We are doing research as a team approach - with creativity, integrity, quality and most important fun!
Institute management
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Denkinger
Chefarzt und Ärztlicher Direktor
Priv. Doz. Dr. med. Dhayana Dallmeier
Leitung Abteilung Forschung
Secretariat / Study Office
Scientific staff
Dr biol. hum. Ulrike Braisch Dipl.-Math.
Dr Simone Brefka, MD
Study coordinator PAWEL + TRADE + CGA guideline (publications)
Dr Christoph Leinert, MD
Research associate and study physician SurgeAhead(publications)
Dr biol. hum. Sarah Mayer
Study Coordination DDD (Future City Ulm)(CV)
Dr Tim Fleiner
Study Coordination Prometheus(Publications)
Vanessa Haug
Study Coordination Prometheus
Dr phil. Nacera Wolf-Belala
Brigitte Kohn
Research Associate DDD(CV)
Dr Thomas Kocar, MD
Research associate and study doctor SurgeAhead(publications)
Marina Fotteler, MSc
Health scientist in the SurgeAhead project (publications)
Barbara Kumlehn
Physician and research associate in the CGA guideline project(publications)
Dr Filippo M. Verri, MD
Physician and research associate in the CGA guideline project(publications)
Genia Decker
Medical documentalist
Gabi Müller (SurgeAhead, leading study nurse)
Sybille Beck (Prometheus, SurgeAhead)
Sabine Pfeil (Prometheus)
Nadine Barth (Prometheus)
Carmen Torrico (SurgeAhead)
Vanessa Disque (SurgeAhead)
Cornelia Heth (Surge Ahead)
Anja Buecker | Simone Brefka |
Tobias Gerhard | Theresa Hammer |
Kaj-Marko Kremer | Kristina Mayer |
Elisabeth Oertel | Hanna Schmid |
Marco Schweitzer | Janina Steenblock |
Felix Mittermaier - | Lea Kroboth - WiHi SurgeAhead |
Marina Fotteler |
We would like to thank the following for their great (and in some cases ongoing) commitment:
Dr Katharina Wirth (SITLESS)
Dr Hannes Christow (ActiFE)
Dr Viktoria Mühlbauer (MedQol)
Ann-Kathrin Gloger (study assistant TRADE, PAWEL)
Seda Özcan (WiHi DDD)
Lisa Beissel (WiHi SurgeAhead)