We are pleased that you are "hopeful". Even if most pregnancies proceed without complications, the time of waiting is often characterised by worries about the unborn child. With the help of prenatal ultrasound, we have the opportunity to take a closer look at your child and allay your concerns. This also allows us to strengthen the bond with your unborn child.

If, contrary to expectations, abnormalities are discovered in your child, it is very important to us to inform you about the possibilities and limitations of modern prenatal diagnostics and treatment. We will advise and support you together with colleagues from the neighbouring disciplines and your registered gynaecologist.

Do you have any questions? We are here for you so that "good hope" becomes a safe reality.

Profilbild von Dr. Krisztian Lato

Dr. Krisztian Lato

Oberarzt | Leiter Pränatalmedizin & Gynäkologischer Ultraschall

Profilbild von Prof. Dr. Ulrike Friebe-Hoffmann

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Friebe-Hoffmann

Oberärztin | Leiterin Pränatalmedizin & Gynäkologischer Ultraschall

Contact & Appointments

Phone 0731 500-58770

Fax 0731 500-58782

Diagnostics & Therapy

We specialise in prenatal examinations during pregnancy and offer second opinions in the event of abnormalities as part of prenatal care as well as all diagnostic test procedures such as the non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT), first trimester screening (ETS), chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis. If necessary, we carry out necessary therapies such as amniocentesis, shunt insertions (e.g. in the chest, abdomen or foetal urinary bladder) and umbilical cord transfusions for foetal anaemia.

Perinatal centre (Level I)

In our level I perinatal centre with over 3000 births per year, we also have a great deal of experience in the care of multiple pregnancies and all maternal or infant pregnancy complications.

Quality for you

Our Department of Prenatal Medicine has the latest high-resolution ultrasound equipment. The examinations are currently carried out by four qualified ultrasound experts who are certified in accordance with the requirements of the German Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (DEGUM) and the Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF) London.

Below is a brief description of our diagnostic and therapeutic procedures:
  • Non-invasive prenatal test (from approx. 10+0 weeks' gestation)
    Examination of foetal genetic material in the mother's blood (trisomy 13, 18 & 21)
  • First trimester screening (11+0-13+6 weeks of pregnancy - ideally from 12+0 weeks of pregnancy - so-called IGel service)
    Examination of the foetal nuchal fold by ultrasound in combination with the determination of hormones in the mother's blood to assess the risk of a foetal trisomy 13, 18 or 21. At the same time, we can carry out a pre-eclampsia risk screening and a so-called early organ ultrasound.
  • Special malformation diagnostics (18+0-21+6 weeks' gestation - ideally from 20+0 weeks' gestation)
    Ultrasound examination of all foetal organs visible at this time, the spine, extremities and face with regard to their correct formation and timely development as well as the placenta and the blood supply to mother and child.
  • Cardiac ultrasound (special echocardiography)
    Special ultrasound of the child's heart in the event of a known heart defect in the family, maternal rheumatic disease or cardiac arrhythmia or in the event of (an increased risk of) paediatric malformations.
  • Doppler sonography
    Sonography of maternal and paediatric vessels to assess or monitor the progress of paediatric care.

According to the new Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV), ultrasound examinations that do not serve a medical purpose are prohibited with effect from 31 December 2020. Doppler, duplex and 3D/4D ultrasound for medical diagnostics are permitted without restriction and will continue to be used by us to diagnose malformations or developmental disorders.

  • Chorionic villus sampling (from the 11th week of pregnancy)
    Sampling from the placenta to clarify genetic and metabolic disorders in the unborn child.
  • Amniocentesis (from the 16th week of pregnancy)
    Removal of foetal cells from the amniotic fluid to clarify genetic diseases or childhood infections.
  • Umbilical cord puncture
    Puncture of the unborn child's umbilical cord to obtain foetal blood for the purpose of clarifying and, if necessary, treating foetal diseases, e.g. infections or blood group incompatibility.
  • Prenatal interventions on the foetus
    e.g. e.g. creation of drainage connections (shunts) to relieve excessive water retention in foetal body cavities (e.g. abdomen, chest, urinary bladder)

Our team

Medical team

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Friebe-Hoffmann  

Prof. Dr. Dieter Grab  

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hütter  

Dr. Krisztian Lato  

Dr. Wolfgang Paulus  

Dr. Arkadius Polasik  


 Christina Couturier

 Jennifer Frey

 Vanessa Hauser

 Nathalie Kowalew

Our network

In addition to close cooperation with our colleagues in obstetrics, we also work closely with all specialist disciplines at the University Hospital, so that we can arrange consultation appointments for you at short notice if necessary. For further information, please see below.

Paediatric Intensive Care Medicine/Neonatology
Clinic for Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine
Section for Neonatology and Paediatric Intensive Care Medicine
Eythstr. 24 | 89075 Ulm

Paediatric Cardiology
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Paediatric Cardiology Section
Eythstr. 24 | 89075 Ulm

Paediatric Nephrology
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Paediatric Nephrology Section
Eythstr. 24 | 89075 Ulm

Paediatric Surgery
Clinic for Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine
Paediatric Surgery Section
Eythstr. 24 | 89075 Ulm

Paediatric Neurosurgery
Clinic for Neurosurgery
Section for Paediatric Neurosurgery
Eythstr. 24 | 89073 Ulm

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11 | 89081 Ulm

Human Genetics
Institute of Human Genetics
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11 | 89081 Ulm

Psychosomatic Medicine
Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
Albert-Einstein-Allee 23 | 89081 Ulm

Clinic chaplaincy
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