Early detection of cardiovascular risk factors is increasingly becoming the focus of modern medicine. The Prevention Act also promotes this topic politically. A patient with an increased cardiovascular risk can be identified through the targeted recording of risk factors. The cardiovascular risk can be reduced through lifestyle changes and, if necessary, direct drug therapy. This can delay heart disease and promote healthy ageing.
Cardiovascular prevention is therefore not only relevant for health-conscious people.
Our range of services:
- Assessment of cardiovascular risk using recognised scores
- Screening diagnostics for structural heart disease and arteriosclerosis
-Advice on lifestyle changes
- Advice and initiation of preventive drug therapy
- Advice on further cardiac therapies / diagnostics if necessary
Please bring a valid referral slip from your doctor in private practice and all relevant previous findings (doctor's letters, ECGs, ultrasound examinations, laboratory findings) with you to the agreed appointment.
A detailed assessment of your cardiovascular risk is particularly important to us. You can discuss any complaints or previous findings you have brought with you with the respective doctor in the outpatient clinic for cardiovascular prevention. Further examinations may be necessary to assess your cardiovascular risk. If risk factors are recognised, you will be informed about various treatment options and, if necessary, drug therapy will be initiated. In the case of serious findings, invasive treatment may be discussed and planned.
In addition to the diagnosis, we offer further examination methods in our outpatient clinic:
- Transthoracic echocardiography
- Resting ECG, exercise ECG
- Sonography of the vessels supplying the brainSonography of the vessels supplying the brain
- Lung function
- Spiroergometry
- Laboratory diagnostics