Du bist MTL und auf der Suche nach einem spannenden Job in der Labordiagnostik? Wir suchen motivierte Medizinische Technolog/-innen für Laboratoriumsanalytik (MTL) (m/w/d), die Lust haben, mit modernster Technik zu arbeiten und in einem jungen, dynamischen Team durchzustarten.

Hier geht es zur Stellenanzeige


The DGKL information portal


Medical Director:

Prof Dr Sven Danckwardt

Phone: 0731 500-67502
Fax: 0731 500-67506

E-mail: Prof Dr Sven Danckwardt

Our team

Secretariat ZEKCh

Mrs Hallaschka / Mrs Fuchs

Phone: 0731 500-67503
Fax: 0731 500-67506

E-Mail: Ingrid Hallaschka / Marion Fuchs

Monday to Thursday: 08:00 - 16.00 h
Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 h

Excellent quality

accredited according to DIN ISO 15189 since 2007


All information has been and will be checked with the utmost care prior to publication. However, no guarantee is given for the topicality, correctness, factual accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims relating to material or immaterial damage caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information are fundamentally excluded, provided that there is no evidence of wilful intent or gross negligence. The use and utilisation of the compilations is therefore the sole responsibility of the user, who shall indemnify and hold harmless the University Hospital Ulm AöR against claims by third parties (indemnity against liability). All publications are subject to change and non-binding. Parts of the publication or the complete publication including all offers and information might be extended, changed or partly or completely deleted by the author without separate announcement.