4 weeks)

C. difficile toxin gene PCR

Special request

Clostridioides difficile toxin;

Clostridioides difficile culture in case of treatment failure and recurrences

Persistent enteritis/enterocolitis for more than 3 weeks

Parasite PCR

C. difficile toxin gene PCR

Entamoeba histolytica (amoebae), Giardia duodenalis(lamblia), Clostridioides difficile toxin

Enteritis/enterocolitis after a stay abroad

Parasite PCR

Standard PCR


Entamoeba histolytica (amoebae), Giardia duodenalis (lamblia);


Cyclospora cayetanensis

Appendicitis symptoms

Standard PCR

Yersinia enterocolitica

Febrile enteritis and bloody stools

Standard PCR

Parasite PCR

Worm eggs micr.

EHEC, Campylobacter jejuni,

Entamoeba histolytica (amoebae),

Balantidium coli

Watery stool (stay abroad) or stay in endemic areas

Parasite PCR

"Traveller returnee" PCR

Worm eggs micr.

Special requirement

Facultative enteropathogenic E.

Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium

Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Plesiomonas shigelloides,

Blastocystis hominis,

Vibrio cholera

Aeromonas hydrophila

Leukopenia: control of antibiotic prophylaxis

Pathogen culture and resistance (includes a rough quantitative determination of the bacterial count and the pathogen spectrum. A resistance test is carried out for pure cultures of gram-negative germs and S. aureus )

Symptoms occur shortly after a meal

Ingestion of toxins (no stool diagnostics)

Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Aeromonas

NEC in premature/newborn babies

C. perfringens

Clostridium perfringens

Incidence and spectrum of pathogens:
Endophthalmitis is a severe infection of the eye chamber and intraocular tissues/skins (uvea, retina). Typical symptoms are impaired vision, pain, eyelid oedema, conjunctival injection, iridocyclitis and hypopyon. Symptoms usually occur within 72 hours of iatrogenic or traumatic injury to the eye if the cause is bacterial. The most common complication is blindness in the affected eye.

A distinction is made between post-operative endophthalmitis, post-traumatic endophthalmitis and endogenous (haematogenous, per continuitatem e.g. after keratitis) endophthalmitis depending on the causal relationship. In all three forms, bacteria are the most frequently isolated pathogens.

Typically, the following are found in

  • post-operative endophthalmitis:

S. aureus, KNS, streptococci, pseudomonads, Acinetobacter and enterobacteria, moulds, Propionibacterium (if the course is protracted).

  • post-traumatic endophthalmitis:

Bacillus spp, Clostridia, KNS, gram-negative rods, moulds (injuries with plant material), streptococci (especially in children).

  • Endogenous endophthalmitis:

S. aureus, Candida spp. Aspergillus spp. Enterobacteriaceae, pneumococci, Haemophilus spp, Neisseria meningitidis, Mucorales (derived from ENT area).

Material collection and dispatch:
  • Examination material are eye chamber punctates or bioptates obtained under sterile conditions, paracentesis fluid and fragments of any vitrectomy. For transport, leave liquid samples in the syringe with the cap on. Place solid samples in Amies transport medium, transport tubes upright at room temperature to the laboratory as quickly as possible.
  • If immediate transport to the laboratory is not possible, enrichment broths are available in the operating theatre of the eye clinic, into which part of the sample can also be inoculated under sterile conditions.

  • To compare the test results with the conjunctival flora present at the same time, a conjunctival swab is taken using universal swabs (before the application of eye drops containing antibiotics!).

  • The materials must be stored at RT for a maximum of 24 hours before processing.
Basic diagnostics:
Pathogens and resistance
Targeted diagnostics:
If there is a clinical indication of failed microorganisms (actinomycetes, mycobacteria, Aspergillus spp. and other hyaline moulds, Mucor spp. and other zygomycetes), a targeted request should be made.
Notification of findings:
  • Every microscopically or culturally positive result is immediately communicated by telephone.
  • If the culture result is negative, a final report is sent to the sending clinic after 2 days of incubation. The report contains the comment that incubation will be continued and that further notification will be sent in the event of a positive result.
  • In the case of specific examination requirements (e.g. mycobacteria), the period until notification of the findings may take several weeks.
Incidence and pathogen spectrum:
Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva due to infectious, physical or allergic causes.
Typical bacterial pathogens of conjunctivitis with and without blepharitis as well as dacryoadenitis and dacryocystitis are:
S. aureus, ß-hemolytic streptococci, S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis, P. aeruginosa, various enterobacteriaceae and Chlamydia trachomatis.

Rarely, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, N. meningitidis, S. epidermidis, L. monocytogenes, Actinomyces spp,M. tuberculosis and others.

Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea usually triggered by local injury and consecutive infection. The spectrum of pathogens also includes fungi (Candida, Aspergillus). Other pathogens to be considered are viruses (mostly adenoviruses, HSV, VZV, rarely also CMV, measles and rubella virus) and, more rarely, protozoa (microsporidia, acanthamoeba).

Tests for acanthamoeba are generally only useful for contact lens keratitis, but not for non-specific eye inflammation.
Examination material:
Eye swab
Corneal swab
Corneal scraping
Basic diagnostics:
Pathogens are detected by culture.
In the case of slow-growing and/or rare pathogens (e.g. Actinomyces spp., mycobacteria, fungi), a specific examination request should be made, as the culture media must be incubated for longer than usual!
Further diagnostics:
Virological diagnostics (e.g. in cases of herpes simplex keratitis, zoster ophthalmicus, adenoviruses in keratoconjunctivitis epidemica) are carried out in the virology department.
Serological detection methods are required to detect or exclude an infection caused by Toxoplasma gondii or Toxocara canis (external examination).

For the cultural detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a specific examination order for gonococci should be made, as special culture media are used for cultivation! Gonococci die very quickly in the environment and are very sensitive to cold. It is therefore necessary to transport the sample to the laboratory immediately.

For DNA detection of N. gonorrhoeae and/or Chlamydia trachomatis using PCR, a special swab kit is required, which can be ordered from the hospital pharmacy.

Due to the rarity of acanthamoeba keratitis, a bacterial or viral infection should be ruled out prior to acanthamoeba diagnostics.

Incidence and pathogen spectrum:
The most common pathogens in catheter-associated infections are CNS (coagulase-negative staphylococci), S. aureus, enterococci, gram-negative rod bacteria (e.g. E. coli) and Candida spp. Rarer pathogens (e.g. atypical mycobacteria or anaerobes) are increasingly found in immunocompromised patients. The diagnosis of "catheter-associated sepsis" requires not only pathogen detection at the catheter tip and a blood culture, but also clinically manifest symptoms of infection (fever, chills or hypotension). Otherwise, one only speaks of colonisation/colonisation of the catheter.

A distinction is made between vascular catheters for short-term use (single or multi-lumen silicone or polyurethane catheters) and those for longer-term use (usually surgically implanted, tunneled, such as port, hickman catheters). Short-term catheters are usually colonised by skin microorganisms that grow along the puncture site on the outside of the catheter towards the tip, while long-term catheters are more likely to be primarily contaminated by the catheter hub. In all patients with vascular catheters, but especially in surgically implanted catheters or in patients in whom removal of the catheter is almost impossible (e.g. coagulation problems in CMT patients, no further vascular accesses), the determination of the DTTP (differential time to positivity) can provide information as to whether a catheter-associated infection is likely. This involves determining the time difference between the positive blood cultures taken peripherally and centrally from the catheter. The prerequisite for this is the simultaneous collection of peripheral and central blood cultures from the same amount of blood. There is also the option of antibiotic lock therapy.

Test material:
CVC tip in Vanek cup

Falcon tube

Blood cultures (central and peripheral)

Basic diagnostics:
The most common method is the semi-quantitative method according to Maki, whereby the catheter tip is rolled over a blood agar plate. The number of colony forming units (CFU) is counted. If > 15 colonies are detected, the pathogen is considered significant.
Further diagnostics:
As catheter-associated infections are usually accompanied by bacteraemia, blood cultures should always be taken at the same time as the catheter tip. The detection of an identical pathogen from both the catheter tip and a blood culture taken from the periphery is considered evidence of a catheter-associated infection or bacteraemia as opposed to catheter colonisation alone.
To determine the DTTP (differential time to positivity), it is necessary to note the exact time of collection of the blood cultures. Provided that the samples were taken at the same time, patients with catheter-associated infections show a positive result in cultures taken centrally from the catheter > 2 hours earlier than in the peripherally taken culture.


Incidence and pathogen spectrum:
Wound infections can occur as a result of trauma (outpatient) or nosocomial.

S. aureus is the most common pathogen of community-acquired wound infections. Enterobacteriaceae (especially after penetrating trauma), Clostridium spp. and Bacteroides fragilis and Bacillus spp. are also found in contaminated wounds.

Mixed infections involving Gram-negative rods and anaerobes are frequently found in ulcerating wounds due to circulatory disorders.

In rare cases, contamination with brackish water leads to wound infection with Aeromonas hydrophila or Vibrio vulnificus after exposure to salt water. Rapidly progressive courses with accompanying cellulitis and myositis are observed. Occasionally, severe chronic courses due to fungal infestation (Zygomycetes or Aspergillus spp.) or ubiquitous mycobacteria are also observed, particularly in immunocompromised patients.

Due to the particularities of the pathogen spectrum, the type of bite injury (human bite, dog bite, cat bite, etc.) and risk factors should be reported to the microbiologist.etc.) and risk factors for certain infections (immunosuppression, diabetes mellitus, hepatopathies, post-splenectomy, transplants, steroid therapy and stays abroad) should be reported to the microbiologist.

The following table summarises some characteristic pathogens in typical wound localisation:
Infected animal bitePasteurella multocida, Streptococcus intermedius, Actinobacillus spp, Eikenella corrodens, Capnocytophage spp.
Infection of the handS. aureus, Mycobacterium marinum,
Sporothrix schenckii
Postoperative wound infectionEnterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas spp., Acinetobacter spp. etc.
Necrotising, ulcerating wound infectionNocardia, Actinomyces
Slowly progressive wound infectionubiquitous mycobacteria
BurnsPseudomonas aeruginosa
Scratch marks caused by catsBartonella henselae

Primarily "clean" nosocomial wound infections are often caused by staphylococci or streptococci. Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, enterococci and anaerobes are also found after gastrointestinal and genitourethral procedures.

In immunocompromised patients, especially after a transplant, the wound may be colonised by rarer pathogens in addition to staphylococci and enterobacteriaceae. These include in particular viruses (HSV, VZV, papilloma virus), fungi(Candida spp., dermatophytes) and Mycobacterium chelonae.

A wound inspection can provide additional information about the causative pathogens. A putrid odour is found, for example, in anaerobes or enterococci, while Pseudomonas spp. often has a sweet odour.

Test material - basic diagnostics:
Wound swab / wound secretion for pathogens and resistance:
Under aseptic conditions, wound secretions should be obtained from the edge or depth of the wound using a universal swab with transport medium or by puncture (transport in a closed container).
All containers mentioned should be transported at room temperature and must arrive at the laboratory within 24 hours.

Test material - further diagnostics:
  • Suspected anaerobes : A foul odour, crepitation, possible contamination with fecal flora or necrotic tissue are indications of infection by anaerobes(Actino myces , Bacteroides, Clostridiu m spp.). If anaerobes are suspected, smears or tissue samples should be transported in Amies transport medium . Liquid materials (e.g. pus) should be transported in a container without air inclusion, e.g. a sterile syringe, for the detection of anaerobes. Also request a Gram preparation.
  • Wound infection with sepsis: If there are signs of a systemic infection, e.g. fever, blood cultures must also be taken. For this purpose, 2-3 pairs of blood cultures (aerobic and anaerobic) should be inoculated with 5-10 ml of venous blood. If possible, the blood should not be taken from catheters, brown needles or similar, as contamination can easily occur and a positive blood culture can be faked. The bottles should generally be transported to the laboratory within 24 hours.
  • Infected burn wounds and chronic, ulcerating wound infections can be colonised by different germs at different depths. The microbiological examination of a biopsy, which includes all skin structures, is helpful for the exact determination of the infection status. Although pathogen detection is usually successful, this may be due to contamination or superinfection. The following table compares infectious agents with common contaminants:
Infectious agentsCommon contaminants
Staphylococcus aureusCoagulase-negative staphylococci
Streptococcus pyogenesCorynebacterium spp.
Streptococcus agalactiaeBacillus spp.
ß-hemolytic streptococci C and GSprout fungi
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Candida albicans

Chronic and/or ulcerating wound infection: If this is suspected, specific tests for mycobacteria, Nocardia, Actinomyces or dermatophytes, for example, should also be sought (specific test request required).
In case of doubt, the microbiologist should be consulted before obtaining samples

  • Acute wound infection with significant clinical progression, e.g.

suspected gas gangrene ( Clostridium spp.) or
necrotising fasciitis (S. pyogenes) or

request a Gram preparation from a wound swab or punctate in addition to the basic diagnosis

Incidence and pathogen spectrum:

Humans are the only reservoir of C. diphtheriae. Human infection is usually aerogenic, in the case of skin infections also by smear infection. However, up to 5 % of those exposed become asymptomatic carriers (especially on the skin) without falling ill and thus become a reservoir in non-epidemic times. The incidence of diphtheria has become rare in Germany due to the recommended active immunisation (< 10 cases per year). Due to a certain vaccination fatigue and decline in vaccination protection, there are repeated warnings of the risk of epidemic occurrence of the disease.

Diphtheria is caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Four biotypes are known: gravis, intermedius, mitis and belfanti. Closely related to C. diphtheriae are C. ulcerans and C. pseudotuberculosis, which can also cause a diphtheria-like illness.

C. diphtheriae causes an infection of the upper respiratory tract and also toxic symptoms of the heart, nerves and kidneys due to transmission of the toxin (a phage-encoded A-B toxin). In the case of pharyngeal diphtheria, the formation of pseudomembranous clots, which lead to bleeding when detached and have a sweet odour, is typical, while in the case of nasal diphtheria a bloody-serous rhinitis predominates. Toxic symptoms can occur either in the early stages of the disease (primary toxic course) or only after a few weeks (secondary toxic course) in the form of myocarditis, cranial nerve palsies, peripheral neuritis, etc. Skin diphtheria is usually clinically characterised by a necrotising skin lesion. The lethality of the disease is high due to the toxic effects.
In addition to the typical diphtheria disease described above, invasive diseases (endocarditis, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, etc.) caused by non-toxigenic C. diphtheriae strains occur, particularly in drug and alcohol abusers.
Test material:
Throat swab, nasal swab, tonsil swab, skin swab, other swabs from infected areas (several swabs if possible, before administering antibiotics or antitoxin!); throat and tonsil swabs are best taken from under the pseudomembranes by holding them up with tweezers. A piece of the pseudomembranes should also be sent in a sterile container for diagnosis. If skin diphtheria is suspected, a nasal and throat swab should always be taken in order to determine the pathogen carrier status.
The pathogen can only be cultivated from blood cultures in rare invasive diseases. In typical diphtheria, the systemic effects are based solely on the spread of the toxin and not on bacterial invasion.
It is advisable to take a serum sample at the same time to determine the patient's vaccination status.
Basic diagnostics:

A suspected case of diphtheria should always be documented on the request form and the microbiologist on duty should always be informed by telephone before the sample is received!

As corynebacteria are part of the physiological flora of the skin and mucous membranes, special selective and special nutrient media must be inoculated in the laboratory in addition to universal nutrient media. It is therefore essential to specifically test for Corynebacterium diphtheriae!
Further diagnostics:
A PCR test to detect the diphtheria toxin gene is carried out in our laboratory from microscopically conspicuous primary materials and when suspicious colonies grow on the culture media. PCR-positive isolates are sent to the diphtheria cosiliary laboratory for detection of toxin production using the Elek test.
These further tests do not require a separate request from the sender, but are carried out automatically as part of the diagnostic procedure in suspected cases of diphtheria.

Due to the severity of the disease and the special requirements for isolating the pathogen, the microbiologist on duty should always be informed by telephone before the sample is received!

Incidence and spectrum of pathogens:
Ear infections include acute and chronic otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear) and otitis externa (inflammation of the outer ear and auditory canal).
  • Otitis externa (inflammation of the outer ear and auditory canal)

Otitis externa can be divided into four categories, each with different typical pathogenic agents:

1) Acute localised otitis externa: clinically impressive as a pustule, boil or erysipelas,
S. aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes

2) Acute diffuse otitis externa (= Swimmer's ear): Diffuse inflammation, occurs particularly in humid, warm climates/environments,

P. aerugino sa, other Gram-negative rods

3) Chronic otitis externa: Mostly caused by drainage of secretions from the middle ear with a damaged eardru m,
Pneumoco cci, Haemophilus influenzae and othe r pat



f otit

is media (see below), rare pathogens:

P. aerugino sa, other Gram-negative rods


M. tuberculosis, M. leprae, Treponema pallidum

4) Malignant (invasive) otitis externa: Necrotising infection of the auditory canal, frequently occurring in diabetes mellitus.
P. aeruginosa

  • Otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear)

Otitis media is defined as an accumulation of fluid in the middle ear (in the tympanic cavity) associated with clinical symptoms. It is one of the most common infections in childhood.

1. Acute otitis media
Typical pathogens:Streptococcus pneumoniae
Haemophilus influenzae
Moraxella catarrhalis
Streptococcus pyogenes
Staphylococcus aureus
(approx. 40 %)
(approx. 30 %)
(approx. 30 %)

S. aureus, coagulase-negative staphylococci and enterobacteria are more common in newborns!

2. Chronic otitis media:
Typical pathogens:Pseudomonas aeruginosa
S. aureus

Alloiococcus otitidis
Turicella otitidis

Anaerobes (Peptostreptococcus, Bacteroides, Prevotella)

Chlamydia pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, MOTT and Nocardia are also described as rare pathogens.
Moulds(Aspergillus spp. etc.) also play an important pathogenetic role.
Expected contamination germs The normal flora of the external ear and auditory canal corresponds to the normal flora of the skin. In particular, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Corynebacterium spp., propionibacteria, greening streptococci and Candida (especially C. parapsilosis) are present. S. aureus can also be part of the normal flora, but it is always differentiated and tested in our laboratory as it is also a significant pathogenic germ.
The middle ear is physiologically sterile or minimally colonised by flora from the upper respiratory tract (by migration through the Eustachian tube)
Examination material:
Ear swabs (including ear canal swabs and tympanic membrane swabs)
Also aspirates, punctates and biopsies from the middle ear
Basic diagnostics:
The aim should always be to detect pathogens by culture, as this usually also enables the bacteria to be tested for resistance.
The standard examination requirement "pathogen culture and resistance" is sufficient as a basic diagnostic test in cases of otitis media and otitis externa and includes the detection of the pathogens described above. A selective medium for the detection of fungi (in particular Aspergillus spp. and Candida spp.) is also routinely used.
Further diagnostics:
If infection is suspected but the culture results are negative, further swabs should be taken and, if necessary, invasive test material should be taken.
If otitis is present but there is no evidence of bacterial or fungal pathogens, a viral origin of the otitis should be considered and appropriate diagnostics carried out. Viral pathogens include, in particular, herpes simplex virus and varicella zoster virus.
Incidence and spectrum of pathogens:
Throat infections as inflammatory reactions in the oropharynx include pharyngitis and tonsillitis, which usually present together as tonsillopharyngitis.
There are also rarer special forms, such as angina Plaut-Vincent, which is caused by anaerobes, in particular fusobacteria and spirochaetes. Fusobacteria and spirochaetes, retropharyngeal abscesses and diphtheria.

Tonsillopharyngitis is one of the most common reasons for consulting a general practitioner or ENT specialist, especially in childhood. It peaks at the age of 4-7 years and usually occurs seasonally in the colder months of the year.

Table 1 (see below) provides an overview of the most common pathogens causing tonsillopharyngitis.
The most common bacterial pathogens include beta-hemolytic streptococci of groups A, C or G, Arcanobacterium haemolyticum (a gram-positive rod bacterium) and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. In rarer cases, Bordetella spp., Corynebacterium diphtheriae/ulcerans, N. gonorrhoeae, Treponema, Chlamydia, Yersinia and anaerobes can also occur as pathogens.
Test material:
Tonsil swab
Throat swab
Basic diagnostics:
Cultural pathogen detection should always be sought, as this usually also enables resistance testing of the bacteria.
The standard examination requirement "pathogen culture and resistance" is sufficient as basic diagnostics for suspected bacterial tonsillopharyngitis and includes the detection of beta-hemolytic streptococci, Arcanobacterium haemolyticum and corynebacteria.
Further diagnostics:
If angina Plaut-Vincent is suspected (foul odour, purulent tonsillitis), a microscopic Gram preparation should always be requested, as the typical pathogens (fusobacteria, spirochaetes) are usually only detected microscopically and do not grow culturally! The suspected diagnosis should always be stated on the request form so that an optimal diagnosis can be made and additional anaerobic cultures can be prepared!

If the basic diagnosis is negative, the rarer pathogens of tonsillopharyngitis should also be considered:

Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumoniae are difficult to culture. PCR diagnostics are available for the
Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis can also be detected using PCR.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae can also be detected using PCR (special equipment).
For the cultural detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, request and transport
to the laboratory without delay


Table 1 (MiQ 13 2010):
AdenovirusArcanobacterium haemolyticum
CoronavirusCorynebacterium diphtheriae/ulcerans
Coxsackie A virusHaemopilus influenzae
EBVMoraxella catarrhalis
EnterovirusesMycoplasma pneumoniae
Influenza virusNeisseria meningitidis
Parainfluenza virusStaphylococcus aureus
RhinovirusStreptococcus dysgalactiae
RSVStreptococcus pyogenes ; Group A Streptococcus

Incidence and pathogen spectrum:
Arthritis can be divided into different forms according to the pathogenesis:

Bacterial arthritis is usually an acute infection of the joints. The pathogens enter the joints (especially the knee, hip and ankle joint) haematogenously, via transmitted osteomyelitis near the joint or from outside. It often occurs in children < 6 years of age. The affected joints are very swollen, reddened and overheated. A joint effusion forms. Those affected have severe pain. Depending on the age of the patient, the most common pathogens are staphylococci, E. coli, less frequently gonococci and streptococci. Other gram-negative bacteria (e.g. Proteus spp., Serratia spp., Pseudomonas spp.) can also cause infectious arthritis in alcohol and drug addicts and immunocompromised patients. A distinction must be made between arthritis caused by prosthesis infections (especially hip, knee) and usually nosocomial pathogens.
The joint punctate enables direct pathogen detection, which is important for targeted therapy.

Infectious reactive arthritis is an inflammatory joint disease that occurs as a result of a (mostly bacterial) infection. It must be differentiated from other infection-associated rheumatic diseases such as septic arthritis or concomitant arthritis in the context of infections. The most common infection-reactive arthritides occur 3-4 weeks after a previous intestinal infection(post-enteritis arthritides) or after an infection in the urogenital tract(post-urethritic arthritides). Characteristic pathogens for post-enteritis arthritis are Yersinia, Salmonella, Shigella and Campylobacter spp., for post-urethritic arthritis Chlamydia, more rarely Gonococcus, Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma. Typically, the large joints are affected, most frequently the knee joint. In contrast to septic arthritis, infectious reactive arthritis is characterised by the fact that no pathogens can be cultivated in the joint itself. The diagnosis is made by means of arthritis serology.

Acute rheumatic fever (RF) is an inflammatory systemic disease that occurs 1-3 weeks after streptococcal infections, e.g. angina tonsillaris. The disease manifests itself in the heart (pancreatitis), joints (migratory polyarthritis), CNS(chorea minor), skin(erythema marginatum) and subcutaneous tissue. Rheumatic heart valve defects, especially in the mitral valve, are a serious consequence. Children and adolescents are mainly affected. The diagnosis is made by detecting antibodies directed against streptococcal antigens. This test is carried out in the Clinical Chemistry Centre.

Prosthetic joint infections are categorised according to the spectrum of pathogens into early infection/late infection - florid infection and late infection - suspected infection. Stapylococcus aureus, streptococci and E. coli are most frequently detected in early and florid infections. In the case of late infections (so-called low-grade infections), coagulase-negative staphylococci, enterococci or propionibacteria are more likely to be detected. It is often difficult to differentiate between skin contamination/relevant pathogens; correct material collection and microbiological diagnostics are crucial (see below)

Test material:
Serum (at least 500 μl)
Joint punctate native and/or in blood culture ped bottle

Biopsies 1-2 cm3 in size in a sterile Vanek cup (1 biopsy per cup)

Intraoperative swabs, e.g. for prosthesis replacement

Basic diagnostics:
Bacterial arthritis: Pathogens are culturally detected from joint punctate. For the cultural detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, immediate transport of the sample to the laboratory is necessary.
The standard test requirement "pathogen and resistance" is sufficient.

Acute rheumatic fever, infectious reactive arthritis: Diagnosis is carried out by detecting specific antibodies (arthritis serology).

Joint prosthesis infection:

For joint punctures, it is recommended to send 1-3 ml in a blood culture ped bottle and, if possible, 2-3 ml of native punctate in a syringe. If a surgical revision is performed, 4-6 tissue samples approx. 1-2 cm3 in size from different localisations should be sent in. Superficial fistulas and ulcerations are always contaminated with skin flora and are not suitable for the diagnosis of a prosthesis infection.


In the case of bacterial/septic arthritis, consider blood culture diagnostics.

In the case of chronic arthritis that does not regress under antibacterial therapy, please consult a microbiologist if necessary.
Specialised tests, e.g. for mycobacteria or fungi (in immunocompromised patients), are recommended here!

Incidence and pathogen spectrum:
Osteomyelitis describes an inflammation of the bone that can affect not only the bone marrow but all structural elements such as cancellous bone, cortical bone and periosteum.

A distinction is made between haematogenous osteomyelitis, which is caused by haematogenous spread of the pathogens, and exogenous osteomyelitis, in which the pathogens directly infect the bone from outside, e.g. after trauma.

Haematogenous osteomyelitis occurs most frequently in prepubertal and late adulthood and preferentially affects the metaphysis of long tubular bones.

The most common pathogens of haematogenous osteomyelitis include Staphylococcus aureus and beta-hemolytic streptococci. Haemophilus influenzae capsular type B is also found in children with no vaccination protection and enteritic salmonella in children with sickle cell anaemia. In adults, other pathogens include enterobacteria such as E. coli, Serratia marcescens and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Rare pathogens of osteomyelitis include Mycobacterium tuberculosis and atypical mycobacteria (usually affecting the vertebral bodies), Brucella (usually affecting the vertebral bodies and the sacroiliac joint) and actinomycetes (usually affecting the jaw bones or ribs).
Examination material:
Blood cultures
Punctates, biopsies of the affected bone
Basic diagnostics:

A suspected case of osteomyelitis should always be stated on the request form so that an optimal diagnosis can be made!

Blood cultures are positive in over half of cases and therefore contribute significantly to the diagnosis.

The cultural detection of pathogens from a joint puncture or needle aspiration or from tissue from the immediate vicinity should be sought wherever possible so that an effective specific therapy can be carried out after resistance testing of the bacteria.

The standard examination requirement "pathogen culture and resistance" is usually initially sufficient as a basic diagnosis in cases of suspected osteomyelitis of the long tubular bones.

However, if the vertebral bodies or other bones are affected (see above), special examinations should always be requested due to the epidemiology of the specific pathogens (see "Further diagnostics").
Further diagnostics:
If the pathogen is not detected in the standard culture procedures or if the vertebral bodies or other bones are affected in atypical localisations, the following pathogens should be specifically requested:
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • atypical mycobacteria
  • Actinomyces spp.
  • Brucella spp. (if brucellosis is suspected, please also send in serum for antibody detection).
As selective culture media with a prolonged incubation period are required for the detection of these pathogens, a specific test request is absolutely necessary!
In chronic osteomyelitis that has already been treated with antibiotics for some time, so-called small-colony variants of staphylococci (in particular S. aureus) can occur as pathogens. These are variants of the pathogen in which the otherwise typical species characteristics (coagulase reaction, pigmentation, haemolysis properties) are not or only slightly pronounced and which, due to specific electron transport defects, exhibit increased intracellular pathogen persistence and thus a reduced response rate to targeted antimicrobial therapy.
The aim is to detect these small-colony variants in the laboratory if the suspected diagnosis of "osteomyelitis" is recognisable on the request!
Incidence and spectrum of pathogens:
Cystic fib rosis is an autosomal recessive inherited disease that leads to a generalised disorder of the secretory epithelium of all exocrine glands. It is usually caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, which is necessary for salt and water transport processes in cells. This leads to severe changes, particularly in the pancreas, intestine and respiratory tract. A very viscous mucus is produced in the respiratory tract, which impairs the self-cleaning function of the alveoli. Bacteria colonise, leading to chronic inflammation and remodelling of the lung tissue. Pulmonary insufficiency is the main cause of reduced average life expectancy.
The pathogen spectrum in respiratory tract infections develops quite characteristically with age: Staphylococcus aureus and Haemophilus influenzae dominate in infancy and early childhood. From school age onwards, chronic colonisation with Pseudomonas aeruginosa follows, often in a mucoid variant. 1-5 % of older patients are colonised with Burkholderia cepacia, which is associated with an unfavourable prognosis.
There are other typical pathogens of the respiratory tract of cystic fibrosis patients, although their pathogenetic significance is still unclear(Pseudomonas spp., Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Achromobacter xylosoxidans, Ralstonia pickettii, atypical mycobacteria (MOTT)). In addition, Aspergillus fumigatus and Candida spp. are frequently detected in cystic fibrosis patients, with approx. 5 % of patients showing allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.
Test material:
bronchial secretions,
BAL (at least 500 µl)
throat swab
Basic diagnostics:
The pathogen is detected by cultural cultivation on universal and selective media and subsequent differentiation and resistance testing. Selective culture media are also used for the detection of pseudomonads, fungi and Burkholderia.
The special spectrum of pathogens, which is characterised by otherwise rather rare germs and by pathogens that are sometimes slow-growing and difficult to differentiate, requires special methods of cultivation and differentiation as well as personal experience. A special "cystic fibrosis workstation" has therefore been set up in our laboratory.

Incidence and pathogen spectrum:
The pathogen spectrum of pneumonia is broad. In individual cases, data from the medical history, physical examination, imaging and laboratory tests are used to narrow down the possible pathogens. The age and underlying disease of the patient play an important role here
(see Table 1 below).

More intensive diagnostics should be performed in older patients and in the presence of underlying diseases (see Table 2 below).

In outpatient pneumonia, the outstanding importance of Streptococcus pneumoniae was confirmed for Germany based on the CAPNETZ data. Infections caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Enterobacteriaceae, Legionella, S. aureus or respiratory viruses are much rarer.

Occasionally, however, pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae can also be detected in the physiological respiratory flora of healthy individuals.
In nosocomial pneumonia, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are the main pathogens. The pathogen spectrum of nosocomial pneumonia is listed in Table 3.

Test material:

Microbial diagnostics require the material obtained to be of perfect quality. This should be done after rinsing the oral cavity in an empty patient. No "sputum" should be obtained, only secretions coughed up from the deep pharynx. Expectoration can be facilitated by inhalation of 15% NaCl solution (in up to 40% of patients it is still not possible to obtain an adequate sample, typically in patients with Legionella pneumonia). The material should arrive at the laboratory within 2-4 hours.

Blood culture:
2 blood culture bottles (aerobic and anaerobic) should be inoculated with 5-10 ml venous blood (do not aerate the blood culture bottles). If possible, the blood should not be taken from catheters, brown needles or similar, as this can easily lead to contamination and a positive blood culture can be faked. The bottles should generally be transported to the laboratory within 24 hours. The special bottles (Becton Dickinson Ped) should be used for small children.

Tracheal secretion, bronchial secretion, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL:
Indicated for community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) depending on the clinic or in the event of treatment failure (see AWMF guideline). Indicated for nosocomial pneumonia (HAP) and/or ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) (invasive vs. non-invasive depending on logistics, contraindications for BAL, etc.). See also AWMF guideline).

A rapid test is available for the diagnosis of Legionella pneumonia, which only detects Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1. If other Legionella are suspected (e.g. nosocomial infection), always request PCR detection.
A rapid urine test is also available for pneumococci. (not for children <6 years)

Infections caused by M. pneumoniae can be detected both serologically and by nucleic acid diagnostics. In the case of atypical pneumonia, C. pneumoniae, Q fever(Coxiella burnetii) and ornithosis(C. psittaci), as well as CMV and VZV in immunosuppression should be considered.

Further diagnostics:
Table 2 (see below) provides an overview of the diagnostics for various pneumonias.
Invasive diagnostics should be carried out at an early stage in high-risk patients and suspected rare pathogens (BAL)
Serological and molecular biological diagnostics(M. pneumoniae, Legionella spp, C. pneumoniae, C. psittaci, Coxiella burnetii, etc.) and antigen detection in urine(L. pneumophila; S. pneumoniae) are reserved for special suspected diagnoses.

In cases of suspected pulmonary tuberculosis, the mycobacteria of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complexcan be detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from respiratory secretions or pleural punctate in addition to the microscopy and culture mentioned above.
However, due to its sensitivity and the possibility of false positive results, PCR is only useful in the case of a positive direct preparation or very strong suspicion of pulmonary TB.

The detection of Pneumocystis jiroveci from materials obtained by bronchoscopy is more conclusive than from sputum. The pathogen is detected microscopically using fluorescence microscopy. If microscopy is negative and there is a high degree of clinical suspicion, DNA detection from the BAL can be attempted (only after consultation by telephone).

Pleural punctate:
Various pathogens can cause parapneumonic pleuritis with pleural effusion.
The most common microbial pathogens are

S . pneumoniae,
Legionella spp,
M. pneumoniae,
H. influenzae,
Klebsiella spp,
Pneumocystis jiroveci.

The aim is to detect pathogens by aerobic and anaerobic cultivation.

Table 1: Common pathogens causing deep respiratory tract infections in different age groups
NewbornsStreptococcus agalactiae
Infants (<5 years)Viruses: RSV, influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus
Bacteria: S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, S. aureus
childrenS. pneumoniae, staphylococci, RSV, M. pneumoniae, C. pneumoniae
Young adultsMycoplasma spp., Chlamydia pneumoniae
Older adultsS. pneumoniae, Legionella, aspiration pneumonia

Table 2: Diagnosis of various pneumonias
Clinical manifestation / suspicionPathogenSpecific examination requirement
Especially young patients with "atypical" pneumoniaMycoplasma pneumoniae,
Chlamydia pneumoniae
Nucleic acid detection,
possibly additional serology (only Mycoplasma)
InfantsHaemophilus influenzaeBlood culture
Especially older patients (>60 years)Legionella pneumophilaAntigen detection from urine,
Culture from sputum / BAL,
Nucleic acid detection
Travelling, hotel staysLegionella pneumophilasee above.
Lobar pneumonia, fever > 39°CStrept. pneumoniaeBlood culture, antigen detection from urine
Animal contact

Chlamydia psittaci (birds),

Coxiella burnetii (dairy products, grazing animals),

Nucleic acid detection,

Antibody detection from serum

Pneumonia with positive cold agglutininsMycoplasma pneumoniae
Nucleic acid detection,
antibody detection
Pneumonia with immunosuppression

In addition to the above-mentioned
Pneumocystis jiroveci

Aspergillus spp.

Candida spp,

Toxoplasma gondii,


(CMV, Adenov., Herpesv.)

Microscopy, (PCR)

Culture, antigen detection,


Antibody detection, (PCR)

Microscopy, culture, (PCR)

Pneumonia with transaminase elevation (alcoholism ?)

S. pneumoniae,

Haemophilus influenzae,

Klebsiella pneumoniae,

Mycobacterium tuberculosis,


Blood culture, antigen detection from urine

Blood culture,

Blood culture, (possibly sputum / BAL)

Microscopy, culture, ( PCR)

Microscopy, culture


Haemophilus influenzae,

S. pneumoniae,

Moraxella catarrhalis

Blood culture,

Blood culture, antigen detection from urine

Blood culture (possibly sputum / BAL),

Cystic fibrosisS. aureus,
P. aeruginosa,
Blood culture,
Culture from sputum / BAL, blood
Nosocomial acquired pneumonia


S. aureus,

Legionella pneumophila

Blood culture
(possibly sputum / BAL)

Blood culture

Antigen detection from urine,
Culture from sputum / BAL,
Nucleic acid detection

Diabetes mellitus

S. pneumoniae

S. aureus

Blood cultureAntigen detection from urine

Blood culture

Table 3: Pathogen spectrum of nosocomial pneumonia from AWMF guideline)

without risk factor for multidrug-resistant pathogens:
Enterobacteriaceae (e.g. E. coli, Klebsiella spp.), Haemophilus influenza, Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA), Streptococcus pneumoniae

With risk factor for multidrug-resistant pathogens:
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), ESBL-producing enterobacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii, Stenotrophomonas


Incidence and pathogen spectrum:
In Germany, human tuberculosis (TB) is most commonly caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
M. bovis (reservoir in cattle) and M. africanum (in Africa) are rare pathogens.
In immunocompromised individuals, the tuberculosis vaccine strain M. bovis BCG can cause vaccine tuberculosis ("BCGitis").
Infection by M. microti, a rodent pathogen, is a rarity in immunocompromised individuals. Due to their close genotypic and phenotypic relationship, M. tuberculosis, M. bovis, M. bovis BCG, M. africanum and M. microti are grouped together to form the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex.

Test material:
The most suitable test material for the diagnosis of tuberculosis depends on the localisation of the TB. A distinction is therefore made below between pulmonary and extrapulmonary TB. Furthermore, it is possible to detect latent tuberculosis by means of immunological methods, an interferon-gamma release assay (quantiferon test).

Pulmonary tuberculosis:
The diagnosis should preferably be made from three sputum samples obtained in the morning. If spontaneous sputum production is not possible, an attempt can be made to obtain induced sputum after saline inhalation. Another option is to examine gastric juice three times.
Invasively obtained pulmonary examination materials, such as bronchial lavage, bronchoalveolar lavage or transbronchial biopsy, are also suitable for diagnosis, but are not significantly more sensitive than morning sputum.

Extrapulmonary tuberculosis:
In the case of miliary tuberculosis, the diagnosis can be made from sputum, gastric juice, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, citrated blood (2 x 5 ml) or tissue biopsies. However, it should be noted that the examination of pulmonary materials alone only leads to a diagnosis in approx. 30 % of cases.
It is therefore preferable to send in several different examination materials.
Freshly obtained cerebrospinal fluid (at least 5 ml) should be sent in to diagnose tuberculosis of the CNS. As tuberculous meningitis, especially in children, is associated with an active pulmonary process in up to 75 % of cases, sputum examinations should also be performed if necessary.
The diagnosis of urogenital tuberculosis can be made in 80 - 90 % of cases by microscopic and cultural examination of three morning urines (at least 30 ml each). Biopsy material can also be used as examination material.

Latent tuberculosis:
Whole blood (InTube plasma) using the Vacutainer system for the QuantiFERON® test. 4 tubes per patient must be received. The tubes must be filled exactly to the black line (1ml)!

If you have any questions about the most suitable test material for other forms of tuberculosis, please contact the tuberculosis laboratory directly (tel. 500-65318).

Basic diagnostics:
Basic diagnostics for tuberculosis consists of the examination of a preparation prepared directly or after enrichment and stained according to Kinyoun or Ziehl-Neelsen.
The quantity of acid-fast rods (SFS) detected is indicated semi-quantitatively:

(control required): 1 - 9 acid-fast rods per 100 visual fields,
(+): 10-99 acid-fast rods/100 visual fields,
(++): 1-10 acid-fast rods/visual field
(+++): >10 acid-fast rods/visual field.

It should be noted that it is not possible to distinguish microscopically between M. tuberculosis and other, even atypical mycobacteria! The most sensitive diagnostic method is cultureon special culture media.
While direct microscopic detection is only possible with the presence of at least105 (or at least 103-104 in enriched samples) mycobacteria per ml of sputum or per mg of biopsy material, a positive culture result can be expected from102 mycobacteria in the same amount of material.

In the Bactec MGIT liquid culture system used, growth can occur after just 1 week. The parallel incubation of solid special culture media usually takes longer, but allows a visual assessment of the colonies. Positive growth in the liquid culture system alone does not allow a species diagnosis of the mycobacteria, but it does provide the basis for precise species differentiation using further diagnostic methods.

Further diagnostics:
In addition to microscopy and culture, molecular biological methods are also available for the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Mycobacteria of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complexcan be detected using the polymerase chain reaction(PCR) from respiratory secretions (sputum, bronchial lavage, BAL, etc.) or invasively obtained materials such as pleural punctate, etc.. However, due to its sensitivity and therefore possible false positive results, PCR is only useful in the case of a positive direct preparation or very urgent suspicion of pulmonary TB.
TB PCR remains positive for up to one year after treatment of TB and is therefore not suitable for therapy monitoring! As TB PCR is only validated for respiratory secretions, it cannot be recommended for the diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. However, it is also carried out on urine, lymph node biopsies or cerebrospinal fluid in cases of very urgent clinical suspicion, e.g. urogenital, lymph node or CNS tuberculosis. Due to the high sensitivity of TB PCR, PCR diagnostics only need to be carried out from one material if several identical test materials are taken (e.g. three morning sputum samples).

If mycobacteria can be detected in the liquid culture, they are differentiated using probe hybridisation (genotype). The method is used for the specific detection of mycobacteria of the M. tuberculosis complexand a possible differentiation of the M. tuberculosis complexinto M. tuberculosis, M. africanum, M. microti, M. bovis ssp, M. bovis ssp caprae and BCG.

The QuantiFERON® test is an indirect test for the detection of M. tuberculosis infection. It is an alternative to the Mendel-Mantoux tuberculin skin test. In contrast, the QuantiFERON® test shows no cross-reaction with the tuberculosis vaccine strain (BCG). The results of the QuantiFERON® test must be considered in combination with the epidemiological history of the individual patient, their current state of health and other diagnostic examinations. A positive test result cannot distinguish between acute tuberculosis requiring treatment and latent tuberculosis. Further diagnostics to rule out active tuberculosis (see above) may need to be carried out.

A resistance test is carried out for detected M. tuberculosis complexisolates. This usually takes approx. 2 weeks.
Incidence and pathogen spectrum:
Urinary tract infections are the most common nosocomial infection. They are divided into
  • Upper urinary tract infections,
  • cystitis and
  • urethritis.
The following explanations relate only to upper urinary tract infections and cystitis. Urethritis is dealt with in a separate information sheet.

Test material:
If possible, the test material should be obtained before the start of antibiotic therapy or at least 3 days after the end of antibiotic therapy.
For pathogen detection, midstream urine is the material of first choice, as it can be obtained without invasive procedures. However, it is essential to ensure that the urine remains in the bladder for a sufficient period of time (at least 4 hours or morning urine) and to use the correct collection technique after washing the genitals in order to minimise contamination from the urethra and vagina.

With catheter urine, germs can already multiply in the catheter bag. It should therefore always be obtained from the designated puncture site on the catheter.
In contrast to midstream and catheter urine, bladder puncture urine and ureteral discharges are normally sterile materials in which any germ detection is pathological. They are therefore well suited for pathogen diagnostics. For the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 30 ml of first morning urine is suitable; for the detection of Schistosoma haematobium, freshly collected single urine (activity urine) or 24-hour urine collection is suitable. At least 10 ml of urine should be collected. The best results are obtained if the urine is collected between 12 noon and 2 p.m. and after major physical exertion (patients climbing stairs).

Basic diagnostics:
Transfer native urine into a boric acid tube. If native urine is sent in a Vanek beaker, rapid sample transport is necessary to prevent the growth of contaminants in the urine. It may be stored at room temperature for a maximum of 30 minutes until it arrives at the laboratory, otherwise it must be refrigerated at 2-8 °C.
Further diagnostics:
If there is a discrepancy between the clinical and bacteriological findings, it is advisable to resend a urine sample. Infectious pathogens that are not detected during basic diagnostics and are necessary for special requirements include
  • M. tuberculosis,
  • Schistosoma haematobium,
  • strict anaerobes and
  • viruses.
These pathogens should be included in the control examination if there is a corresponding clinical and/or medical history. Furthermore, the possible diagnosis of urethritis should be considered and, if necessary, pathogen diagnostics should be carried out. Control examinations with the preparation of an antibiogram are also useful in the case of persistent urinary tract infections. If the same bacterial isolates are detected, a repeat antibiogram may not be performed in such cases.

Interpretation of findings:
A quantitative evaluation is always required for the interpretation of findings in order to differentiate between non-significant contamination.

Bacterial counts of <=103 CFU/ml are not considered significant, exception: children and young women with pure culture103 CFU/ml enterobacteria.)
A relevant concentration begins at104 CFU/ml and
significant bacteriuria is only present at >=105 CFU/ml.

The bacterial count is low under antibiotic therapy and with increased diuresis, even if an infection is present. The detection of mixed flora (>= 3 different germs) also indicates contamination, as around 95% of urinary tract infections are mono-infections. In primarily sterile urine, such as bladder puncture urine and PCN urine (percutaneous nephrostomy), any detection of germs is considered relevant.

Further diagnostic measures:
Knowledge of leukocyturia can also be useful for the assessment of bacteriological urine findings. Leucocyturia is usually present in a urinary tract infection. If leucocyturia is absent in the presence of significant bacteriuria, this indicates collection errors. If there is leucocyturia without significant bacteriuria, urethritis or atypical pathogens, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, should be considered.
Diagnostic procedure

Clinical suspicion of urinary tract infections

Take a midstream urine sample (in a boric acid tube)

Start empirical and antibiotic therapy

After reporting the findings, change the therapy if necessary

If the pathogen is negative and there is no clinical improvement

  • Repeat the urine culture if necessary
  • Think about pathogens that are not detected in the standard culture (e.g. mycobacteria specific request, morning urine without stabiliser)
  • Urethritis diagnostics if necessary

With good response to therapy:

  • Control examination not required

In case of initial therapy response and relapse:

  • Re-examination and preparation of an antibiogram
Incidence and pathogen spectrum:
Lues or syphilis is caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum ssp. Syphilis is transmitted almost exclusively through sexual contact. Clinicians categorise syphilis into different stages.

Primary stage:T. pallidum usually penetrates the skin and mucous membranes through micro-injuries. The incubation period depends on the inoculum density of the transmitted pathogens. A lesion usually forms at the site of infection after 5-90 days. Typical is a single, painless, indurated ulceration with a clean surface (ulcus durum, hard chancre, primary effect). The regional lymph nodes enlarge approximately one week after the appearance of the ulcus durum. The complex of ulcus durum and lymph node swelling is called the primary complex. The ulcus durum heals 3-6 weeks after onset with scarring, while the swelling of the local lymph nodes can persist for months.

Secondary stage: Secondary syphilis develops due to haematogenous spread of the pathogens and occurs 3-6 weeks after the primary effect. This stage is characterised by variable manifestations on the skin and mucous membranes. It is characterised by maculo-papular exanthema (also palmar and plantar!), plaques muqueuses of the tongue and condylomata lata genital and perianal. The lymph nodes are generally swollen, there may be a slight fever, as well as inflammation in the throat and arthralgia. Co-illnesses of internal organs are possible. The secondary stage of syphilis lasts weeks to months. If the disease remains untreated, it can relapse.

Latency: Latency is the period after the primary stage has healed when there are no clinical symptoms. The pathogen is also present in the body during latency. Latency can last for less than a year or for life. It is divided into early latency, i.e. the symptom-free period in the first four years after the onset of the disease, and late latency, i.e. the symptom-free period thereafter.

Tertiary stage: Up to 35 % of all untreated syphilis cases enter the tertiary stage. After a latency period of 1-20 years and longer, the various manifestations of tertiary syphilis can occur. The symptoms are extremely varied. Tuberous changes (lues tuberosa) and the now very rare lues gummatosa can occur on the skin and mucous membranes. Gumma formation can affect all layers between skin and bone, but also the heart, brain or parenchymatous organs. Other organ manifestations of tertiary syphilis are optic atrophy, sensorineural hearing loss (usually in congenital syphilis) and syphilitic aneurysm of the aorta. A variety of neurological symptom complexes are possible in the CNS. The classic forms of neurosyphilis, progressive paralysis and tabes dorsalis, which are also known as quaternary syphilis, are relatively rare today.
Syphilis and pregnancy: Untreated syphilis can have a decisive influence on the course of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, premature birth or perinatal death are possible. Premature birth and low birth weight are found in 10-40% of children born to untreated mothers. The vertical transmission rate of untreated pregnant women is 70-100 % for primary syphilis, 40 % in early latency and 10 % in late latency. In principle, the longer the time interval between infection and pregnancy, the lower the risk for the child. Infection of the foetus can occur as early as the first trimester. However, the illness of the child is probably not a direct result of the treponema infestation, but is the result of inflammatory reactions that can only occur after the immune system has sufficiently matured. A risk to the foetus from syphilis is therefore only to be expected from the 4th-5th month of pregnancy.

Syphilis connata: The infected newborn can be asymptomatic or show very different symptoms ranging from discrete symptoms to a multi-organ infestation. The postnatal clinical symptoms are divided into an early stage (onset of symptoms within the first 2 years of life) and a late stage (onset of symptoms after the second year of life). Symptoms of the early stage are persistent rhinitis, hepato- and splenomegaly, glomerulonephritis, generalised lymphadenopathy, skin changes and abnormal findings in the cerebrospinal fluid. Bone lesions usually occur within 8 months of birth in early congenital syphilis. A typical feature of the late stage is the Hutchinson triad, consisting of barrel teeth, keratitis parenchymatosa and sensorineural hearing loss. Numerous changes to the skeleton can also be found as a result of chronic inflammatory processes. A mostly asymptomatic neurosyphilis is also detectable in up to a third of patients older than 2 years.

To avoid pregnancy complications and Lues connata, a T. pallidum antibody screening test is prescribed in the maternity guidelines for all pregnant women within the 1st trimester.
Test material:
  • Serum
  • Cerebrospinal fluid (if neurosyphilis is suspected) (external examination)
Basic diagnostics:
Syphilis diagnostics are based on serological step-by-step diagnostics (see also explanations under "Other"). The ELISA is used as a screening test.
Further diagnostics:
Further serological tests are carried out independently by the laboratory according to the constellation of findings and the clinical information.
Notes on the serological test procedures:
As part of the initial diagnosis of Lues, the FTA-Abs test, IgM-recome line blot and VDRL test are performed if the ELISA is positive. In follow-up examinations, only the ELISA and the VDRL test (both quantitative) are routinely performed.

More detailed information on the tests:


This is an enzyme-linkedimmunosorbantassayfor the detection of T. pallidum-specificIgG and IgM antibodies from serum. The ELISA is used as a screening test and serves to quantify specific antibodies in the event of a positive reaction failure.

FTA-Abs test:
The fluorescenceTreponemapallidum antibodyabsorptiontest is an indirect immunofluorescence test for the detection of T. pallidum-specific antibodies. The FTA-ABS test is a confirmatory test. It is a test for the detection of specific IgG antibodies.

RPR/VDRL test:
Used for the detection of lipoid antibodies. The determination is carried out with the RapidPlasmaReaginTest. This serves as an activity parameter of the disease process.

recomLine IgM blot:
The recomLine Treponema IgM immunoblot detectsT specific IgM antibodies. Like the RPR test, it serves as an activity parameter

Special features for the diagnosis of neurosyphilis:
Neurosyphilis is the result of a systemic infection with T. pallidum. As the pathogen reaches the organs via the bloodstream and it is therefore never an isolated infection of the CNS, serum testing is sufficient in the first instance even if neurosyphilis is clinically suspected. If the basic diagnosis is positive, a parallel examination of serum and cerebrospinal fluid samples taken on the same day is then required (external examination).

Serological follow-up tests after therapy:
A serum control test should always be carried out immediately after completion of antibiotic therapy as a baseline value for subsequent follow-up tests, as significant increases in titre or, for example, seroconversion of lipoid antibodies are possible during therapy. If this initial determination is not carried out, the evaluation of subsequent follow-up examinations can be made more difficult.

Syphilis serology checks at three-monthly intervals in the first year and at six-monthly intervals in the second year have proven to be effective. Subsequent further checks must be made dependent on the clinical assessment and the individual course of the respective antibody kinetics.

For the assessment of the course after treatment of the late form of syphilis, a significant short-term change in antibody titres is not generally to be expected. Checks should be carried out at six-month intervals.

Monthly checks of the VDRL test are recommended for follow-up checks after treatment of syphilis during pregnancy. If the titre rises above 4 levels, renewed treatment is recommended. The ELISA value should also be determined at the same time, as reactivation or reinfection also leads to a significant increase in antibodies.

After treatment for syphilis connata, the follow-up should be carried out with the ELISA and the VDRL test in the first year after 3, 6 and 12 months, then annually for a total of 5 years. Cure of syphilis can usually be confirmed 1-2 years after the end of treatment by a negative IgM

Incidence and pathogen spectrum:
The leading pathogen in acute and chronic prostatitis is Escherichia coli, followed by other species from the enterobacteria family. The role of Chlamydiatrachomatis and Ureaplasma spp. in chronic bacterial prostatitis is controversial.
Unusual or particularly challenging prostatitis pathogens include:
  • Haemophilus influenzae,
  • Neisseria gonorrhoeae,
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis,
  • obligate anaerobes,
  • yeasts.
Test material:
Infectious agents in prostatitis are detected from prostate secretions and/or a urine sample. Fast-growing, undemanding infectious agents are detected during the routine examination. Only in individual cases must the detection spectrum be extended to specific examinations and examination requirements (see above).
For better localisation of the infection, it is recommended to determine the pathogen count in different urine samples.

The so-called 4- or 2-glass sample (only 2nd and 4th) has proven itself:
  1. First stream urine
  2. Midstream urine
  3. Prostate exudate (secretion)
  4. Urine after prostate massage
All urine samples are sent in as native urine and the bacterial count is determined quantitatively. Similarly, a quantitative bacterial count is determined from the prostate secretion.
Basic diagnostics:
Pathogens and resistance. Detects fast-growing, undemanding pathogens.
Further diagnostics:
A specific request is required for the detection of Haemophilus influenzae and/or obligate anaerobes. For cultural detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, specific request and immediate transport to the laboratory, for nucleic acid detection send urine sample. If C. trachomatis is suspected, send urine sample (first stream urine in TPM) for nucleic acid detection.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis: specific request for culture and microscopy; significance of nucleic acid amplification for the detection of M. tuberculosis from prostate secretions unclear.
Ureaplasma spp. is detected by culture from prostate secretions, use of special transport media and specific request required.
A bacterial count in the urine sample that is at least 10 times higher after prostate massage indicates that the infectious agent is localised in the prostate.
Incidence and pathogen spectrum:
The pathogen spectrum includes:
  • Chlamydia trachomatis
  • Mycoplasma
  • Trichomonas vaginalis
  • Neisseria gonorrhoeae
  • Ureaplasma

Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common urethritis pathogen with approx. 50 %, presumably followed by mycoplasma and trichomonads.

Test material:
The first portion of a urine sample or a urethral swab should be used to detect Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and/or Trichomonas vaginalis using nucleic acid amplification. The sensitivity and specificity of this test are over 95%.

Ureaplasma/mycoplasma is detected by culture from the urethral swab.
Molecular biological detection (PCR) of Ureaplasma spp. can also be performed.

Gonococci are detected by culture from a urethral swab; the sample is transported to the laboratory without delay.

Basic diagnostics:
Examination of a urine sample (first sample) or urethral swab for C. trachomatis/ N. gonorrhoeae/T. vaginalis using nucleic acid amplification. Note: use special collection kit for PCR from urine or swabs. (specific request)
Urethral swab for mycoplasma / ureaplasma (use transport medium) and for N. gonorrhoeae. (specific request)

The cultural detection of chlamydia is very complex and therefore not routinely available.
There is no reliable serological method for the detection of uropathogenic mycoplasmas.
Antibody detection for the diagnosis of urethritis caused by chlamydia and gonococci is unreliable.
Incidence and pathogen spectrum:
In bacterial vaginosis, the normal local flora of the vagina, in particular the group of lactobacilli ("Döderlei bacteria"), is suppressed. The resulting alkalisation of the pH value promotes the growth of Gardnerella vaginalis and anaerobic bacteria. This often leads to the occurrence of symptoms.
In practice, bacterial vaginosis is diagnosed using the following four criteria (Amsel's method), at least three of which must be positive:
  • typical grey-white, homogeneous discharge
  • vaginal pH value > 4.5
  • Positive amine test: intensification of odour (typical fishy smell) when 10% KOH solution is added to the fluorine
  • Microscopic detection of key cells (clue cells, vaginal squamous epithelial cells, which are covered with many bacteria)
Microbiologically, bacterial vaginosis is diagnosed by determining the bacterial vaginosis index in the Gram preparation, in which the average number of lactobacilli, G. vaginalis and anaerobes (primarily Bacteroides spp, Mobiluncus spp.) per visual field.
Detection of Gardnerella vaginalis alone in the vaginal swab is not indicative of bacterial vaginosis, as Gardnerella can also be found in the vaginal flora of healthy women!
Test material:
Vaginal swab
Basic diagnostics:
Assessment of a Gram-stained preparation with semi-quantitative detection of lactobacilli, gardnerella and obligate anaerobes.
This allows a statement to be made about the balance of pathogens in the vaginal secretions.
Further diagnostics:
Cultural pathogen detection with subsequent resistance testing is not useful for the question of "bacterial vaginosis".
The sample should be placed on a sterile slide and air-dried immediately after collection by the examining physician. For dispatch, the dabbed slide is sent in a break-proof plastic container provided for this purpose after the sample has dried.
The plastic containers are provided to the sender by the Department of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene (please request by calling 65380).

Days to weeks after infection, erythema migrans develops at the site of entry. The skin symptoms can persist for weeks(erythema chronicum migrans). In addition to multiple erythema, another manifestation is lymphadenitis benigna cutis (Borrelia lymphocytoma).

Disseminated early manifestation:
In Europe, Garin-Bujadoux-Bannwarth lymphocytic meningopolyneuritis (neuroborreliosis) is the most common clinical manifestation of disseminated infection. Children usually show facial nerve palsy and signs of meningitis and rarely radicular symptoms. The cerebrospinal fluid shows lymphocytic pleocytosis, increased protein and intrathecal Borrelia-specific antibody production. Cardiac involvement (Lyme carditis) leads to arrhythmia. Fatigue and a clear feeling of illness are usually present. Fever and generalised swelling of the lymph nodes may also occur.

Late manifestations:
These include Lyme arthritis and acrodermatitis chronica athrophicans (ACA). Lyme arthritis is characterised by rheumatological symptoms in the form of joint inflammation with effusion formation and affects large joints (mono- or oligoarticular). A very rare late manifestation is the chronic progressive borrelial encephalomyelitis with para- and tetraparesis. The cerebrospinal fluid shows a marked increase in protein with a slight to moderate increase in cell count. An important diagnostic criterion is the detection of intrathecally formed Borrelia-specific antibodies.

Test material:
Serum (at least 500 µl)
Cerebrospinal fluid (at least 1 ml)
Basic diagnostics:
The microbiological diagnosis of Lyme disease is carried out by serology (antibody detection).
A step-by-step diagnosis is carried out for this purpose, which includes a screening test (ELISA) in the first step and a confirmation test (immunoblot) in the second step.
Further diagnostics:
Diagnosis of neuroborreliosis requires the detection of intrathecally synthesised antibodies. The CSF/serum index is therefore determined by measuring the specific antibodies in the blood and CSF. The total IgG concentration of serum and CSF as well as the concentration of serum albumin and CSF albumin are determined in the Clinical Chemistry Department, which must be arranged by the sender (if necessary, telephone consultation + information)!
Clinical criteria (medical history, symptoms, findings) are decisive for the diagnosis and for the diagnostic evaluation of the microbiological laboratory findings.
Follow-up examinations are useful if the initial examination produced a borderline result or the initial examination was negative and there is a clinical suspicion of early Lyme disease.
Incidence and pathogen spectrum:
The incidence of bacterial meningitis in Germany is around 1 case per 100,000 inhabitants. The most common pathogens are
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae,
  • Neisseria meningitidis,
  • Streptococcus agalactiae,
  • Haemophilus influenzae and
  • Listeria monocytogenes

are present.

However, the frequency of the individual pathogens differs considerably in the different age groups:
While S. agalactiae is the most common pathogen in infants < 1 month, S. pneumoniae and N. meningitidis are the predominant pathogens in infants and young children up to 2 years of age.
N. meningitidis dominates in children and adolescents, while S. pneumoniae becomes the most common pathogen with increasing age.
Meningitis caused by L. monocytogenes should also be considered, particularly in infants and adults > 60 years of age.

The incidence of invasive meningococcal disease is 0.55/100,00 inhabitants.

H. influenzae has become rare as a meningitis pathogen following the inclusion of active vaccination in the vaccination schedule for children.

The rarer pathogens of bacterial meningitis include enterococci, enterobacteria and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (especially

in immunocompromised patients


E. coli-K1(in infants), coagulase-negative staphylococci, Staph. aureus, streptococci and anaerobes (after neurosurgical procedures) and Brucella (especially in Mediterranean countries).

Test material:
The primary aim should be to detect the pathogen from the cerebrospinal fluid.
This should be obtained before antibiotics are administered, as antibiotic therapy reduces the number of bacteria in the cerebrospinal fluid bya factor of102 to106.

1-2 ml of cerebrospinal fluid is usually sufficient for microscopic or cultural detection of the pathogens mentioned above, but the probability of detecting the pathogens increases with increasing cerebrospinal fluid volume. If tuberculous meningitis is to be excluded, at least 3-5 ml of CSF is also required.
The pathogen concentration in the CSF may be as low as 10 CFU/ml in the case of meningitis.

The CSF should be sent to the microbiological laboratory for processing as quickly as possible. If this is not possible due to collection outside working hours, it should be stored at room temperature until transport and a children's blood culture bottle should also be inoculated with 1-5 ml of CSF. After inoculation, it should be stored at room temperature until transport to the laboratory.

In addition to CSF diagnostics, the submission of blood cultures is recommended, as the meningeal invasion of bacteria usually occurs from the blood.
Blood cultures are the only way to identify and cultivate the pathogens in the case of signs of intracranial pressure.
Basic diagnostics:
As part of basic diagnostics, the requirement "pathogen and resistance" is sufficient.

A few drops of cerebrospinal fluid are enriched using cytocentrifugation and stained according to Gram and with methylene blue. The number and type of cells (neutrophil granulocytes, mononuclear cells, erythrocytes) and bacteria are determined semi-quantitatively.

The Gram stain allows identification of the bacteria in 60-90 % of meningitis cases. However, the sensitivity depends directly on the concentration of bacteria in the cerebrospinal fluid: at concentrations of
  • <103 CFU/ml is 25 %,
  • at 103-104CFU/mlat 60 % and at
  • >105 CFU/ml CSF even at 97 %.
The assessment of osmotically sensitive cells, such as neutrophil granulocytes, is impaired by prolonged storage due to the hypotonic composition of the CSF and can therefore differ greatly from results obtained directly after removal of the CSF.
The number of neutrophils can be reduced by 50 % after just 2 hours of storage. A cell count should therefore be performed as soon as possible after CSF collection.

The remainder of the CSF is used to inoculate special culture media and liquid media to cultivate and identify the pathogens. A resistance test is carried out on all bacteria isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid and is usually available after 48 hours at the latest.

Further diagnostics:
If a positive Gram preparation is available, latex agglutination tests can be carried out from the cerebrospinal fluid for rapid differentiation of the pathogens. With a specificity of 81-100 %, these have sensitivities of 86-92 % for H. influenzae, 69-100 % for S. pneumoniae, 90-92 % for S. agalactiae and 50-59 % for N. meninigitidis. However, the latex agglutination test does not replace the cultural cultivation and resistance testing of the pathogens. If meningococci are suspected under the microscope, check immediately for environmental prophylaxis with medication (for close contacts, e.g. household and staff). If meningococci are detected in culture, serotyping is carried out to identify a vaccine-preventable strain (environmental prophylaxis).

If there are indications of meningitis caused by anaerobes (especially in meningitis following neurosurgery), part of the CSF should also be transported in a syringe without air inclusion or in Amies transport medium and the corresponding information noted on the request form.
Suspicion of meninigitis caused by brucella should also be noted on the request form, as this pathogen requires prolonged incubation of the material. Brucellosis is also the only form of bacterial meninigitis in which an antibody determination in the serum can be helpful for diagnosis.

Multiplex PCR for the most common meningitis pathogens is available for special suspected cases.
(Only after prior consultation with the microbiologist)

According to the Infection Protection Act, suspected cases, illness and death from meningococcal meningitis or septicaemia must be reported by the attending physician.

If the pathogen is detected as negative and meningococcal disease is still suspected, the cerebrospinal fluid is sent to the meningococcal reference laboratory for PCR.

Incidence and pathogen spectrum:
The parasite Toxoplasma gondii causes toxoplasmosis, a mostly benign infectious disease that can be very serious in immunocompromised patients and prenatal infections.

Toxoplasma gondii, a single-celled, obligate intracellular parasite, occurs worldwide and causes toxoplasmosis in humans. Cats are the most common end hosts in Europe. They excrete millions of infectious oocysts of T. gondii a few days after infection. The oocysts are very environmentally resistant and can remain in the soil for a long time. They can then also be ingested by farm animals, e.g. pigs, and persist in them.

Human infection usually occurs through peroral ingestion of oocysts (contact with cat faeces, contaminated food, consumption of insufficiently heated meat containing cysts, etc.). The infection is usually asymptomatic in humans, with only 5% of acutely infected immunocompetent patients developing fever, swelling of the lymph nodes, headaches as a sign of encephalitis or chorioretinitis after an incubation period of 2-3 weeks. After primary infection, the pathogen usually persists for life in the lymph nodes and CNS without causing clinical symptoms. In young adults, the infection rate in Germany is 25-55 %. In immunocompromised patients, reactivation of the pathogen can occur, usually clinically associated with encephalitis. In immunocompetent patients, reactivation can be accompanied by chorioretinitis.

Toxoplasmosis is of particular importance during pregnancy, as it can cause serious damage to the foetus, even if the mother is asymptomatic. Only the first infection during pregnancy leads to prenatal toxoplasmosis infection of the child. The risk of infection for the child varies depending on the time of infection during pregnancy: Infection of the mother in the first trimester of pregnancy rarely (4-15%) leads to diaplacental transmission of the parasite, but infection of the embryo is then not infrequently associated with miscarriage or severe clinical symptoms in the newborn. In contrast, infection of the mother during the last trimester often (60 %) results in transmission of the parasite to the child, but the clinical symptoms in the newborn are then less pronounced and may even be completely absent. In contrast to other European countries, routine testing for toxoplasmosis during pregnancy is not currently planned because the test systems, which are limited to the detection of IgM and IgG antibodies, do not allow clear conclusions to be drawn about the infection status in some cases.
Test material:
Serum for antibody detection
CSF [DNA detection using PCR (external examination)]
In special cases EDTA blood, amniotic fluid, ocular chamber fluid [DNA detection (external examination)]
Lymph node biopsies, brain biopsies [microscopy and DNA detection (external examination)]
Basic diagnostics:
The diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is made serologically as part of a step-by-step diagnosis, whereby only diagnostics approved by the Paul Ehrlich Institute may be used.

The screening test consists of the VIDAS TOXO IgG and IgM test. If the IgM test is negative and IgG antibodies are negative, no further tests are carried out.

Procedure if the screening test is positive:
Screening testConfirmation test
IgM antibody positive

IgM antibody diagnostics

by immunoblot

IgG antibody positive

No confirmatory test required (if necessary, avidity determination see below)

If follow-up sera are received, IgM antibodies and IgG antibodies are compared in parallel.

In the case of special constellations of findings, e.g. positive IgM and IgG antibodies in pregnant women, further tests are carried out in the 3rd stage (see also under "Further diagnostics")

Further tests (3rd stage)
IgG antibody avidity determination

Further diagnostics:

Diagnostics for pregnant women:
For pregnant women who are tested for toxoplasmosis infection acquired during pregnancy, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd stage tests are always carried out if the screening tests fail. If IgM is detected as positive, a follow-up test in 14 days (quantitative) and, if necessary, the involvement of the reference laboratory is recommended.

Diagnostics for suspected congenital toxoplasmosis

  • Determination of IgM and IgG antibodies in maternal and foetal serum (VIDAS).
  • Submission of maternal and paediatric serum to the consultant laboratory for toxoplasmosis for immunoblotting.

Diagnostics for suspected lymph node toxoplasmosis
Step-by-step diagnostics as described under "Basic diagnostics" are recommended. PCR testing of lymph node material is generally not indicated.

Diagnosticsfor suspected ocular toxoplasmosis
Step-by-step diagnostics as described under "Basic diagnostics" are recommended. As a rule, IgG antibodies are detectable as an indication of a past infection with T. gondii. An increase in IgG antibodies during ocular toxoplasmosis is only rarely detectable. The clinician makes the diagnosis if there is a typical clinical picture and serological evidence of a past infection.

Diagnostics for suspected cerebral toxoplasmosis
If cerebral toxoplasmosis is suspected, CSF can also be examined in addition to serum; this is sent to the consultant laboratory for toxoplasmosis for the detection of T. gondii DNA using PCR. If cerebral toxoplasmosis is suspected, please always consult the microbiologist so that an optimal diagnosis can be made!

PCR diagnostics
Requests for the detection of T. gondii DNA by PCR are sent to the Consultant Laboratory for Toxoplasmosis. The indications for PCR diagnostics are controversial. Possible test materials and indications include

  • CSF in cases of suspected cerebral toxoplasmosis. If necessary, brain biopsies in immunocompromised patients with foci of unclear origin that are refractory to therapy and whose course over time does not indicate lymphoma.
  • EDTA blood for the detection of circulating DNA in case of serological suspicion of reactivated or acute infection in immunosuppressed patients.
  • EDTA blood, possibly cerebrospinal fluid of the newborn if prenatal infection is suspected.
  • If necessary, amniotic fluid or placental tissue (especially amniotic tissue) in the case of serologically proven infection of the mother for a more precise assessment of the child's risk of infection before starting therapy.
  • If necessary, ocular chamber fluid if toxoplasmosis chorioretinitis is suspected.
In the case of previous infection with T. gondii, reactivation of the pathogen can occur under immunosuppression, which most frequently occurs in the form of cerebral toxoplasmosis. As a rule, specific IgG antibodies are detected in the VIDAS. Reactivation is not usually accompanied by an increase in IgG antibodies. When Toxoplasma-specific IgM antibodies are detected, a possible IgM persistence must always be clarified. The examination of cerebrospinal fluid using PCR is controversial and the results vary in cases of cerebral toxoplasmosis.

List of services according to pathogens

Abscesses, pleural empyema, aspiration pneumonia, appendicitis, peritonitis, infected ulcers, etc.

Examination material:
deep wound swabs, abscess material, intraoperative swabs, punctates, biopsy material, sinus secretions, BAL, ascites, Pus, bile fluid

Test method(s):
Resistance testing: MIC determination

Special features:
The detection of anaerobes in the above-mentioned materials is ensured by the "Pathogen and resistance" test requirement. Materials that are to be analysed for strict anaerobes must either be sealed airtight (e.g. in a sterile syringe) or transported in a suitable anaerobic transport medium, e.g. universal swab tubes with Amies medium.

Duration of the test:
Culture: 2-5 days
Resistance test: 1-2 days

Meningoencephalitis, amoebic keratitis

Test material:
Cerebrospinal fluid (at least 0.5 ml) if meningoencephalitis is suspected. Swab from corneal ulcers, corneal abrasion material, contact lenses, or contact lens storage medium if amoebic keratitis is suspected.

Test method(s):
Real-time PCR

Special features:
Specific examination order required

Due to the great effort involved and the rarity of the disease, strict indication and consultation with a laboratory doctor.

Duration of the test:
PCR: 2-3 days

nosocomial infections (sepsis, pneumonia, wound and catheter infections, etc.), less frequently community-acquired infections

Examination material:
Wound swabs, respiratory secretions, punctates, biopsies, cerebrospinal fluid, blood culture, foreign bodies, etc.

Test method(s):
Resistance testing: MIC determination

Special features:
Acinetobacter spp. is covered by the general examination order "Pathogens and resistance" and does not require a special request.

For screening for multi-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii complex(see hygiene plan for risk group), a separate request for "MRGN screening" is required.

Duration of the examination:
2-3 days

Cervicofacial, thoracic, abdominal and pelvic actinomycoses.

Examination material:
Abscess punctates, wound swabs, fistula secretions, biopsies, respiratory secretions, intraoperatively obtained materials, IUD, etc.

Test method(s):
Resistance testing: MIC determination

Special features:
Specific examination order for "actinomycetes" required, as longer incubation times are generally required.

Duration of the test:
Incubation: up to 14 days
Resistance testing 1-3 days

Clinical: Wound infections, sepsis, eye infections and meningitis, gastrointestinal infections: especially in immunocompromised patients

Test material:
Wound swabs and biopsies, blood cultures, cerebrospinal fluid, eye swabs, respiratory secretions, other normally sterile materials, stool.

Test method(s):
Resistance testing: MIC determination

Special features:
The detection of Aeromonas spp. is guaranteed by the "Pathogen and resistance" test requirement.
Exception stool: Specific test request "Optional enteropathogenic bacterial pathogens" required, as a special culture medium must be used for the detection of Aeromonas spp.

Duration of the examination:
2-3 days

Enteral infection (complications: ileus, bile duct obstruction), dyspnoea, cough and a pulmonary infiltrate may occur due to pulmonary passage.

Test material:
Stool samples, serum

Examination method(s):
Microscopic detection of eggs
Antibody detection (external examination)

Special features:
The examination for "Ascaris lumbricoides" in faeces is carried out on request for worm eggs.
Only microscopic examinations of faeces are carried out in our laboratory. In the case of negative microscopy from several samples and persistent clinical suspicion, serum can be sent to the Bernhard Nocht Institute in Hamburg for antibody detection at the request of the attending physician.

Duration of the test:
Enrichment: 1 day


Organ and systemic mycoses, otomycosis, mycosis of burn wounds

Examination material:
Resp. materials (e.g. BAL, sputum) and biopsy material, cerebrospinal fluid: Microscopic and cultural detection
Serum, CSF, BAL: Aspergillus antigen detection.

Test method(s):
Culture, in cases of doubt molecular biological identification
Antigen detection
DNA detection: special request from primarily sterile material (external test)

Special features:
A specific test order or test request for "mould fungi" is required so that microscopy for fungal elements is carried out and the cultures are incubated for longer. Resistance testing of moulds, e.g. Aspergillus spp. is possible after consultation.

Antigen detection from serum is used for early detection of invasive aspergillosis in patients at risk. Antigen detection from cerebrospinal fluid is used to diagnose cerebral aspergillosis.

Antigen detection from BAL is recommended for the diagnosis of pulmonary aspergillosis according to EORTC criteria

Note: According to current studies (e.g. JAC) and congress contributions, there is currently NO restriction in the detection of Aspergillus antigen in patients with piperacillin/tazobactam therapy.

Duration of the examination:
Antigen detection: 1 day daily except at weekends
Microscopy: 30-60 minutes daily
Culture: 2-5 days
DNA detection: external examination

Variable clinic, especially in immunocompromised patients
Lymphadenitis (especially M. avium, M. malmoense, M. interjectum and M. scrofulaceum)
Pulmonary infections (especially M. avium-intracellulare complex, M. kansasii, M. malmoense, M. chelonae, M. abscessus and M. xenopi)
Skin and soft tissue infections: M. ulcerans (Buruli ulcer), M. marinum (swimming pool granuloma)
Disseminated infections especially in immunocompromised individuals (esp. M. avium-intracellulare complex, M. genavense)
Wound and foreign body infections: M. chelonae, M. fortuitum, M. abscessus

Examination material:
Sputum, tracheal secretion, bronchial secretion, gastric fasting secretion (in sodium phosphate solution, transport tubes are provided by the department to the wards/outpatient clinics on request): ( 2-5 ml), bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) (>2ml, preferably 20-30ml)
Cerebrospinal fluid (3-5 ml)
Tissue samples, especially lymph node aspirates (protect against dehydration by adding approx. 0.5 ml sterile, physiological saline solution), stool (indicated for immunocompromised patients, esp. HIV-positive patients),
blood (≥ 5 ml in citrate tubes; indicated for immunocompromised patients),
punctates, e.g. pleural punctate (≥2 ml, preferably 20-30 ml), bone marrow (≥ 5 ml in citrate tubes)

Test method(s):
Species identification using PCR and probe hybridisation (genotype) and, if necessary, sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene
DNA detection (PCR, external test)

Special features:
The test for atypical mycobacteria is not included in the general test order ("Pathogen culture and resistance"), therefore a specific test order for mycobacteria or atypical mycobacteria must be carried out. PCR and probe hybridisation can be used to identify the most common atypical mycobacterial species.

PCR diagnostics for atypical mycobacteria is only useful if there is microscopic evidence of acid-fast rods in the test material; this is carried out in a specialised laboratory after consultation with the sender.

Do not use EDTA additives for the cultural detection of pathogens from blood/bone marrow. EDTA is bactericidal!

Duration of the test:
Depending on the growth behaviour of the species detected, approx. 1 week up to 8-12 weeks.

Babesiosis (blood parasitosis), transmitted by ticks. Mild, asymptomatic course up to malaria-like symptoms.

Test material:
Blood (native or EDTA blood)

Test method(s):

Special features:
Specific examination order for "Babesia" required, or special request "Malaria (microscopy)".

The individual Babesia species cannot be distinguished microscopically. PCR methods have been established for this purpose, which are only available in specialised laboratories. In the USA, babesiosis can also be detected serologically. Pathogen cultivation is not possible. Epidemiology: Occurs in the USA and Europe. Rare disease!

Duration of the examination:
30-60 minutes


Endophthalmitis, food poisoning, wound infection, sepsis, meningitis, osteomyelitis, lung abscess, etc.

Examination material:
Wound swabs, body secretions, punctates, biopsies, cerebrospinal fluid, blood culture, foreign bodies, faeces, etc.

Examination method(s):
Resistance testing

Special features:
The detection of Bacillus spp. is guaranteed by the general examination order "Pathogen and resistance"

Duration of the examination:
Culture and resistance testing: 2-4 days

Lung, skin and intestinal anthrax

Test material:
Blood cultures, respiratory secretions (sputum, tracheal secretions, bronchial secretions, BAL), cerebrospinal fluid, skin biopsies, stool, vomit, EDTA blood, etc.

Test method(s):
Microscopy from directly inoculated blood culture bottles
Resistance testing
Identification using PCR (external test)

Special features:
If anthrax is suspected must If anthrax is suspected, the submission of the sample must be announced by telephone in order to ensure an optimal and rapid diagnosis.

Duration of the examination:
Culture and differentiation: 2 days
Microscopy: 20 minutes


Cat scratch disease, bacillary angiomatosis, bacillary peliosis, fever and bacteraemia, endocarditis, five-day fever (Wolhynian fever), Oroya fever, Verruga peruana

Test material:
at least 500 µl serum

Test method(s):
Detection of IgM and IgG antibodies, blood smear (special request)

Special features:
Specific test request for "Bartonella henselae / Bartonella quintana" required

Serological detection of B. bacilliformis is not available (travel history!, occurrence in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia), detection can be attempted using a blood smear and Giemsa staining. Molecular biological (PCR) and cultural detection methods are only available in specialised laboratories. Furthermore, Warthin-Starry staining of tissue sections can be carried out in the pathology department.

Duration of the examination:
IFT: the examination is carried out once a week

Whooping cough

Test material:
1- 1.5 ml respiratory secretions (e.g. nasopharyngeal secretions), throat swab, at least 500 µl serum.

Test method(s):
DNA detection (PCR)
Bordetella pertussis toxin antibodies (external test)

Special features:
Specific test order for"Bordetella pertussis" required! DNA detection of
B. parapertussis can be carried out after consultation by telephone.
Cultural pathogen detection is significantly inferior to PCR detection in terms of sensitivity and speed. The detection of B.pertussis-specific antibodies is less suitable for acute diagnostics than PCR detection.

To clarify the immune status against B.pertussis, the serum is sent to an external laboratory.

Duration of the test:
PCR: 1-2 days

Borreliosis, multisystem disease progressing in stages, erythema chronicum migrans, facial paresis, pleocytic meningitis, arthritis, carditis, encephalitis, acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans.

Test material:
at least 500 µl serum, at least 1 ml cerebrospinal fluid

Test method(s):
Detection of specific IgG and IgM antibodies

Special features:
Specific test order required. A step-by-step diagnosis is carried out with an initial screening test and, if positive, a confirmation test (immunoblot).
Molecular biological (PCR) and cultural detection methods are only available in specialised laboratories and are reserved for special indications (consult the laboratory if necessary).

If neuroborrelliosis is suspected, a serum/cerebrospinal fluid antibody quotient can be determined. For this purpose, please take serum and cerebrospinal fluid in parallel and send part of the sample to the clinical chemistry department for
determination of albumin and total IgG!

Duration of the test:
Performed 1x/week

Brucellosis, Malta fever, Bang's disease, undulating fever, hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, orchitis, arthritis

Test material:
Blood cultures, 500 µl serum for antibody detection, biopsies (lymph nodes), punctates (bone marrow)

Test method(s):
Detection of IgM and IgG antibodies
Identification using molecular biological methods if necessary

Special features:
Due to the risk of laboratory infections in the event of clinical evidence of brucellosis (food, occupational, travel history), please make a corresponding note on the request form. If possible, try to obtain cultural and serological evidence of the pathogen by sending in blood cultures and serum.
A specific test request should be made for testing for Brucella spp. as the culture media must be incubated for longer than usual. Observe the reporting obligation!
There is no standard procedure or special limit values for susceptibility testing of Brucella spp. Therefore, resistance testing is not carried out in our laboratory.

Duration of the test:
Culture up to 10 days
Antibody detection: the test is carried out once a week

S. agalactiae is found in 10-30 % of the healthy population in the urogenital and gastrointestinal tract as physiological flora. During pregnancy, GBS colonisation is problematic, as the pathogens can be transmitted from mother to child during birth and can cause serious invasive infections in the newborn. The spectrum of diseases in newborns includes pneumonia, septicaemia and, in rarer cases, meningitis.

GBS screening is used for the sensitive detection of colonisation between the 35th and 37th week of pregnancy and allows a good prediction of the colonisation status at birth.

Test material:
Vaginal and rectal swabs.
In order to achieve high sensitivity, vaginal and rectal swabs should be sent in!

Test methods:
Enrichment culture

Special features:
The swabs should be taken on ONE swab, whereby the vagina is swabbed first and then the rectum through the sphincter using the same swab.

The examination is only recommended between the 35th and 37th week of pregnancy.

Specific examination order "B streptococcus screening" required.

Duration of the examination:
2-3 days

Pulmonary infections in cystic fibrosis patients, immunocompromised patients and patients with chronic granulomatosis. Cepacia syndrome, nosocomial infections (bacteraemia, pneumonia, foreign body-associated infections, urinary tract infections, etc.).
Glanders and meloidosis caused by B. mallei (Middle East, Asia) and B. pseudomallei (Southeast Asia).

Test material:
Respiratory secretions, blood, urine, punctates, foreign bodies, etc.

Test method(s):
Resistance testing
Identification by sequence analysis of the recA gene if necessary

Special features:
The detection of Burkholderia spp. is ensured by the test requirement "Pathogen and resistance". Cystic fibrosis patients should be identified as such under clinical information, as special culture media are also used and a comparison of the isolates is made possible.

Duration of the examination:
2-7 days

Traveller's diarrhoea, bacterial enteritis, blood cultures (C. fetus)

Test material:
Stool samples, anus praeter secretions, 1 ml serum

Test method(s):
DNA detection (PCR)
Antibody detection
Resistance testing

Special features:
Detection from faeces is carried out using multiplex PCR to detect bacterial gastroenteritis pathogens. If the Campylobacter PCR is positive, the culture is followed by resistance testing.
In the case of blood cultures, the examination for Campylobacter spp. is covered by the general examination order ("Pathogen and resistance").

Antibody detection is indicated if there is clinical evidence of secondary diseases (Guillain-Barre syndrome, arthritis)

Duration of the test:
Multiplex PCR: if received by 10:30 a.m. on the same day (except weekends and public holidays)
Identification and resistance testing: 2-4 days
Antibody detection: the test is carried out 1x/week

Organ and systemic mycoses, mucocutaneous mycoses (vaginosis, thrush), dermatomycoses

Examination material:
Smears, BAL, punctates, biopsies, cerebrospinal fluid, blood culture, foreign bodies, skin scrapings, nail material, etc.

Examination method(s):
Resistance testing

Special features:
The detection of Candida spp. is not covered by the general test order ("Pathogens and resistance"), therefore a specific test order for "yeasts" is required.

The detection of Candida spp. from primarily non-sterile materials (tracheal secretions, sputum, wounds) is often difficult to interpret, as hospitalised patients often have clinically irrelevant colonisation of the mucous membranes.

Duration of the examination:
1-4 days

Trachoma, urogenital infections, reactive arthritis, Reiter's disease, conjunctivitis, pneumonia, lymphogranuloma inguinale (venereum) = LGV, respiratory tract infections, ornithosis

Test material:
at least 500 μl serum, 1-2 ml respiratory secretions, 2 ml first stream urine, urethral swabs, cervical swabs, conjunctival swabs, ulcer swabs, lymph node punctates
For PCR for C. trachomatis: use special sampling kits for all materials!

Test method(s):
Specific DNA detection using PCR
Antibody detection

Special features:

For uncomplicated infections of the urogenital tract PCR detection from irradiated urine, vaginal, cervical or urethral swabs is the method of choice. Please use a special swab kit!

For Chronic infections of the upper genital tract and secondary diseases (arthritis), request antibody detection of C. trachomatis.

In case of suspected Chlamydia pneumoniae and Chlamydia psittaci infection Submission of respiratory test materials for PCR detection.

Duration of the examination:
PCR: the examination is carried out 2x/week
Serology: is carried out 1x/week

pseudomembranous colitis and antibiotic-associated diarrhoea, botulism, brain, lung, liver and intra-abdominal abscess, pleural empyema, aspiration pneumonia, appendicitis, peritonitis, infected ulcers, etc.

Examination material:
Stool samples and anus praeter secretion(C. difficile toxin gene detection).
Serum, wound swab, stool, food residues, stomach contents (botulism toxin detection).
Wound swabs, abscess material, intraoperative swabs, punctates, biopsy material, sinus secretions, BAL, cerebrospinal fluid, ascites, pus, bile, etc. (other clostridia).

Test method(s):
C. difficile toxin gene detection
Botulism toxin detection (external test)
Resistance testing

Special features:
Targeted C. difficile toxin gene test required. In the event of treatment failure and severe infections, cultural pathogen detection can be helpful. Please consult the laboratory doctor for this.

A test for Clostridium botulinum is only carried out on request. The gold standard for the detection of Clostridium botulinum intoxication is botulism toxin detection in the responsible consultant laboratory. Toxin detection from patient serum is rarely successful in infant and wound botulism, but is the first choice for food intoxication.

Detection of the remaining Clostridium spp. is ensured by the "pathogen and resistance" test requirement. If gas gangrene is suspected, please note this in the clinical information: Emergency examination!

As a general rule, materials that are to be analysed for strict anaerobes must either be hermetically sealed (e.g. in a sterile syringe) or transported in a transport medium suitable for anaerobes, e.g. universal swab with Amies transport medium.

Duration of the test:
PCR for C. difficile toxin gene detection: if received by 10:30 a.m. on the same day (exception: Sundays and public holidays)
Culture: 2-5 days
Resistance testing: 1-2 days
Botulism toxin detection: 2-3 days

Diphtheria, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis etc. caused by non-toxigenic C. diphtheriae strains.

Test material:
Throat swab, nasal swab, tonsil swab, skin swab, other swabs from infected areas, pseudomembranes, serum.

Test method(s):
Resistance testing
Diphtheria toxin gene PCR from cultures
Antibody detection (vaccination status) (external test)

Special features:
Specific test order or test request and telephone notification for"Corynebacterium diphtheriae " required.
Diphtheria toxin gene PCR positive isolates are sent to the consultant laboratory for diphtheria to determine toxin production.
In patients with suspected diphtheria, a serological test for diphtheria IgG antibodies should always be carried out to assess the vaccination status (external test).

Duration of the test:
Culture: 1-2 days
Resistance test: 1 day

Q fever, atypical pneumonia, endocarditis, hepatitis, meningoencephalitis

Test material:
At least 500 µl serum

Test method(s):
Antibody detection

Special features:
Serological pathogen detection is carried out once a week in our laboratory.
In the case of urgent clinical indications, e.g. meningoencephalitis, endocarditis, immediate diagnostics can also be carried out on specific request.

Duration of the test:
Antibody detection: the test is carried out once a week

Cryptococcosis, opportunistic infections in patients with immunosuppression, meningitis, rare bone, joint and eye infections

Examination material:
Antigen detection: serum, CSF and BAL
Culture: tissue samples, exudates, biopsies, CSF, sputum, pus, urine, BAL, blood culture, etc.

Test method(s):
Antigen detection

Special features:
A specific test request should be made for the examination of Cryptococcus spp. as a longer incubation period is required.
As this pathogen does not occur as a mucosal saprophyte, any detection in human test material is diagnostically significant.

Request Crytococcus neoformans antigen detection for rapid detection.

Duration of the test:
Culture: 2-8 days
Antigen detection: 60 minutes

Cryptosporidiosis, especially in AIDS patients infection with severe life-threatening diarrhoea.

Test material:
Stool samples

Test method(s):


Special features:
Detection is carried out by requesting parasite PCR from faeces. This is a multiplex PCR that detects Cryptospridium parvum/hominis, among others.

Duration of the test:
The PCR is carried out twice a week. In emergencies, prompt diagnostics, e.g. microscopy, can be carried out after consultation by telephone

Diarrhoeal diseases

Examination material:
Stool samples

Examination method(s):

Special features:
Only after consultation by telephone! Initially, a parasite PCR should be carried out to exclude cryptosporidia. If the PCR is negative and infection is still suspected, special staining is carried out to detect the species not detected by the PCR.

As the excretion of cysts is irregular, repeated faecal examinations are often necessary to make a diagnosis.

Duration of the examination:
30-60 minutes


Examination material:
in exceptional cases duodenal juice or biopsies

Examination method(s):

Special features:
Only after consultation by telephone! Initially, a parasite PCR should be performed to exclude cryptosporidia. If the PCR is negative and infection is still suspected, special staining is carried out to detect the species not detected by the PCR.

As the excretion of cysts is irregular, repeated faecal examinations are often necessary to make a diagnosis.

Duration of the examination:
approx. 1 hour

Skin, hair and nail mycoses

Examination material:
Hair, nail and skin material, wound swabs and secretions

Examination method(s):

Special features:
The detection of dermatophytes is guaranteed by the examination request "skin fungi".

Duration of the examination:
Culture: 1-3 weeks

Blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, systemic and injury mycoses

Examination material:
Biopsy material, sputum, tracheal secretions, skin samples, pus, wound swabs

Examination method(s):
Antibody detection (external examination)

Special features:
A specific examination request should be made for the examination for dimorphic fungi, as special culture media are required.
Antibody detection for pathogens of non-European systemic mycoses is carried out in the responsible consultant laboratory.

Due to the high infectivity of the cultivated pathogens, it is imperative that the laboratory is informed of the suspected diagnosis of "infection with dimorphic fungi" by the sending doctor!

Duration of the examination:
Microscopy: 30-60 minutes
Culture: up to 4 weeks

cystic and alveolar echinococcosis

Test material:
at least 200 μl serum, puncture fluid

Test method(s):
Antibody detection
Microscopic direct detection: only E. granulosus

PCR examination for echinococcal DNA (external examination)

Special features:
The microbiological diagnosis of echinococcosis is primarily carried out by serology.
Direct detection of protoscolices in the puncture fluid is also possible postoperatively or after an accidental puncture of an Echinococcus granulosus cyst. The metacestode tissue can also be detected postoperatively histologically or by PCR in specialised laboratories.

Duration of the examination:
Serology: the examination is carried out 1x/week
Direct detection: 5 min

bloody diarrhoea, systemic invasion, especially formation of liver abscesses

Test material:

Test method(s):


Antibody detection (external examination)

Special features:
Detection is carried out by requesting parasite PCR from faeces. This is a multiplex PCR that detects Entamoeba histolytica, among others.

Duration of the test:
PCR: the test is carried out twice a week

Urinary tract infections, respiratory infections, wound infections, sepsis, catheter infections, nosocomial infections, etc.

Examination material:
Urine, all swabs, body secretions, punctates, biopsies, cerebrospinal fluid, blood cultures, foreign bodies, etc.

Test method(s):
Resistance testing: MIC determination

Special features:
The detection of enterobacteria is ensured by the "Pathogen and resistance" test requirement.

For targeted screening for multi-resistant pathogens, see section MRGN enterobacteria.

Duration of the test:
Duration of the test: 2-3 days

Urinary tract infections, cholecystitis, wound infections, endocarditis and bacteraemia

Examination material:
Urine, all smears, body secretions, punctates, biopsies, cerebrospinal fluid, blood cultures, foreign bodies, etc.

Test method(s):
Resistance testing: MIC determination

Special features:
The detection of Enterococcus spp. is ensured by the test requirement "Pathogen and resistance". Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) are also detected. For targeted screening for VRE (anal swabs), please specify VRE screening.

Duration of the examination:
2-3 days

Colonisation germs on the skin and mucous membranes, nosocomial infections (urinary tract, wound, respiratory tract infections, etc.)

Examination material:

Mainly swabs (according to hygiene plan), urine, all other swabs, body secretions, punctates, biopsies, cerebrospinal fluid, blood cultures, foreign bodies, etc.

Test method(s):
Resistance testing: MIC determination

Special features:
MRGN stands for multi-resistant gram-negative bacteria. The KRINKO criteria (categorisation into 3/4 MRGN and 2 MRGN-neopaed) are applied. Note: Classification into the 2MRGN-NeoPaed category is made up to the age of 14 years (according to ICD coding).

A multiplex PCR is available for the detection of carbapenemases in 4MRGN enterobacteria.
Due to the risk of nosocomial transmission of the pathogen, please be sure to observe the clinical hygiene instructions in the hygiene plan on the intranet!
When sending samples for MRGN screening, please be sure to request the corresponding screening in accordance with the hygiene plan. Only then can the appropriate selective media be used.

Duration of the examination:
1-3 days

Tularemia, significance in bioterrorism

Test material:
Serum, respiratory secretions, lymph node punctates, biopsies, skin smears, skin biopsies, gastric juice, blood cultures, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.

Test method(s):
Antibody detection

Species identification using molecular biological methods if necessary

Special features:
Routine diagnostics are carried out serologically.

For the cultural examination for Francisella tularensis, a specific examination request must be made. In order to ensure the necessary safety precautions (L3 organism) and an optimal material system, the receipt of the sample should be announced by telephone.

Duration of the test:
Antibody detection: is carried out 1x/week

Culture cultivation: at least 2 days

Pathogen identification: approx. 2-3 days.

Bacterial vaginosis

Examination material:
Fluorine sample from speculum or vaginal wall

Examination method(s):

Special features:
Bacterial vaginosis is diagnosed microbiologically by determining the bacterial vaginosis index in the Gram preparation according to Nugent et al, in which the average number of lactobacilli, G. vaginalis and anaerobes per field of view is determined.
The sample is placed on a sterile slide and air-dried immediately after collection by the examining physician.
After the sample has dried, the dabbed slide is sent in a break-proof plastic container provided for this purpose.

Duration of the examination:
30 minutes

Lamblia dysentery with watery, non-bloody diarrhoea

Test material:
Stool, duodenal secretion

Test method(s):

Microscopy (detection of cysts or trophozoites)

Special features:
Detection is carried out by requesting parasite PCR from faeces. This is a multiplex PCR that detects Giardia duodenalis, among others.

In the case of negative results and persistent suspicion, duodenal aspirate (native/sediment) should be analysed for lamblia.

Duodenal aspirate for the detection of trophozoites should be transported in a centrifuge tube in a beaker with 37°C warm water. The samples should be transported and analysed as quickly as possible. Analysing material that is older than two hours is generally not useful for the detection of vegetative forms

Duration of the examination:
PCR: is carried out 2x/week
Microscopy: 1-2 hours

Infectious arthritis, sepsis
Conjunctivitis in newborns

Test material:
Ejaculate, urethral, vaginal and cervical swabs, eye and throat swabs, joint punctate, first stream urine (10-15 ml) and blood
For DNA detection: cervical swabs, urethral swabs and urine (use special sampling kits!)

Test method(s):
Resistance testing
DNA detection (PCR)

Special features:
A specific examination order for gonococci should be made, as special culture media are used for cultivation!

Gonococci die very quickly in the environment and are very sensitive to cold. Therefore the immediate transport of the sample to the laboratory is necessary, if possible always request PCR detection.

Duration of the test:
Culture/resistance test: 2-4 days
DNA detection: the test is carried out twice a week

Abscesses, wound infections, peritonitis, arthritis, endocarditis, meningitis, osteomyelitis

Examination material:
Blood cultures, cerebrospinal fluid, punctates, abscess material, biopsies, wound swabs, etc.

Test method(s):
Resistance testing: MIC determination

Special features:
The detection of HACEK pathogens is ensured by the "Pathogen and resistance" test requirement. Blood cultures from patients with suspected endocarditis should be labelled as such.

The HACEK pathogens all belong to the normal flora of the oral cavity or the upper respiratory tract of humans. They generally cause opportunistic infections or invasive infections when they are washed into the bloodstream through small wounds in the mouth, for example.

Duration of the examination:
2-5 days

Sepsis, meningitis, osteomyelitis, epiglottitis, otitis media, infections of the deep respiratory tract and eye infections

Examination material:
Sputum, tracheal secretions, bronchial secretions, bronchial lavage, BAL, blood cultures, cerebrospinal fluid, punctates, etc.

Test method(s):
Resistance testing

Antigen detection

Special features:
The detection of Haemophilus influenzae is ensured by the test requirement "Pathogen and resistance". Antigens can also be detected from cerebrospinal fluid using latex agglutination. However, the differentiation is always confirmed after cultural cultivation of the pathogen.

Multiplex PCR from cerebrospinal fluid is available for special indications (e.g. persistent suspicion without cultural growth). (only carried out after consultation with the laboratory doctor)

Duration of the test:
approx. 2 days

Organ and system mycoses

Examination material:
All smears, body secretions, punctates, biopsies, cerebrospinal fluid, blood culture, foreign bodies, etc.

Examination method(s):
Resistance testing

Special features:
The detection of yeast fungi is guaranteed by the "yeasts" test requirement.

Duration of the examination:
2-4 days

Gastritis, gastric ulcer

Test material:
Stomach biopsy (culture, resistance test): send in at least 2 biopsies!
Stool (antigen detection)

Test method(s):
Resistance testing: MIC determination
Antigen detection (stool)

Special features:

Indication for cultural pathogen detection: Resistance testing after treatment failure or before initial H. pylori treatment in children.

Place biopsies in Portagerm pylori transport medium and transport the samples to the laboratory as quickly as possible, as the pathogens are very sensitive to environmental influences.

Indication for antigen detection: Non-invasive method for monitoring the success of treatment or supplementary method for clarifying discrepant previous findings.

Caution: For reliable Helicobacter pylori diagnostics, the following minimum time intervals should be observed without H. pylori suppressive therapy: 2 weeks after the end of proton pump inhibitor therapy and 4 weeks after previous eradication therapy or other antibiotic therapy.

Duration of the examination:
Culture: approx. 3-7 days
Antigen detection: the examination is carried out 1x/week

see Cystoisospora (previously Isospora) belli

Legionellosis: atypical pneumonia (severe courses: Legionnaires' disease, mild courses: Pontiac fever), the most common pathogen is Legionella pneumophila.

In addition to L. pneumophila as the most important human pathogenic species, L. bozemanii, L. dumoffii and L. micdadei are recognised as moderately human pathogenic and L. anisa, L. ainthelensis, L. israelensis, L. birminghamensis, L. jordanis, L. oakridgensis, L. maceachernii, L. tusconensis, L. wadsworthii, L. feelei, L. gormanii, L. longbeachae and L. hackeliae are considered to be rarely pathogenic to humans. Numerous other Legionella species are found in the environment and, according to current knowledge, are not pathogenic to humans.

Test material:
Respiratory secretions such as BAL, bronchial secretions, tracheal secretions, sputum, lung biopsies, pleural fluid
Urine (antigen detection)

Test method(s):
Antigen detection (urine)
DNA detection (PCR)

Special features:
Antigen detection in urine is the diagnostic method of choice in cases of acute infection! The antigen is detected using a rapid test (immunochromatograph). The rapid test only detects L. pneumophila serogroup 1. In the event of negative antigen detection and persistent suspicion of infection, request PCR detection from respiratory secretions.
A specific test order should be placed for the cultural detection of Legionella, as special culture media are used for cultivation! For epidemiological reasons, cultural detection should always be sought.

A specific L. pneumophila PCR is carried out from respiratory secretions, which detects all serogroups. If an infection with other Legionella species is suspected, a Legionella spp. PCR can be carried out on request by telephone.

Duration of the test:
Culture: approx. 1 week
Rapid antigen test approx. 1 hour
DNA detection (PCR): the test is carried out 2x/week

Visceral leishmaniasis: Leishmania donovani, L. infantum (L. chagasi)
Cutaneous leishmaniasis: Leishmania tropica, Leishmania infantum, L. major
Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis: Leishmania braziliensis complex

Test material:
Puncture and biopsy material (from the edge of the skin ulcer, lymph nodes, spleen, etc.)
Bone marrow puncture or puncture (mixed with EDTA, as cell-rich as possible)
Serum (for antibody detection)

Test method(s):
Antibody detection (external test)

Special features:
A specific test request is necessary for the examination for Leishmania, as special staining (Giemsa staining) is carried out!

Antibody detection is carried out at the National Reference Centre for Tropical Pathogens.

Duration of the examination:
Microscopy: 2 hours


Test material:

Test method(s):
Antibody detection

Special features:
The disease is rare and a diagnosis only makes sense if there is a corresponding clinical history (M. Weil, contact with sewage). Serology becomes positive in leptospirosis from the 6th-10th day of illness.

Duration of the test:
Antibody detection: is carried out once a week, in an emergency (telephone request) a faster diagnosis is possible.

Sepsis, meningitis, diarrhoea
Congenital listeriosis, infection in pregnant women

Examination material:
Primary sterile materials (blood cultures, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.), wound swabs, amniotic fluid, placental swabs, respiratory secretions of newborns, meconium, faeces, etc.

Test method(s):
Resistance testing: MIC determination

Multiplex PCR from cerebrospinal fluid

Special features:
The detection of Listeria is guaranteed by the test requirement "Pathogen and resistance".

A multiplex PCR from cerebrospinal fluid is available for special indications (e.g. persistent suspicion without cultural growth). (only carried out after consultation with the laboratory doctor)

The examination of specific antibodies is not meaningful and is therefore not recommended!

Duration of the test:
Culture: 2-3 days
Multiplex PCR from cerebrospinal fluid: approx. 2 hours

Meningitis, sepsis
rarely respiratory infections

Examination material:
Cerebrospinal fluid
Blood culture
Respiratory secretions, throat swabs, eye swabs

Test method(s):

Resistance testing

Multiplex PCR from cerebrospinal fluid

Special features:
A rapid test for analysing cerebrospinal fluid (agglutination test) is also available for Neisseria meningitidis. This does not have to be requested separately, but is routinely carried out if gram-negative cocci are detected under the microscope.
The pathogen is very sensitive to environmental influences, especially cold. Do not store cerebrospinal fluid in the refrigerator after collection!

Multiplex PCR from CSF is available for special indications (e.g. persistent suspicion without cultural growth). (only carried out after consultation with the laboratory doctor)

Duration of the test:
Microscopy: approx. 1 hour
Culture: 2-3 days
Multiplex PCR from cerebrospinal fluid: approx. 2 hours

The most common microfilariae include Loa loa, Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, Mansonella perstans and Onchocerca volvulus.
Wuchereria sp. and Brugia sp. cause an infectious disease with fever, eosinophilia and chronic lymphangitis up to elephantiasis. Loa loa can cause itching and profuse lacrimation when the pathogen migrates through the conjunctiva. Oedema and eosinophilia also occur. Onchocerca volvulusforms fibrous nodules in the skin. Eye infestation can lead to corneal opacity and blindness (river blindness).
Mansonella infections often remain asymptomatic, but can also cause allergic reactions such as urticaria, pruritus and oedema

Test material:
EDTA blood (taken during the day and at night, see under "Special features", at least 5 ml, bring to the laboratory as quickly as possible!
Skin biopsies (so-called skin snips)

Examination method(s):
Microscopy after enrichment
Antibody detection (external examination)

Special features:
Microfilariae show different activity depending on the time of day: nocturnal microfilariae: Wuchereria, Brugia, diurnal microfilariae: Loa. The blood to be analysed should be taken according to the rhythm of the pathogen!

A specific test request is necessary for the examination for microfilariae, as special staining (Giemsa staining) and enrichment of the pathogens are carried out!

Antibody detection is carried out at the National Reference Centre for Tropical Infectious Pathogens.

Duration of the examination:
Microscopy: 3 hours


Infections occur mainly in immunocompromised patients:
Diarrhoea, nephritis, urethritis, cystitis, sclerosing cholangitis, keratoconjunctivitis, keratitis, respiratory tract infections, CNS infections, myositis

Examination material:
Stools, urine, bile, biopsies, respiratory secretions, cerebrospinal fluid, corneal scrapings, conjunctival swabs, etc.

Test method(s):
PCR (external test)

Special features:
A specific examination request is necessary for the examination for microsporidia. As the material must be sent for PCR, please contact us in advance by telephone!

Otitis media, bronchopneumonia, sinusitis
rarely also bacteraemia, sepsis, endocarditis

Examination material:
Sputum, sinus secretions, tympanic cavity punctates or aspirates, as well as deep ear canal swabs.
Rarely: bronchial secretions, tracheal secretions, blood cultures, cerebrospinal fluid

Test method(s):
Resistance testing

Special features:
The detection of Moraxella is guaranteed by the test requirement "Pathogen and resistance".

Duration of the examination:
2-3 days

Purulent abscesses, wound infections, osteomyelitis, endocarditis, foreign body infections, scalded skin syndrome, skin infections, etc.
Frequently as a colonisation germ on the skin and mucous membranes

Test material:
Screening for MRSA in accordance with the hygiene plan: Nasal swab (take one swab for both nostrils!), anal swab, throat swab, wound swab
Suspected infection: All swabs, body secretions, punctates, biopsies, cerebrospinal fluid, blood cultures, foreign bodies, etc.
Use universal swabswith transport medium for both MRSA control swab (culture) and MRSA screening (PCR)!

Test method(s):
Resistance testing
Direct PCR detection of MRSA in swabs (nasal swab, wound swab, in special cases also other localisations).
In special cases, detection of the mecA/mecC gene (PCR, carried out in the laboratory without a separate request if the diagnosis is unclear)

Special features:
This is an S. aureus that is resistant to oxacillin/methicillin and is therefore resistant to all beta-lactam antibiotics (exception: ceftobiprole, a resistance test can be carried out on request).
Due to the risk of nosocomial transmission of the pathogen, please be sure to observe the clinical hygiene instructions in the hygiene plan on the intranet!
MRSA patients must be isolated (see hygiene plan for internal use only!)

When submitting samples for MRSA screening, please use the special examination request "MRSA screening (PCR)"/"MRSA admission screening (culture)" or "MRSA follow-up examination (culture)" so that no further, unnecessarily costly examinations are carried out!

If the MRSA status is unknown, request PCR detection for rapid diagnostics. Suitable for intensive care units and contact patients. Positive PCR detection should always be confirmed by culture as part of a round of swabs (nose, throat, perianal, wound if necessary). Cultural detection is recommended for screening before elective surgery or planned admissions.

Duration of the test:
Culture: 1-3 days
PCR: if received by 10:30 a.m. in the laboratory on the same day (exception: Sundays and public holidays)

see Zygomycetes

Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex

BCGitis after BCG vaccination

Test material:

Sputum, tracheal secretion, bronchial secretion, gastric fasting secretion (in sodium phosphate solution, transport tubes are provided by the department to the wards/outpatient clinics on request): ( 2-5 ml),
bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) (>2, preferably 20-30 ml)

Cerebrospinal fluid (3-5 ml)
Tissue samples, especially lymph node aspirates (protect from drying out by adding approx. 0.5 ml sterile, physiological saline solution),

Stool (indicated for immunocompromised patients, especially HIV-positive patients),
Blood (≥ 5 ml in citrate tubes; indicated for immunocompromised patients),
Punctates, e.g. pleural punctate, ascites (>2 ml, preferably 20-30 ml)

Urine (morning urine ≥ 30 ml)

Whole blood (InTube plasma) using Vacutainer for the QuantiFERON® test. 4 tubes per patient must be received! Tubes must be filled exactly up to the black line (1 ml)!

Test method(s):
Species identification using molecular methods (PCR and probe hybridisation (genotype), 16S rDNA sequencing if necessary)
DNA detection (PCR)

Interferon-gamma release assay: QuantiFERON®-TB (ELISA)

Special features:
The M. tuberculosis complex includes M. tuberculosis, M. africanum, M. bovis, M. bovis BCG, M. canetti and M. microti
A specific test order for mycobacteria must be made, as special culture media must be used for cultivation!

Do not use EDTA additives for the cultural detection of pathogens from blood/bone marrow. EDTA is bactericidal! Send blood or bone marrow in citrate or heparin.

QuantiFERON® test: indirect test for the detection of M. tuberculosis infection. This test is an alternative to the Mendel-Mantoux tuberculin skin test. In contrast, the QuantiFERON® test shows no cross-reaction with the tuberculosis vaccine strain (BCG). A positive test result cannot distinguish between acute tuberculosis requiring treatment and latent tuberculosis.

Duration of the examination:

Microscopy: 4-5 hours
Culture: Depending on the concentration of pathogens in the test material and the growth rate approx. 1-3 weeks, a negative result is obtained after 8 weeks of incubation.
PCR: 4-5 hours
QuantiFERON® test: is performed 1x/week


M. hominis (urogenital mycoplasma): This pathogen occurs as a commensal on the urogenital mucosa, but also causes a number of infections (salpingitis, cervicitis, urethritis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis), which can be transmitted endogenously, through sexual contact, intrapartum or smear infections. In premature babies and newborns, M. hominis can lead to bronchopulmonary infections.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae: Atypical pneumonia, tracheobronchitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis

Test material:
M. hominisUrethral/cervical swabs, semen, prostate secretions,
in pregnant women: Amniotic fluid, egg skin swabs
In case of suspected pulmonary infection in newborns (≤ 6 months): respiratory secretions

Please use urea-arginine broth as transport medium.

M. pneumoniaeRespiratory secretions (throat rinse, gargle, tracheal secretions, sputum, BAL etc.), serum

Test method(s):
Culture (only for M. hominis)
Antibody detection (only for M. pneumoniae)
DNA detection (PCR, only for M. pneumoniae)

Special features:
If M. pneumoniae is suspected in children and adolescents, the detection of specific IgM antibodies is primarily indicated. In adults and older patients, PCR detection from respiratory test materials is recommended.

If urogenital mycoplasma is suspected, a specific test for mycoplasma should be ordered. The submission of secretions is preferable to a smear.

Resistance testing of the pathogens is not yet possible.

Duration of the examination:
Culture: up to 5 days
Antibody detection: the examination is carried out 1x/week
DNA detection: the examination is carried out 1-2x/week

Pulmonary nocardiosis: Chronic granulomatous infection of the lungs
Cerebral nocardiosis: Chronic granulomatous infection of the CNS, often caused by spread from the lungs or blood
Disseminated nocardiosis
(above infections usually only in immunocompromised patients)
Nocardiosis of the skin (very rare in Germany, more common in tropical regions, in immunocompromised patients)

Examination material:
Respiratory secretions (e.g. BAL), lung biopsies, brain biopsies, punctates, other primarily sterile materials, etc.

Examination method(s):
Resistance testing
Species identification using molecular biological methods if necessary

Special features:
A specific test request should be made for the examination for Nocardia, as the culture media must be incubated for longer than usual (at least 14 days) due to the slow growth of the pathogens!

Duration of the examination:
Species identification up to 14 days

Wound infections, especially after animal bites
Sinusitis, respiratory tract infections, meningitis, brain abscess etc.

Examination material:
Mucosal swabs, wound secretions, punctates, biopsy material, bronchial secretions, sputum, gingival pocket contents, blood, cerebrospinal fluid

Test method(s):
Resistance testing

Special features:
The detection of Pasteurella spp. is guaranteed by the test request "Pathogen and resistance".
Please note this in the clinical information for bite wounds, as the pathogen often occurs in bite wounds and can then be diagnosed even more quickly and specifically!

Duration of the examination:
2-3 days

Malaria tropica: P. falciparum
M. tertiana: P. vivax, P. ovale
M. quartana: P. malariae

P. knowlesi

Test material:
EDTA blood

Test method(s):
Microscopy: Thick drop and blood smear

Antigen detection (rapid test) is usually carried out with every examination for malaria.

Special features:
A specific test request is necessary for the examination for malaria, as special staining (Giemsa staining) is carried out.

The rapid test primarily detects Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax.

Duration of the test:
Antigen detection: approx. 30 minutes

Microscopy: several hours

Less common: wound infections, bacteraemia etc.

Test material:
Stool, wound swabs, blood culture

Test method(s):
Resistance test

Special features:
Stool: Plesiomonas spp. is included in the test request for travellers (multiplex PCR: extended panel). If the PCR is positive, cultural detection of the pathogen is sought.

Other materials: The detection of Plesiomonas spp. is guaranteed by the test requirement "Pathogen and resistance".

Duration of the test:
PCR: if received by 10:30 am on the same day (except weekends and public holidays)

Culture: 2-4 days

Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP)

Test material:
If BAL is not possible, bronchial lavage, bronchial secretions, tracheal secretions, high-quality sputum (induced sputum)
Throat swabs are unsuitable!

Test method(s):
Microscopy (fluorescence)
In special cases, a Pneumocystis PCR can be performed on microscopically negative samples after consultation by telephone.

Special features:
A specific examination request is necessary for the examination for P. jiroveci , as special staining is carried out!

Duration of the test:
several hours

P. aeruginosa: wound infections, pneumonia, sepsis, skin infections from burns, etc.
Common hospital germ (nosocomial transmission)
Other species (e.g. P. fluorescens, P. putida): less pathogenic, bacteraemia

Test material:
All swabs, body secretions, punctates, biopsies, cerebrospinal fluid, blood cultures, foreign bodies, etc.

Test method(s):
Resistance testing: MIC determination

Special features:
The detection of Pseudomonas spp. is ensured by the test requirement "Pathogen and resistance".

To screen for 3/4 MRGN pseudomonads, please request MRGN screening.

Duration of the examination:
2-3 days

see Zygomycetes

Gastrointeritis: enteritic Salmonella, most frequently S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium
Typhoid fever: S. Typhi
Paratyphoid fever: S. Paratyphoid A, B and C

Test material:
V. a. enteritic Salmonella: Stool
V. a. typhoid/paratyphoid: blood culture
V. a. mycotic aneurysm: intraoperative smear, biopsies, blood cultures

Test method(s):
Resistance testing: MIC determination
DNA detection (PCR)

Special features:
Detection from faeces is carried out using multiplex PCR to detect bacterial gastroenteritis pathogens. If the Salmonella PCR is positive, culture (identification incl. serotyping) and resistance testing are performed.

Other materials, e.g. blood culture: The detection of Salmonella spp. is guaranteed by the test requirement "Pathogen and resistance".

The human pathogenic salmonellae all belong to the species Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica and differ only in the respective serovar (e.g. Typhimurium, Enteritidis etc.). Therefore, only the genus Salmonella and the respective serovar are indicated on the findings in accordance with the recommendations on nomenclature.

Duration of the test:
Culture and resistance testing 2-4 days
Multiplex PCR: if received by 10:30 a.m. on the same day (except weekends and public holidays)

Bladder schistosomiasis: S. haematobium,
Intestinal schistosomiasis: S. mansoni, S. japonicum, S. mekongi, S. intercalatum

Test material:
V. a. bladder schistosomiasis: urine
(at least 10 ml, the best results are obtained if the urine is collected between 12 noon and 2 p.m. and after major physical exertion, e.g. patients climbing stairs)
V. a. intestinal schistosomiasis: stool, intestinal biopsy
Serum for antibody detection

Test method(s):
Microscopy (detection of eggs)
Antibody detection (external test)

Special features:
Antibody detection is carried out at the National Reference Centre for Tropical Infectious Pathogens.

Duration of the examination:
Microscopy: 1 day

Shigella dysentery

Test material:

Test method(s):
Resistance test
DNA detection (PCR)

Special features:
Detection from stool is carried out using multiplex PCR to detect bacterial gastroenteritis pathogens. If the Shigella PCR is positive, culture and resistance testing is performed.

Duration of the test:
Culture and resistance test 2-4 days
Multiplex PCR: if received by 10:30 a.m. on the same day (except weekends and public holidays)

Respiratory infections, wound infections, catheter infections, etc.
Common hospital germ (nosocomial transmission)

Examination material:
All swabs, body secretions, punctates, biopsies, cerebrospinal fluid, blood cultures, foreign bodies, etc.

Test method(s):
Resistance testing: MIC determination

Special features:
The detection of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is ensured by the test requirement "Pathogen and resistance".

Cotrimoxazole is the drug of choice for treatment. Limit values for assessing the MIC are currently only available for this substance.

Duration of the test:
1-3 days


Many species that cause different diseases, e.g.
S. pyogenes: tonsillitis, scarlet fever, erysipelas, puerperal sepsis, toxic shock syndrome, wound infections, etc.
S. agalactiae: Sepsis and meningitis in newborns, wound infections, puerperal sepsis, etc.
S. pneumoniae: Pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis, etc.
Greening streptococci(S. mitis group, S. anginosus group, etc.): Endocarditis, abscesses (esp. in the nasopharyngeal area)
S. dysgalactiae ssp. equisimilis (pyogenic streptococci): Wound infections, similar clinical pictures to S. pyogenes

Examination material:
All swabs, body secretions, punctates, biopsies, cerebrospinal fluid, blood cultures, foreign bodies, urine (antigen detection) etc.

Test method(s):
Resistance testing
Antigen detection (urine)
Multiplex PCR from cerebrospinal fluid

If necessary, identification by sequencing the SodA gene

Special features:
The detection of streptococci is ensured by the test requirement "Pathogen and resistance".

In cases of acute pneumonia, meningitis or sepsis, pneumococcal antigen detection from urine or
CSF is available.

For special indications (e.g. persistent suspicion without cultural growth), a multiplex PCR
(incl. S.pneumoniae and S.agalactiae) from cerebrospinal fluid is available. (only carried out after consultation with the laboratory doctor

Duration of the test:

Culture:1-3 days
Pneumococcal antigen rapid test: approx. 1 hour
Multiplex PCR from cerebrospinal fluid: approx. 2 hours

See B streptococcus screening in pregnant women

Human tapeworm infestation
T. saginata: bovine tapeworm
T. solium: pork tapeworm, cysticercosis

Test material:

Examination method(s):

Special features:
It is not possible to differentiate between Taenia solium and Taenia saginata on the basis of the morphology of the eggs.

Duration of the examination:
1-2 days


Test material:

If necessary, EDTA blood, cerebrospinal fluid, amniotic fluid, ocular fluid, lymph node biopsies, brain biopsies for DNA detection

Test method(s):
Antibody detection
DNA detection (PCR) in special cases (external test)

Special features:
To clarify pregnancy-relevant toxoplasmosis, please send a serum obtained before pregnancy if possible. IgM antibodies can persist for several months, so the detection of IgM antibodies during pregnancy does not always indicate a pregnancy-relevant infection. In cases of doubt, the consultant laboratory is consulted.
DNA detection is carried out in the consultant laboratory for toxoplasmosis.

Duration of the test:
Antibody detection: the test is carried out once a week
DNA detection: approx. 1 week

Lues (syphilis)

Test material:

Test method(s):
Antibody detection

Special features:
Antibody detection is the diagnostic method of choice for both acute and past infections. A step-by-step diagnosis is performed, which includes a screening test (ELISA), confirmation test (FTA) and activity parameters (cardiolipin, IgM).

If neurolues is suspected, a comparative analysis of serum and cerebrospinal fluid can be carried out (external examination). For this purpose, please take serum and CSF in parallel.

Duration of the test:
Antibody detection: the test is carried out once a week


Test material:
Cervical swabs, vaginal swabs, urethral swabs and urine: use special sampling kits for all materials!

Test method(s):
DNA detection (PCR)

Special features:
Use special swabbing equipment

Duration of the test:
PCR: The test is carried out 2x/week

M. Whippel (intestinal lipodystrophy)

Test material:
Deep biopsy of the small intestine
In special cases, other punctates and biopsies (heart, lymph nodes, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.) are also available after consultation.

Test method(s):
DNA detection (PCR) (external test)

Special features:
DNA detection from the small intestine biopsy is only useful if PAS-positive inclusions are detected in the histology! Therefore, wait for the histological findings before requesting DNA detection!
DNA detection is carried out in the Tropheryma whipplei consiliary laboratory.

Sleeping sickness

Test material:
EDTA blood
Biopsies, punctates (lymph nodes, muscles), cerebrospinal fluid
In case of chronic or past infection: serum for antibody detection

Test method(s):

antibody detection (external examination)

Special features:

A specific test request is necessary for the examination for trypanosomes, as special staining (Giemsa staining) is carried out
Antibody detection is carried out at the National Reference Centre for Tropical Infectious Pathogens (Bernhard Nocht Institute, Hamburg).

Duration of the examination:
Microscopy: several hours


Ureaplasma spp. occurs as a commensal on the urogenital mucosa, but is also suspected of causing a number of infections (salpingitis, cervicitis, urethritis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis) that can be transmitted endogenously, through sexual contact, intrapartum or smear infections.
Ureaplasma spp. can lead to bronchopulmonary infections in premature infants and newborns.

Test material:
Urethral/cervical swabs
Semen, prostate secretions,
in pregnant women: Amniotic fluid, ovarian smears

Please use urea-arginine broth as transport medium

In case of suspected pulmonary infection in newborns (≤ 6 months): respiratory secretions (for DNA detection)

Test method(s):

DNA detection (PCR)

Special features:
The submission of secretions is preferable to a smear.
A specific examination order for ureaplasma should be made, as special culture media are used for cultivation!

Duration of the examination:
Culture: 2-5 days
DNA detection: the examination is carried out 1x/week


Test material:

Test method(s):

Resistance testing

Special features:
The pathogen is very environmentally labile. If cholera is suspected, e.g. return from endemic areas (Haiti), contact the laboratory as soon as possible.

Duration of the test:
at least 2 days

Colonisation germ in the gastrointestinal tract (stool)
Pathogen of catheter infections, sepsis, wound infections, etc.

Test material:
Screening for AER: rectal swab
Suspected infection: all swabs, body secretions, punctates, biopsies, cerebrospinal fluid, blood cultures, foreign bodies, etc.

Test method(s):

Resistance testing,

Determination of the resistance gene using PCR (no separate requirement)

Special features:
This is an enterococcal strain, usually Enterococcus faecium, which is resistant to vancomycin and in some cases also to teicoplanin due to the expression of a van gene(VanA and VanB ). Detection is carried out using a screening agar. The van genotype of each VRE strain is determined by PCR in the laboratory.
Due to the risk of nosocomial transmission of the pathogen, please be sure to observe the clinical hygiene instructions in the hygiene plan on the intranet (only available internally)!
When sending samples for VRE screening, please be sure to specify "VRE screening" so that no further unnecessary tests are carried out!

Duration of the examination:
2-3 days

Yersinia enteritis(Y. enterocolitica)
Pseudoappendicitis(Y. pseudotuberculosis)
Postinfectious arthritis
Plague(Y. pestis)

Test material:
In case of suspected disseminated infection: blood, cerebrospinal fluid, punctates etc.
In case of suspected post-infectious arthritis: serum
In case of suspected plague(Yersinia pestis): sputum, blood, cerebrospinal fluid or lymph node pus

Test method(s):
DNA detection (PCR)
Resistance testing
Antibody detection

Special features:
Detection from faeces is carried out using multiplex PCR to detect bacterial gastroenteritis pathogens. If the Yersinia PCR is positive, a culture and resistance test is performed.

If plague is suspected, please contact the laboratory by telephone beforehand! This is a category S3 pathogen (risk of laboratory infections) and special culture media must be used.

A specific test for Yersinia should always be ordered.

Duration of the test:
PCR: on receipt by 10:30 am (except weekends and public holidays)
Culture: 2-4 days
Antibody detection: the test is carried out 1x/week

Clinic: Zygomycosis
This is a disease that mainly occurs in immunocompromised patients (diabetes, leukaemia, chemotherapy, etc.) and is characterised by rapid, progressive tissue destruction. The disease can manifest itself in acute, rapidly fatal infections originating in the paranasal sinuses (rhinocerebral form), infestation of the lungs (with cavern formation) and the intestinal tract or in the form of chronic granulomatous subcutaneous processes in healthy children. Mucormycosis is also found in mammals, e.g. as a cause of abortion due to placental infestation

Examination material:
Respiratory secretions

Examination method(s):
Microscopy, culture, identification using molecular biological methods if necessary

Special features:
Specific examination order or examination request for "mould fungi" required so that the cultures are incubated for longer than 48 hours!

Attention: Voriconazole is ineffective.

Duration of the examination:
cultural growth within a few days


  • Molecular biological diagnostics is a supplement to conventional cultural and serological pathogen diagnostics.

    It is carried out in particular to detect pathogens that

  • cannot be cultured or are difficult to culture

  • grow very slowly

  • may have toxin genes that are associated with very high pathogenicity (e.g. Corynebacterium diphtheriae)

  • may have resistance genes that are of great clinical and clinical-hygienic relevance (e.g. detection of MRSA)

  • In molecular biological diagnostics, the nucleic acid of the respective pathogen or a gene specific to the respective pathogen is detected. Various methods are available for this purpose, such as the polymerase chain reaction and the use of gene probes. As the methods for detecting nucleic acids are very sensitive procedures that can detect even the smallest amounts of nucleic acid from the pathogen, special conditions must be observed when taking and transporting the material:

  • A special swab kit must be used to detect chlamydia (PCR swab kit with MicroTest M4RT medium, available from the hospital pharmacy). As C. trachomatis is an intracellular pathogen, swabs with as many cells as possible should be taken.

  • For PCR detection of M. tuberculosis from cerebrospinal fluid, send at least 2-5 ml!

  • Ensure clean, contamination-free material collection.

The molecular biological diagnosis of infectious agents is generally offered by our laboratory once or twice a week. Indications for immediate molecular biological diagnostics must be discussed with the laboratory physician responsible for molecular biology, taking into account the severity of the clinical picture as well as therapeutic and clinical hygiene consequences.

Please note that the examination methods and the selected spectrum of pathogens are subject to constant updating. If you have any questions, also with regard to the interpretation of findings, please contact our molecular biology staff on 65327. You will also be forwarded to the laboratory doctor responsible for molecular biology via this number.

Below you will find an overview of the pathogens that are detected using nucleic acid detection:

PathogensTest materialsMethodRemarks
Acanthamoeba spp.

Corneal abrasion

Contact lens

cerebrospinal fluid

PCRPlease contact us by telephone on 65327.
Bordetella pertussis

Bordetella parapertussis
Throat swab, tracheal secretion, bronchial secretion, BALLightCycler PCRB. parapertussis only after consultation by telephone (65327)
Chlamydia pneumoniaeThroat swab, sputum, tracheal secretion, bronchial secretion, BAL, conjunctival swab, cerebrospinal fluidLightCycler PCR
Chlamydia psittaciThroat swab, sputum, tracheal secretion, bronchial secretion, BAL, conjunctival swab, CSFLightCycler PCRGenerally only indicated if there is anamnestic evidence of bird contact.
Chlamydia trachomatisThroat swab, tracheal secretion, bronchial secretion, BALPCRCaution! Only indicated in case of clinical suspicion of neonatal pneumonia (newborns and infants < 6 months), use Chlamydia trachomatis PCR swab set with MicroTest M4RT medium!
Chlamydia trachomatisConjunctival swab, urethral swab, cervical swab, vaginal swab, first stream urinePCRUse Chlamydia trachomatis PCR swab kit with MicroTest M4RT medium!
Gastroenteritis pathogens
(Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, EHEC)
StoolMultiplex PCRIf received in the laboratory by 11am, the test will be performed on the same day.
Legionella pneumophilaThroat swab, tracheal secretion, bronchial secretion, BALLightCycler PCRA PCR is also carried out to detect all Legionella species.
Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA)Nasal swab, wound swab, throat swab;
in special cases also anal swab
Real-time PCRPCR is recommended for MRSA screening.
Mycobacterium tuberculosisTracheal secretions, bronchial secretions, BAL, induced sputum, cerebrospinal fluid (at least 2-5 ml), punctates and biopsies (after telephone consultation)PCRPCR is only standardised for materials from the respiratory tract.
Mycoplasma pneumoniaeThroat swab, tracheal secretion, bronchial secretion, BALLightCycler PCR
Neisseria gonorrhoeaeUrethral swab, cervical swab, first stream urineLightCycler PCR
Toxoplasma gondiiCerebrospinal fluidPCRExternal examination
Ureaplasma urealyticumThroat swab, tracheal secretion, bronchial secretion, BALLightCycler PCRonly for newborns and infants < 6 months!
Eubacterial PCR (detects all relevant pathogenic bacteria)Primarily sterile materials (cerebrospinal fluid, biopsies, etc.)LightCycler PCR subsequent sequencing*only after consultation by telephone on 65327.
panfungal PCR (detects all relevant pathogenic fungi)primarily sterile materials (cerebrospinal fluid, biopsies, etc.)LightCycler PCR subsequent sequencing*only after consultation by telephone on 65327.


In addition to the nucleic acid tests listed in the table, tests for culture confirmation or toxin detection of certain pathogens are available, which are used as part of the respective pathogen diagnostics:

  • Bacillus anthracis (LightCycler PCR)
  • Corynebacterium diphtheriae (LightCycler PCR)
  • Escherichia coli (EHEC) (LightCycler PCR)
  • Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) (LightCycler PCR)
  • Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) (with genotype)
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (with genotype)
  • Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) (LightCycler PCR)
  • Burkholderia cepacia genomovar I, IIIA (BlockCycler PCR)
  • Burkholderia multivorans (BlockCycler PCR)
  • Carbapenemase PCR (multiplex PCR)

In addition to the nucleic acid diagnostics described above, it is possible to identify pathogens (bacteria and fungi) that cannot be clearly determined biochemically by means of gene sequencing*. As this is a very time-consuming and cost-intensive specialised diagnostic procedure, sequencing is only carried out in the case of significant pathogen detection and after consultation with the sending doctor regarding the clinical relevance of the pathogen detection.

* Sequencing is subcontracted as part of the identification process to a specialised laboratory accredited for this procedure.

Infectious serology always involves special requirements for the detection of antigens or antibodies against certain pathogens. The only exception to this is the arthritis serology requirement, in which antibodies against a specific selection of infectious agents that can induce arthritis are analysed.

Which tests are offered?
The antigen and antibody tests include the bacterial and parasitic infectious agents listed in the table below as well as pathogenic fungi. In addition, special tests (only for inpatients) can be carried out, which are forwarded to external laboratories, e.g. the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine. The external laboratories are exclusively national reference centres or special laboratories with a high quality standard. If you have any requirements that are not mentioned on the request form, please contact the Infection Serology Department (Tel. 65327 / 65376) before sending in the sample.

Which test material is suitable?
Patient serum is the most suitable test material for the vast majority of tests. No less than 2 ml of venous blood should be sent to the Department of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene in a serum monovette, avoiding haemolysis and without the addition of anticoagulants. If an acute infection is clinically suspected, it is always advisable to send in a paired serum sample approx. 2-4 weeks after the initial examination. This allows titer movements or antibody conversions to be recorded. For a few indications (e.g. suspected neuro-borreliosis, suspected neuro-syphilis), it is advisable to send a paired serum and CSF sample. In this case, a determination of total IgG and albumin in serum and cerebrospinal fluid must always be carried out in clinical chemistry so that a specific serum/cerebrospinal fluid antibody quotient can be calculated! Only this can confirm an infection of the central nervous system with a high degree of probability.

How often are the tests carried out?
The tests are carried out at least once a week, depending on the sample volume. Test materials for which the detection of Aspergillus antigen or cryptococcal antigen is requested are processed immediately on the day the laboratory receives them.

How can I reach the infectious serology laboratory?
Please note that the examination methods and the selected spectrum of pathogens are subject to constant updating. If you have any questions, also with regard to the interpretation of findings, please contact our infection serology staff on 65327 / 65376. This number will also put you through to the laboratory doctor responsible for infectious serology.

PathogenTest materialsMethodRemarks
Aspergillus spp.

Cerebrospinal fluid

bronchoalveolar lavage

ELISA (antigen detection)Antigen detection is indicated if invasive systemic aspergillosis is suspected.
Bartonella henselae
Bartonella quintana
SerumMicroimmunofluorescence test
Bordetella pertussisserum

IgG antibody detection* (ELISA)


Determination of immune status

Vaccination success check

Seroepidemiological examination

*external examination

PCR from or secretions is more suitable for the diagnosis of acute infections.

Borrelia burgdorferiSerum


IgG/IgM immunoblot

Screening test

Confirmation test

If neuroborreliosis is suspected, send in cerebrospinal fluid (at least 1 ml) and serum. For reliable detection of intrathecally synthesised Ac, the determination of albumin and total IgG from CSF and serum should be arranged at the central Klinsche Chemie facility.
Brucella spp.SerumIgG/IgM ELISA
Campylobacter jejuni
Campylobacter coli

IgG immunoblot

Chlamydia spp.
C. pneumoniae
C. trachomatis
C. psittaci
SerumIgG/IgM microimmunofluorescence testScreening test

Confirmation test and species differentiation
C. trachomatisVaginal swab
Cervical swab
Urethral swab
Conjunctival swab
Nucleic acid detection (see"Molecular biology")

IgG immunoblot *
Order the appropriate swab kit (PCR swab kit with MicroTest M4RT medium) from the hospital pharmacy. If possible, take a cell-rich swab. The examination of tracheal secretions and material from the respiratory tract is only useful if neonatal pneumonia is suspected.

* Indication: tubal sterility, ascending infection, reactive arthritis
C. pneumoniaeNasal swab
Throat swab bronchoalveolar lavage,
Tracheal secretion

Nucleic acid detection
(see"Molecular biology")

Pathogen cultivation using cell culture; (only after consultation in exceptional cases)

If possible, take a cell-rich smear.

The chlamydia transport medium for the culture can be ordered from the pharmacy. The material should be sent to the laboratory immediately after the sample has been taken.

Coxiella burnetii (Q fever)SerumMicroimmunofluorescence test
(antibody detection)
Cryptococcus neoformansSerum
Antigen detection by agglutination reaction
Echinococcus spp.
E. multilocularis
SerumDetection of polyvalent Ac by agglutination reaction

Detection of polyvalent Ac by ELISA
Screening test

Species differentiation
Legionella spp.


respiratory secretions

Antigen detection from urine using ELISA, with regard to nucleic acid detection
(see"Molecular biology")
LeptospiresserumIgM ELISASpecific antibodies appear from the 6th to 10th day of illness.
Mycoplasma pneumoniaeSerum
respiratory secretions
Nucleic acid detection,
(see"Molecular biology")
Streptococcus pyogenesserumAntibody detectionThis test is carried out in the Clinical Chemistry Centre (ADNase B)
Toxopolasma gondiiSerumIgG, IgM ELISA (Vidas)
Screening test
IgM confirmation test
Follow-up monitoring
Treponema pallidum (Lues)Serum


Screening test
Confirmatory test
Clarification of need for treatment

If neurosyphilis is suspected, send in serum and CSF. For reliable detection of intrathecally synthesised Ac, arrange for the determination of albumin and total IgG from serum and CSF in the Clinical Chemistry Department.

Yersinia spp.

Yersinia pseudotuberculosis

SerumIgA immunoblotIndicated above all for non-enteritic, intestinal (pseudoappendicitis) and extraintestinal yersiniosis.








Enzyme linked immuno assay


Fluorescence treponema antibody absorption test


Indirect immunofluorescence test


polymerase chain reaction


Treponema pallidum particle agglutination test

Antibiotic Stewardship (ABS)

Files for download (only available internally)

Suggestions / praise / complaints

You can use our online form to send queries, complaints or praise to our laboratory.

Once we have received your enquiry, we will find the appropriate contact person to deal with the matter. The processing will be independent and impartial.

Please understand that it may take several weeks to process your enquiry.



Institute team

Hospital hygiene
