Development of an e-learning programme "Child protection in the medical field - a basic course for all health professions"

Child protection, medicine, health professions, basic course
Project Management
Project Term
06/2015 – 09/2021
Background & Aim of the Project
Numerous new measures and legislative changes within the framework of child protection are still too few known in the health professions and lead to uncertainties with regard to the authority to act. The goal of this project is the effective and sustainable further education of health professionals with regard to child abuse.
In the project an online course for medical and therapeutic specialists is developed. This will include an overview of the current legal situation, changes in legislation, epidemiology and diagnostics of the different forms of abuse as well as international guidelines.
In the accompanying research, the course is regularly evaluated in order to improve the learning platform and the learning content. In addition, the participants' acquired knowledge and their competence to act are measured.
The course has been certified by the State Medical Chambers of Baden-Württemberg. Participation is free of charge during the duration of the project.
Description of the Project
The development of the course began in June 2015. From June 2016 to November 2016, a first test cohort of 322 participants completed the course. Based on the feedback from the participants and experts from the departments, the course was subsequently revised until May 2017 both in terms of content and its technical and structural setup.
In May 2017, the second test cohort with 355 participants started the revised course. The course duration of the second text cohort ended in September 2017. Directly afterwards, from September 2017 to January 2018, a waiting control group of the second test cohort of 359 participants passed through the course. The waiting control group will follow the same course as the second test cohort. In this way, the efficiency of the course is checked.
In the first three cohorts a total of 1036 health professionals passed the course, 701 of them completed it successfully. The accompanying research shows a high level of satisfaction with the course and its contents and a significant increase in knowledge and skills in the field of child protection.
Participation in the online course is free of charge if you register by 30.06.2020 at
Publikationen und erstellte Materialien
Maier A, Hoffmann U, Rassenhofer M, Fegert JM: Possibilities of dissemination of specialist knowledge and acting capacity in the field of child protection in medicine: a qualitative survey. GMS Journal for Medical Education. 2020; Vol. 37(1)
Maier A, Fegert JM, Hoffmann U: Vor Kindesmisshandlung schützen: Kinderschutz in der Medizin – ein Grundkurs für alle Gesundheitsberufe. Ergotherapie & Rehabilitation. 2019; 58 (7): 14-18
Maier A, Hoffmann U & Fegert JM; Kinderschutz in der Medizin: E-Learning Curriculum zum Erwerb von Grundwissen und Handlungskompetenz. MMW – Fortschritte der Medizin. 2019; 161 (54): 1-8
Maier A, Fegert JM & Hoffmann U: Weiterbildung für Pflegekräfte zum Thema Kinderschutz: Online-Kurs „Kinderschutz in der Medizin – ein Grundkurs für alle Gesundheitsberufe“. Kinderkrankenschwester. 2019; 35(1): 4-9
Maier A, Hoffmann U, Plener PL, Fegert JM (2018): Ärztliche Kompetenzentwicklung im Kinderschutz durch E-Learning: Das Projekt „Kinderschutz in der Medizin – Ein Grundkurs für alle Gesundheitsberufe”. Nervenheilkunde, 37(10), 730-737
Hoffmann U, Maier A, Fegert JM (2018): Die Sinne schärfen für den Kinderschutz. Die Pflegezeitschrift 71(8), 50-53
Fegert JM, Hoffmann U, Maier A (2016): „Kindesmisshandlung: Epidemiologie, Erkennen und Handeln“. Die Pflegezeitschrift, 69(10), 577-581
Fegert JM, Hoffmann U (2016): in: Prävention durch Weiterbildung –Das E-Learning Projekt „Grundkurs Kinderschutz in der Medizin". BVKJ- Themenheft Kinder- und Jugendschutz, 121 - 123.
Contact Address
Funded by
Federal Ministry of Health (BMG)