Welcome to the Section of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine I at the University of Ulm!
We welcome you to our website and would like to give you an impression of our various departments, our range of treatments and our staff.
The Nephrology Section focuses on acute and chronic kidney diseases, rheumatological systemic diseases with kidney involvement, high blood pressure, haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, kidney transplantation and lipometabolic disorders.
As an interdisciplinary department, we work closely with our colleagues from other specialist disciplines (including urology, haematology, oncology, rheumatology and cardiology) and can therefore offer our patients optimal and comprehensive treatment based on the latest scientific findings. There are regular joint conferences with colleagues from urology and dermatology.
There is cooperation with the nephropathology department of the University Hospital Cologne (PD Dr J. Becker) for the assessment of kidney biopsies. Weekly case discussions and demonstrations take place.
Close and good co-operation with our colleagues in Ulm and beyond is very important to us. This ensures uncomplicated and rapid diagnostics and coordinated and natural care for our patients.
On the following pages we have compiled everything you need to know about our clinic. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.
Contact & Appointments
Phone Secretariat 0731 500-44561
Fax 0731 500-44567
Secretariat Nephrology Section:
Petra Peetz (mornings)
Patrizia Orlando (afternoons)
Consultation hours Nephrology Outpatient Clinic:
Mondays (Nephrology Outpatient Clinic)
Tuesdays (Transplant Outpatient Clinic)
Wednesdays (nephrology outpatient clinic)
Thursdays (private outpatient clinic)
Inpatient admission:
We would like to fulfil your request for inpatient care for your patient in an uncomplicated manner. During the day, the consultant nephrologist is available to you on 0731 500-44703.
After the discussion with you, you will be informed by our patient management team about the admission modalities.
Your contact person for all matters relating to inpatient admission is Mr Markus Negele (Central Occupancy Management) - Tel.: 0731 500 44573.
Link to the information brochure for nursing applicants (contact: M. Krauß - martin.krauss@uniklinik-ulm.de)

With the modern dialysis and apheresis centre, the Section for Nephrology, in close cooperation with our colleagues in private practice, is continuously pursuing the path of optimal patient care in our region.
Our range of services includes
- Inpatient haemo- and peritoneal dialysis with state-of-the-art dialysis technology and various anticoagulation procedures.
- Partial inpatient dialysis for patients with acute kidney failure, complicated course of dialysis, intercurrent illnesses or special requirements for dialysis technology (e.g. extracorporeal anticoagulation).
- Continuous renal replacement therapy (CVVH, CVVHD, CVVHDF) with various anticoagulation methods and Genius tank dialysis (SLEDD) in cooperation with the intensive care units at our hospital.
- Intermittent (automated) peritoneal dialysis (IPD/APD) enables optimised care for patients with simultaneous cardiac and renal insufficiency.
- Lipid apheresis for lipometabolic disorders (e.g. hypercholesterolaemia, elevated lipoprotein (a)).
- Plasma exchange and immunoadsorption for various autoimmune diseases from different specialities.
- Installation of long-term haemodialysis catheters (Demers catheters). In co-operation with the vascular surgery and general surgery clinics, we offer an interdisciplinary consultation for accesses for haemo- and peritoneal dialysis.
Contact us
Phone 0731 500-44546
Medical management:
OÄ Dr med. Lena Schulte-Kemna
Nursing management:
Martin Krauß
Lipid apheresis is the highest level of treatment for therapy-resistant lipometabolic disorders and is used in patients for whom drug therapies for the treatment of lipometabolic disorders and cardiovascular disease have not been sufficiently successful. We offer an interdisciplinary consultation (endocrinology and nephrology) to clarify whether such a treatment indication exists.
Contact for referring physicians:
Prof. Dr Bernd Schröppel, OA Dr Martin Kächele, OÄ Dr Schulte-Kemna
On our nephrology ward (M2a), a highly competent and dedicated team of nurses and doctors will look after you. Our aim is to offer you customised treatment that covers all aspects of your illness and is carried out according to the latest medical findings.
Our social counselling service will support you with questions relating to care at home, the provision of aids and rehabilitation.
The ward is managed by Lisa Hauff. Nursing care is provided using the "kinaesthetic movement principle".
Contact us
Phone 0731 500-44780
Visiting hours:
Monday - Friday 15:00 to 18:00
Saturday, Sunday, public holidays 13:00 to 18:00
Consultation hours for relatives with the doctors:
16:00 to 17:00 by prior arrangement
Appointments can be made via the ward secretary Mrs Stela Cvetko
Ward manager (nursing):
Lisa Hauff
The ward is located in the Medical Clinic I at Oberer Eselsberg, level 2, exit lift C.
Treatment spectrum
In close cooperation with general practitioners and specialists in private practice, we offer our patients comprehensive outpatient care in various specialised outpatient clinics. To enable us to gain a detailed insight into your medical history, we ask you to bring any medical reports, laboratory results and other documents with you to your appointment.
In order to ensure that you receive the best possible care during the pandemic or if you have travelled a very long way, an outpatient visit via "video consultation" is possible in individual cases. Please contact us about this.
Private consultation
In the private nephrology outpatient clinic of Prof. Dr Bernd Schröppel (Head of the Nephrology Section), clinical pictures from the entire spectrum of nephrological diseases are treated. Appointments by arrangement.
Transplant outpatient clinic
Patients are cared for by an experienced team in our kidney transplant outpatient clinic. In collaboration with various transplant centres, we care for patients after kidney transplantation and provide advice and clarification for living donors and recipients before kidney transplantation. For evaluation prior to transplant listing, all necessary examinations can be carried out during a short inpatient stay.
Consultation hours for kidney replacement
This consultation is for people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) whose kidney function has dropped to less than 20% of a healthy level. When kidney function declines, the clearance of waste products also decreases and problems occur more frequently. General well-being may suffer and patients may develop anaemia (low red blood cell count) and bone disease. Kidney function that falls below 10 per cent is considered "end-stage". At this level, the kidneys are no longer able to support good health. Treatment options include renal replacement therapies such as dialysis and transplantation.
Glomerular diseases
Glomerulonephritides are inflammatory diseases of the renal corpuscles (glomeruli). The various forms of glomerulonephritis (e.g. IgA nephritis, membranous glomerulonephritis) are among the most common causes of kidney failure. Our specialised outpatient clinic for glomerular diseases offers comprehensive clarification, advice and treatment based on the latest scientific findings. If a kidney biopsy (tissue sample from the kidney) is required, this is carried out as part of a short inpatient stay.
Polycystic kidney disease
Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disorder in which fluid-filled cysts form in the kidneys and other organs. The long-term consequence of this is an increasing reduction in kidney function. Around 100,000 patients are affected in Germany. Drugs have been approved for the treatment of ADPKD since 2015. Studies have shown a slowdown in cyst growth and stabilisation of kidney function in selected patients. In our specialised outpatient clinic for polycystic kidney disease, we will be happy to advise you and your relatives on this treatment option.
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
Systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease that often progresses in phases. This chronic disease can affect the kidneys (glomerulonephritis), skin, joints (arthritis) or small vessels (vasculitis). Thanks to the interdisciplinary collaboration between nephrologists, dermatologists and rheumatologists, patients receive comprehensive care.
High blood pressure (arterial hypertension)
High blood pressure is a very common condition that can lead to heart disease, stroke and kidney disease if left untreated.
The predisposition to high blood pressure is often inherited. Other factors such as obesity, lack of exercise, stress, taking pain medication and a poor diet can also lead to increased blood pressure levels. In addition, arterial hypertension can occur in a small proportion of patients (approx. 5 - 10%) as a result of another disease (underlying disease). In some cases, the high blood pressure can be "cured" by treating the underlying disease.
Once arterial hypertension has been diagnosed, drug therapy is usually initiated. Improving lifestyle, weight reduction and endurance sports are important measures in therapy.
Second opinion outpatient clinic
The Nephrology Section offers a second opinion outpatient clinic for kidney and high blood pressure diseases. Cases are evaluated and assessed in close discussion with patients and referring doctors.
Consultation hours for elderly patients with chronic kidney disease (nephrological-geriatric consultation hours)
With the nephrology consultation for elderly patients, we aim to offer individualised care for elderly patients with advanced kidney disease. Diagnosis and treatment are carried out taking into account the increased complexity of multiple concomitant diseases, polypharmacy (taking ≥5 medications) and possible functional and cognitive impairments.
Detailed information and counselling on treatment options for end-stage renal disease (haemodialysis/peritoneal dialysis/conservative therapy) should enable patients and relatives to make treatment decisions in line with their own (treatment) goals, priorities and values.
Determining the nutritional status and nutritional counselling - adapted to the stage of renal insufficiency and the nutritional status - are also part of the concept.
In addition to optimising the treatment of kidney disease, the aim is to maintain or improve functionality and quality of life.
Contact us
Consultation hours:
Mondays from 13:00 - 15:00,
Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 08:00 - 12:30,
Thursdays from 13:00 - 16:00
An interdisciplinary consultation for haemodialysis access is offered for our patients under the direction of the Vascular Surgery Clinic on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 09:00-12:00.
You will find the vascular surgery consultation hours in the Surgical University Clinic at Oberer Eselsberg on level 2, close to the main entrance.
In the event of acute shunt dysfunction, the vascular surgery on-call service is available 24 hours a day (+49(0)731 500 54059). If required, nephrological and angiological contacts are available via the Centre for Internal Medicine.
Contact us
Phone 0731 500 54020
Fax 0731 500 54001
Contact vascular surgery for referring physicians:
Dr Winkle: 0731 500 54045
For our patients, we offer an interdisciplinary consultation for the placement of catheters for peritoneal dialysis under the auspices of the Department of General and Visceral Surgery. You will find the visceral surgery consultation in the Surgical University Clinic at Oberer Eselsberg on level 2, close to the main entrance.
Contact us
Phone 0731 500 53560
In the event of acute CAPD dysfunction, the visceral surgery on-call service is available 24 hours a day (+49(0)731 5000).
Visceral surgery contact for referring physicians:
OA Dr M. med. Wittau: 0731 500 53594
Opening hours:
Mon - Thu 07:10 - 12:00
Mrs Elke Preiß
Phone: +49(0)731 500 44525
023, Room 3511
Analyses carried out:
Urine sediment analysis
24-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurement
Nail fold capillary microscopy
Training and further education:
- Urine sediment analysis seminar (by appointment)
- Theoretical introduction and microscopy of prepared and daily samples
- Supervision of doctoral students
Urine sediment:
- Urine sediment is indispensable in the diagnosis of kidney disease and should be performed for every nephrological problem. The urine sediment includes a qualitative and quantitative description of erythrocytes, leucocytes, epithelia, cylinders and crystals.
Long-term blood pressure measurement:
During 24-hour blood pressure measurement, a small portable device is used to measure blood pressure at regular intervals.
Nail fold capillary microscopy:
Capillary microscopy is used to assess the microcirculation of the skin and capillaries and should be performed for the following conditions or suspected diagnoses:
- Raynaud's phenomenon
- Thrombangiitis obliterans
- Acrodermatitis atrophicans
- collagenoses
- acrocyanosis
Clinical studies
Our aim is to apply the latest scientific findings to patient care and achieve new treatment successes. We are currently conducting several clinical studies. If you as a patient are interested in taking part in a clinical trial, you are welcome to contact our trial team. E-mail: nephrologie@uniklinik-ulm.de
The following clinical phase III trials are currently available for our patients:
1. IgA nephropathy:
The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of iptacopan (LNP023) compared to placebo in terms of reducing proteinuria and slowing disease progression in primary IgAN patients.
2. severe renal insufficiency, dialysis and renal transplantation:
Sodium glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors are already approved for their specific reno- and cardioprotective effects.
The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of dapagliflozin in patients with an eGFR below 25 ml/min/1.73 m2, people on dialysis or with kidney transplants.
3. lipoprotein apheresis for elevated lipoprotein(a) / Lp(a)
CTQJ230A12302 Frontiers Apharesis
Active ingredient: TQJ230
The aim of this study is to determine whether it is possible to reduce the number of lipoprotein apheresis procedures.
Study Nurses:
Martina Ruocco - martina.ruocco@uniklinik-ulm.de
Elke Preiß - elke.preiss@uniklinik-ulm.de
Safiye Temeloglu - safiye.temeloglu@uniklinik-ulm.de
Information for patients and relatives

The German Society of Nephrology provides information brochures and information films for patients and their relatives. Experts explain the medical background to kidney diseases and affected patients report on their experiences. It also provides basic information about the kidneys, their function and the most common kidney diseases:
Dear colleagues,
Please find below an overview of the events organised by the Section of Nephrology for 2024. We look forward to your participation.
Our regular training courses on various nephrological topics take place on Tuesdays from 16:00 to 17:30 and are certified with 2 CME or 3 CME points (LÄK BW). Interested doctors and nursing staff are cordially invited to attend.
Information event - "Healthy kidneys" what can I do myself?
14.09.2024 / 10:00 - 12:00 a.m. / Stadthaus Ulm at Münsterplatz 50, 89073 Ulm
Dear colleagues,
On behalf of the Section of Nephrology, we would like to cordially invite you to the information event.
The event is free of charge and will take place in person.
10:00 - 12:00
"Healthy kidneys" what can I do myself?
You can find more information here