Prof. Dr. Klaus-Michael Debatin
Director of the Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Ulm University Medical Center
Address: Eythstr. 24, 89075 Ulm, Germany
Secretariat: Bianca Welz
phone: +49-731-500-57001
1971 - 1978 | Medical school, Universities of Ulm, Freiburg and Heidelberg |
1979 | Doctorate degree, University of Heidelberg |
1979 - 1982 | Research fellow/DFG scholarship holder, Institute of Immunology, University of Heidelberg and Max-Planck-Institute for Immunobiology, Freiburg |
Between 1983 and 1991 | Guest scientist at the German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg, the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Boston, the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center New-York, the Institute Mario Negri and the University Children's Hospital in Milan |
1989 | Board Certification as Medical Specialist in Pediatrics |
1990 | Habilitation |
1991 - 1994 | Heisenberg fellow of the German Research Foundation (DFG) at the National Cancer Institute of the U.S.A. (Fogarty Fellow), at the German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg and at Hôpital Necker, Paris |
1994 - 1997 | Head, Hematology/Oncology Section, University Children's Hospital Heidelberg |
1997 - 2024 | Full Professor and Director of the Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, UIm University |
- Medical Specialist in Pediatrics
- Focus on Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
- Additional Qualification Allergology
Scientific Profile
Over the past decades cell death research and the clinical implications of cell death pathways for diseases and their therapeutic manipulation have been the major focus of the Debatin lab. The research of his lab covered several areas starting from the discovery of the CD95 death receptor and the CD95 system as a key apoptosis signaling pathway in 1989 via the first demonstration of apoptosis induction via physiological death system (CD95) in leukemia cells through the discovery of the participation of apoptosis signaling in anticancer therapy (1996) to recent work on understanding the role of apoptosis sensitivity and resistance for Graft-versus-Host-Disease (GvHD) and T-cell function (see Strauss group) as well as the prognostic impact of apoptosis sensitivity in pediatric leukemia and the development of appropriate mouse models for studying human acute lymphoblastic leukemia (see Meyer group).
A special focus within the different activities is on understanding mechanisms of sensitivity and resistance of tumor cells for anticancer therapy. This also includes the analysis of signaling pathways that may help to overcome resistance to molecular targeted therapy or conventional therapy using cytotoxic drugs and irradiation in human tumors with a particular focus on pediatric oncology. In addition to the focus on leukemia, leukemia models and neuroblastoma (see Beltinger group), glioblastoma is of particular interest (see Debatin/Westhoff group).
- Trauth BC, Klas C, Peters AMJ, Matzku S, Möller P, Falk W, Debatin KM, Krammer PH (1989): Monoclonal antibody-mediated tumor regression by induction of apoptosis. Science 245, 301-305.
Discovery of the CD95 (APO-1/Fas) death receptor system - Debatin KM, Goldmann CK, Bamford R, Waldmann TA, Krammer PH (1990): Monoclonal antibody-mediated apoptosis in adult T cell leukemia. Lancet 335, 497-500.
First description of death receptor induced apoptosis in primary tumor cells - Dhein J, Walczak H, Bäumler C, Debatin KM, Krammer PH (1995): Autocrine T-cell suicide mediated by APO-1/Fas (CD95). Nature 373, 438-441.
Description of the mechanistic role of the CD95 system in T cell homeostasis - Rieux-Laucat F, Le Deist F, Hivroz C, Roberts IAG, Debatin KM, Fischer A, De Villartay JP (1995): Mutations in Fas associated with human lymphoproliferative syndrome and autoimmunity. Science 268, 1347-1349.
First description of homozygous and heterozygous mutations in CD95 in patients - Friesen C, Herr I, Krammer PH, Debatin KM (1996): Involvement of the CD95 (APO-1/Fas) receptor/ ligand system in drug induced apoptosis in leukemia cell. Nat. Med. 2, 574-577.
One of the first papers to describe the requirement for intact apoptosis signaling in cytotoxic drug induced apoptosis in leukemia cells - Fulda S, Wick W, Weller M, Debatin KM (2002): Smac agonists sensitize for Apo2L/TRAIL- or anticancer drug-induced apoptosis and induce regression of malignant glioma in vivo. Nat. Med. 8, 808-15.
One of the first papers to describe the synergy/requirement between inhibiting IAP proteins and sensitization for death receptor (TRAIL) induced apoptosis - Meyer LH, Karawajew L, Schrappe E, Ludwig WD, Stahnke K, Debatin KM (2006): Cytochrome c related caspase activation determines treatment response and relapse in childhood B-precursor ALL. Blood 107, 4524-3.
One of the first functional studies correlating intact apoptosis signaling in leukemia cells with treatment response - Strauss G, Lindquist JA, Arhel N, Felder E, Karl S, Haas T, Fulda S, Walczak H, Kirchhoff F, Debatin KM (2009): CD95 co-stimulation blocks activation of naive T cells by inhibiting T cell receptor signaling. J. Exp. Med. 206, 1379-93.
Identification of a novel role of the CD95 system in silencing T cell activation rather than inducing apoptosis in T cells - Meyer LH, Eckhoff SM, Queudeville M, Kraus JM, Giordan M, Stursberg J, Zangrando A, Vendramini E, Moricke A, Zimmermann M, Schrauder A, Lahr G, Holzmann K, Schrappe M, Basso G, Stahnke K, Kestler HA, Te Kronnie G, Debatin KM (2011): Early relapse in ALL is identified by time to leukemia in NOD/SCID mice and is characterized by a gene signature involving survival pathways. Cancer Cell 19, 206-217.
Identification of functional anti-apoptosis/survival signaling as a key prognostic factor in a large cohort of primary ALL cells in the NOD/SCID huALL model with translation of the results and the gene expression signature into clinical studies - Münch V, Trentin L, Herzig J, Demir S, Seyfried F, Kraus JM, Kestler HA, Köhler R, Barth TFE, Te Kronnie G, Debatin KM, Meyer LH (2017): Central nervous system involvement in acute lymphoblastic leukemia is mediated by vascular endothelial growth factor. Blood 130, 643-654.
First description of VEGF as a key regulator of CNS leukemia
Please see ORCID for additional publications.
Functions in Committees (Selection)
- 2010–2014, 2015–2021: Vice President of Ulm University
- 2013–2020: Senate Commission on Key Questions in Clinical Research of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
- 2013–2014: Board of Trustees of the German Cancer Aid
- 2011–2017: Senate of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
- 2009–2015: Steering Committee, Association of Medical Universities, Germany
Achievements and Awards (Selection)
- 2022: Honorary doctorate from the Medical Faculty of the University of Duisburg-Essen
- 2022: CDD Juerg Tschopp Prize (ECDO)
- 2011: German Cancer Aid Award
- 2006: Descartes Prize (European Union)
- 2005: Elected member: Heidelberg Academy of Sciences
- 2002: German Cancer Award
- 2001: Elected member: National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina)
Prof. Dr. Klaus-Michael Debatin
1971 - 1978 | Studium der Humanmedizin an den Universitäten Ulm, Freiburg und Heidelberg |
1979 | Promotion an der Universität Heidelberg |
1979 - 1982 | wissenschafftliche Tätigkeit an der Universität Heidelberg und am Max-Planck-Institut für Immunologie in Freiburg |
Zwischen 1983 und 1991 | Gastwissenschaftler des Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums Heidelberg, Auslandsaufenthalte am Daner-Farber Cancer Institute Boston, am Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center New-York, am Institut Mario Negri und der Universitäts-Kinderklinik in Mailand |
1989 | Facharzt für Kinderheilkunde |
1990 | Habilitation |
1991 - 1994 | Heisenberg-Stipdendiat der DFG am National Cancer Institute der USA, am Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, und am Hôpital Necker, Paris |
1994 - 1997 | Leiter der Sektion Hämatologie/Onkologie der Universitäts-Kinderklinik Heidelberg |
1997 - 2024 | Ärztlicher Direktor der Universitätsklinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin Ulm |
- Facharzt für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
- Schwerpunkt Kinder-Hämatologie und -Onkologie
- Zusatzbezeichnung Allergologie
Wissenschaftliche Schwerpunkte
Der langjährige Forschungs-Schwerpunkt von Klaus-Michael Debatin liegt auf der Analyse des Zelltods, insbesondere auf den klinischen Implikationen der Apoptose-Signalwege und der Möglichkeit ihrer therapeutischen Manipulation. In den letzten Jahrzehnten waren er und sein Team maßgeblich an verschiedenen Schlüsselereignissen in diesem Forschungsgebiet beteiligt, von der Entdeckung des Todesrezeptors CD95 (1989) und der erstmaligen Induzierung von Apoptose durch Aktivierung einer physiologischen Signalkaskade (CD95) in Leukämien über das Beschreiben der Apoptose-Induktion als Schlüsselmechanismus der modernen Krebstherapie (1996) bis hin zu neuesten Arbeiten, die sich mit der Apoptose-Resistenz und -sensitivität bei Graft-versus-Host-Disease (GvHD) und T-Zellen Funktion (siehe AG Strauss) beschäftigen, den prognostischen Implikationen von Apoptose-Sensitivität in pädiatrischen Leukämien und der Entwicklung der entsprechenden Mausmodelle zur Erforschung Akuter Lymphoblastischer Leukämien (siehe AG Meyer).
Ein besonderer Fokus bei den verschiedenen Forschungsrichtungen des Labors liegt auf der Analyse von molekularen Mechanismen der Apoptose-Resistenz und -sensitivität von Tumorzellen während der Krebstherapie. Dies beinhaltet auch die Analyse von Signalwegen, deren Modulation Therapie-Resistenzen überkommen könnte, sowohl bei Behandlung mit zytotoxischen Medikamenten als auch bei Bestrahlung. Hierbei liegt der Fokus vor allem auf Tumoren des Kindesalters. Neben Leukämien, Leukämiemodellen und Neuroblastomen (siehe AG Beltinger) liegt ein besonderer Schwerpunkt beim Glioblastom (siehe AG Debatin/Westhoff).
- Trauth BC, Klas C, Peters AMJ, Matzku S, Möller P, Falk W, Debatin KM, Krammer PH (1989): Monoclonal antibody-mediated tumor regression by induction of apoptosis. Science 245, 301-305.
Discovery of the CD95 (APO-1/Fas) death receptor system - Debatin KM, Goldmann CK, Bamford R, Waldmann TA, Krammer PH (1990): Monoclonal antibody-mediated apoptosis in adult T cell leukemia. Lancet 335, 497-500.
First description of death receptor induced apoptosis in primary tumor cells - Dhein J, Walczak H, Bäumler C, Debatin KM, Krammer PH (1995): Autocrine T-cell suicide mediated by APO-1/Fas (CD95). Nature 373, 438-441.
Description of the mechanistic role of the CD95 system in T cell homeostasis - Rieux-Laucat F, Le Deist F, Hivroz C, Roberts IAG, Debatin KM, Fischer A, De Villartay JP (1995): Mutations in Fas associated with human lymphoproliferative syndrome and autoimmunity. Science 268, 1347-1349.
First description of homozygous and heterozygous mutations in CD95 in patients - Friesen C, Herr I, Krammer PH, Debatin KM (1996): Involvement of the CD95 (APO-1/Fas) receptor/ ligand system in drug induced apoptosis in leukemia cell. Nat. Med. 2, 574-577.
One of the first papers to describe the requirement for intact apoptosis signaling in cytotoxic drug induced apoptosis in leukemia cells - Fulda S, Wick W, Weller M, Debatin KM (2002): Smac agonists sensitize for Apo2L/TRAIL- or anticancer drug-induced apoptosis and induce regression of malignant glioma in vivo. Nat. Med. 8, 808-15.
One of the first papers to describe the synergy/requirement between inhibiting IAP proteins and sensitization for death receptor (TRAIL) induced apoptosis - Meyer LH, Karawajew L, Schrappe E, Ludwig WD, Stahnke K, Debatin KM (2006): Cytochrome c related caspase activation determines treatment response and relapse in childhood B-precursor ALL. Blood 107, 4524-3.
One of the first functional studies correlating intact apoptosis signaling in leukemia cells with treatment response - Strauss G, Lindquist JA, Arhel N, Felder E, Karl S, Haas T, Fulda S, Walczak H, Kirchhoff F, Debatin KM (2009): CD95 co-stimulation blocks activation of naive T cells by inhibiting T cell receptor signaling. J. Exp. Med. 206, 1379-93.
Identification of a novel role of the CD95 system in silencing T cell activation rather than inducing apoptosis in T cells - Meyer LH, Eckhoff SM, Queudeville M, Kraus JM, Giordan M, Stursberg J, Zangrando A, Vendramini E, Moricke A, Zimmermann M, Schrauder A, Lahr G, Holzmann K, Schrappe M, Basso G, Stahnke K, Kestler HA, Te Kronnie G, Debatin KM (2011): Early relapse in ALL is identified by time to leukemia in NOD/SCID mice and is characterized by a gene signature involving survival pathways. Cancer Cell 19, 206-217.
Identification of functional anti-apoptosis/survival signaling as a key prognostic factor in a large cohort of primary ALL cells in the NOD/SCID huALL model with translation of the results and the gene expression signature into clinical studies - Münch V, Trentin L, Herzig J, Demir S, Seyfried F, Kraus JM, Kestler HA, Köhler R, Barth TFE, Te Kronnie G, Debatin KM, Meyer LH (2017): Central nervous system involvement in acute lymphoblastic leukemia is mediated by vascular endothelial growth factor. Blood 130, 643-654.
First description of VEGF as a key regulator of CNS leukemia
Weitere Publikationen siehe ORCID.
Gremienarbeit (Auswahl)
- 2010 - 2014 sowie 2015 - 2021 Vizepräsident für Medizin bzw. für Kooperationen der Universität Ulm
- 2013–2020: Mitglied Senatskommission für Grundsatzfragen in der Klinischen Forschung (SGKF) der DFG
- 2013–2014: Kuratorium der Deutschen Krebshilfe
- 2011–2017: Senat der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft
- 2009–2015: Präsidium des Medizinischen Fakultätentages
Auszeichnungen und Mitgliedschaften (Auswahl)
- 2022: Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde von der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Duisburg-Essen
- 2022: CDD Juerg Tschopp Preis (ECDO)
- 2011: Deutsche Krebshilfe Preis
- 2006: Descartes-Preis der EU
- 2005: Ordentliches Mitglied der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften
- 2002: Deutscher Krebspreis
- 2001: Mitglied der Leopoldina – Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften