The Institute of Human Genetics is primarily involved in indirect patient care. Specialised genetic tests are offered as well as tests for the University Hospital Ulm and external senders. These include pre- and postnatal chromosome diagnostics and selected molecular genetic analyses for individual clinical pictures (differential diagnostics, pre-symptomatic and predictive genetic diagnostics). The institute specialises in the diagnosis of hereditary forms of tumours. In addition, the spectrum of neuromuscular diseases and rare monogenic hereditary diseases are also included in the scope of investigations.
In all cases, a professionally qualified human genetics consultation is offered as part of the diagnosis, which is carried out in the human genetics consultation centre affiliated to the institute.
If you have any questions, suggestions or complaints, please contact us by e-mail.
Laboratory diagnostics
Medical management
Prof Reiner Siebert, MD
Sample acceptance: 0731 500-65434
Information on findings: 0731 500-65432
Fax: 0731 500-65471
You can find our laboratory at:
Ulm University Hospital
Institute of Human Genetics
Diagnostics laboratory N25/level 4 (Uni East)
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
Medical management
PD. Dr Susanne Bens
Sample acceptance: 0731 500-65434
Information on findings: 0731 500-65481
Fax: 0731 500-65471
You can find our laboratory at:
Ulm University Hospital
Institute of Human Genetics
Diagnostics laboratory N25/level 4 (Uni East)
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
Request forms for laboratory tests
... you can find here
According to the KBV (dated 1 July 2010), molecular genetic and cytogenetic services must be billed using a laboratory referral form(form no. 10). Please be sure to observe the current Appendix 2 - Agreement on forms for contract medical care of the KBV on the use of forms. Fee schedule items of EBM chapters 11.4. and 19.4 are NOT allocated to specialist primary care. They lead to the exclusion of the ability to calculate the flat rate for specialist primary care. The previous practice of reporting the identification number 32010 has therefore no longer been necessary since 1 July 2016.
The Genetic Diagnostics Act (GenDG) has been in force in Germany since 1 February 2010. According to the GenDG, genetic tests require a detailed explanation of the patient as well as the written consent of the patient or their legal representative. In addition, the GenDG requires genetic counselling prior to prenatal and predictive genetic diagnostics.
We therefore ask for your understanding that it is no longer possible for us to fulfil your orders without a declaration of consent and a declaration on the whereabouts of the remaining material.
According to the German Law (Gendiagnostikgesetz) genetic testing can only be performed with the patient's informed consent. Please use the form "Informed Consent to Perform Genetic Testing" to fulfil these requirements.

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