Co-operations of the AZVT

The AZVT works closely with various co-operation partners in order to provide training and further education participants with modern psychotherapeutic training.

In addition to highly qualified supervisors and self-awareness trainers, the AZVT also employs a number of lecturers who have acquired special scientific and practical qualifications in the field of behavioural therapy and behavioural medicine.

The AZVT also works closely with various co-operating clinics and practices for practical work.

The aim of the cooperation with other universities, training institutes, clinics and practices is to promote the further development of behavioural therapy and behavioural medicine, to incorporate new scientifically proven findings into training as quickly as possible and to exploit synergetic effects through an exchange of lecturers.

The assignment of the AZVT to the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy at Ulm University Hospital means that the university and clinical facilities of the centre can be used for behavioural therapy training.

The following treatment facilities are available for training:

  • Children's ward (psychiatric-psychotherapeutic ward with a focus on behavioural therapy, age range up to 14 years, 12 beds)
  • Adolescent ward I (psychiatric ward with acute treatment options, age range 14 - 18 years, 8 beds)

  • Adolescent ward II (psychiatric-psychotherapeutic ward, age range 12 - 18 years, 10 beds and up to 8 day-care places)

  • Child and adolescent psychiatric day clinic (10 treatment places)

  • Institute outpatient clinic for child and adolescent psychiatry

  • University outpatient clinic for child and adolescent psychiatry