Dear patients,
, dear colleagues,
, dear visitors to our website,
We are pleased to welcome you to the pages of the Pneumology Department. As a university lung centre, we cover the entire spectrum of pulmonary medicine. For example, we treat patients with pneumonia, asthma, COPD, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension and sleep apnoea syndrome.
In particular, we have many years of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer.
An experienced team of doctors, medical assistants, physiotherapists, study assistants and nursing staff are available to you in the inpatient and outpatient areas.
Clinical specialisations
Pneumological differential diagnostics
Diagnosis of patients who present with symptoms or X-ray images of unclear lung and respiratory diseases. Our centre also has expertise in the care of patients with rare lung diseases, such as pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis, lymphangioleiomyomatosis or alveolar proteinosis.
Functional diagnostics
A number of functional departments enable rapid diagnosis and treatment. This includes a modern bronchoscopy department, in which around 1600 bronchoscopies are carried out every year. If necessary, an anaesthetist is also available so that the examination (rigid bronchoscopy) can be carried out under general anaesthetic. This is particularly necessary for therapeutic procedures such as tumour removal for central bronchial carcinomas and stent implantations in the airways. State-of-the-art equipment is available, including a flexible cryoprobe and an argon plasma projector. In the treatment of malignant pleural effusions, the innovative implantation of a so-called Denver drainage, a pleural catheter tunnelled under the skin, enables immediate symptom control for the patient and the possibility of independent effusion control.
Pulmonary function department
The type and severity of functional disorders of the lungs are precisely determined in the pulmonary function department with its state-of-the-art equipment. In addition to body plethymography, CO diffusion measurement, determination of respiratory pump parameters, inhalation provocation testing and blood gas analysis, spiroergometry is also carried out on a large scale. Among other things, this examination makes it possible to differentiate between cardiac and pulmonary dyspnoea and can assess a patient's physical performance and fitness for surgery. Cutaneous allergy tests and inhaled provocation tests are carried out in allergy diagnostics. Omalizumab, a new active ingredient (anti-IgE) in the treatment of severe allergic asthma, is also administered on an outpatient basis on special referral.
Lung cancer
Bronchial carcinoma (also known as bronchogenic carcinoma, bronchus carcinoma or lung cancer) is a malignant neoplasm of degenerated cells in the bronchi or bronchioles. Bronchial carcinoma is one of the most common and most dangerous types of cancer. The number of cases of lung cancer has increased significantly over the last 50 years: along with breast, prostate and bowel cancer, lung cancer is one of the most common tumour diseases in western industrialised nations. In Germany, around 50,000 people are diagnosed with lung cancer every year, making it the third most common type of cancer in both sexes. One of the main causes of this cancer is smoking, but non-smokers can also be affected. Although it can be cured if detected early, the spread to surrounding organs is dangerous. This process is the formation of metastases, which can make treatment more difficult.
Diagnostics for histological confirmation and determination of the tumour stage (staging) can be carried out on an outpatient or inpatient basis. All examinations, including PET/CT, can be carried out in-house by the radiology and nuclear medicine departments. Our high-performance bronchoscopy (lung endoscopy) with cryoprobe and miniprobe offers excellent possibilities for confirming the diagnosis. It is possible to clarify abnormal lymph nodes using endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS). In addition to the clinical routine, we test our patients' tissue samples individually for genetic changes (e.g. EGFR or ALK mutation). Using the "Next Generation Sequencing" available at the centre, further molecular markers can be determined within a short period of time. This more precise characterisation of the tumour tissue offers the possibility of individualised and targeted therapy or immunotherapy. As a member of the Comprehensive Cancer Center Ulm(CCCU), we organise a joint interdisciplinary tumour conference every week. Here, issues are discussed with colleagues from Thoracic Surgery, Pathology, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine as well as Radiotherapy and Oncology and therapy concepts are discussed with all those involved.
Tumour treatment
Our staff have many years of experience in the treatment of lung tumours and are characterised by their competent and personal care of patients. Drug therapy can be carried out either on an outpatient basis in our medical oncology day clinic or on our pneumological ward M3B. A major advantage of our department is that we offer complete treatment from a single source.
For example, our bronchoscopy (lung endoscopy) can be used to recanalise a bronchus or insert a stent into the airways. In addition, a puncture or drainage (e.g. Denver drainage) can be arranged without complications in the event of an accumulation of water in the chest ("pleural effusion"). As a university centre, we can offer our patients a wide range of interdisciplinary care with colleagues from psychosomatic medicine, nutritional counselling, the social counselling service and bridge nursing. If you have any questions about a living will, we will be happy to put you in touch with the Living Will Working Group. Thanks to our broad study portfolio, our patients can participate in medical progress at an early stage. As part of international studies, we offer numerous innovative therapy concepts with targeted and personalised therapy at the cutting edge of science.
Pulmonary hypertension - Pulmonary hypertension
Pulmonary hypertension (pulmonary arterial hypertension, abbreviations PH, PAH or PHT) is a collective term for diseases characterised by an increasing rise in vascular resistance and an increase in arterial blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation, often associated with subsequent right heart failure. Patients suffer from severely reduced physical performance, circulatory disorders and fatigue.
If not yet available, further diagnostics (CT thorax, ventilation perfusion scintigraphy, upper abdominal sonogram, laboratory control) can be organised as an outpatient or inpatient at our centre. The right heart catheterisation required to confirm the diagnosis is carried out as an inpatient in our department and, if indicated, includes an inhalation test for vasoreactivity.
PH-specific therapy can be initiated via our specialised outpatient clinic. A major advantage of our university centre is the close cooperation with other specialist disciplines, such as rheumatology and dermatology.
If a specific therapy has to be applied for as part of an individual treatment trial, an off-label application can also be submitted via our centre. Further care and prescription of medication takes place either at the centre in close consultation with colleagues in private practice or directly with the referring physicians.
Bronchial asthma is a chronic, inflammatory disease of the airways with persistent hypersensitivity. In people with this predisposition, the inflammation leads to attacks of breathlessness as a result of a narrowing of the airways - a so-called bronchial obstruction (definition of the international consensus report). This narrowing of the airways is caused by increased secretion of mucus, cramping of the bronchial muscles and the formation of oedema in the bronchial mucosa; it can be reversed by treatment.
In addition to extended lung function diagnostics and stress tests, an allergological clarification can be carried out. In particular, extended laboratory diagnostics can also be carried out to clarify similar clinical pictures ("differential diagnostics"). In addition, close cooperation with colleagues from the ear, nose and throat (ENT), dermatology, rheumatology, gastroenterology and psychosomatic medicine departments is possible directly at the centre.
We are happy to optimise drug therapy and review the inhalation technique. For patients with severe asthma, our specialised outpatient clinic can obtain a second opinion or therapy confirmation before starting antibody therapy (anti-IgE therapy (omalizumab), anti-IL-5 (mepolizumab, benralizumab)). Pending diagnostics can be carried out directly in-house. After initiation, we offer therapy support and therapy monitoring, but this can also be provided by our specialist colleagues close to home after consultation. If necessary, immunoglobulin substitution can also be carried out via our centre.
Further targeted therapeutic approaches are available as part of studies. As a university centre, we are also part of the Germany-wide asthma network GAN.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (abbreviation: COPD, more rarely also chronic obstructive lung disease, COLD, chronic obstructive airway disease, COAD) is a collective term for a group of lung diseases characterised by coughing, increased sputum production and shortness of breath on exertion. First and foremost, chronic obstructive bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema should be mentioned. Both clinical pictures are characterised by the fact that exhalation in particular is impaired.
Treatment options for severe COPD
In addition to optimising drug therapy, we offer individual training in the correct inhalation technique. Recommendations for consistent smoking cessation and breathing and physiotherapy exercises are also part of the therapeutic programme - if required, contact can also be made with a lung sports group. Testing and prescription of home oxygen therapy or a visit to our sleep laboratory is also possible at any time.
For patients with an alpha-one antitrypsin deficiency, we can offer regular intravenous enzyme substitution as an alpha-one centre.
Endoscopic lung volume reduction
One focus of our centre is the performance of endoscopic lung volume reduction, i.e. the insertion of coils or valves into the lungs as part of a lung endoscopy.
It is important to us to make a precise selection and provide our patients with detailed counselling in order to achieve the greatest possible benefit for those affected. The necessary diagnostics can be carried out either on an outpatient basis or directly as part of the inpatient stay. This includes detailed imaging (HR-CT of the lungs to assess the distribution of emphysema, ventilation/perfusion scintigraphy if necessary) and functional diagnostics (lung function, walking test, echocardiography). A catheter-based measurement system (Chartis measurement) enables the differentiated use of both techniques during lung endoscopy.
After a successful lung volume reduction procedure, care continues to be provided primarily by the referring colleagues. Only 4 follow-up appointments are required at the centre within 24 months of the intervention.
In clinical studies, we also offer innovative new drug therapies and training concepts that help to improve the quality of life of our patients. (see: Study centre)
Interstitial lung disease (ILD) or diffuse parenchymal lung disease (DPLD) refers to a group of lung diseases that affect the epithelium of the alveoli (alveolar epithelium), the endothelium of the pulmonary capillaries, the basement membrane and the perivascular and perilymphatic tissues of the lungs. The term "ILD" distinguishes these clinical pictures from obstructive respiratory diseases (such as COPD).
Patients with suspected interstitial lung disease (e.g. pulmonary fibrosis) have access to the full range of pneumological functional diagnostics. Modern imaging procedures (e.g. high-resolution CT) are available in-house. Further clarification is possible by means of lung endoscopy. A lavage, forceps biopsy or an innovative cryo-biopsy can be taken.
Our weekly joint outpatient clinic with the thoracic surgeons results in close professional collaboration. If surgical sampling is necessary in individual cases, this can be performed minimally invasively using VATS (video-assisted thoracoscopy). All findings are discussed in regular interdisciplinary conferences ("ILD Board") with colleagues from other specialities.
Once a diagnosis has been made, specific therapy is initiated via our centre. This can be immunosuppressive therapy, for example. In the case of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), we have many years of experience in treating patients with nintedanib or pirfenidone. It is important for us to provide patients and their relatives with detailed information about the therapy and possible side effects. Patients also receive initial tips on how to deal with possible side effects before starting treatment.
Our specialist colleagues in private practice are also happy to start therapy and provide further support. On request, further care is possible at our centre, also in close contact with various transplant centres and access to innovative study protocols (see: Study Centre).
Internal-pneumological sleep disorders
In our sleep laboratory, we diagnose and treat patients with sleep-related breathing disorders. These can be characterised, for example, by pauses in breathing at night, daytime sleepiness or heavy snoring.

There are 5 modern therapy places available for polysomnography, and polygraphy can also be carried out on an outpatient basis. This is useful for screening or control examinations, for example. We also carry out multiple sleep latency tests, for example in the case of unexplained daytime sleepiness or labour law issues.
Since the move to the radiotherapy building, our 4 new disabled-accessible rooms with WC and shower facilities and one room with WC and washing facilities are available for you. TV and appropriate blackout facilities are also available. In the morning, you can enjoy a breakfast of your choice at our buffet. Afterwards, your findings will be discussed directly with our medical assistants and medical staff.