AZVT outpatient clinic

After successfully passing the intermediate examination, trainees can carry out training therapies under supervision in the psychotherapy outpatient clinic.

These training therapies are financed by invoicing the individual services. After deduction of the administrative costs, the training candidates receive a performance-related payment for the services they provide (share of the proceeds for the psychotherapeutic treatments). This makes it possible to organise the overall cost of training in a cost-effective manner.

A central objective of the AZVT is to ensure a particularly high quality of treatment in the outpatient training centre. This is guaranteed by several factors:

  1. The training therapies are orientated towards high standards with regard to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The training therapists in the outpatient clinic have access to the necessary diagnostic procedures and treatment manuals.

  2. The trainees are supported in their therapies through continuous guidance and supervision.

  3. Close co-operation with the other clinical areas of the university hospital means that outpatient treatments can be carried out with "clinical back-up".