Ulm Conference on Ageing 2024
Dear colleagues,
You can look forward to a new "Ulm Conference on Ageing" on its 30th anniversary on 9 March 2024 from 09:30 (get-together from 08:45). This year without the short updates, but with great cases, interprofessional and in the usual good quality!
Keynotes/topics this year:
- What I learnt from Steve Jobs about delirium
- Swallowing and other nutritional challenges
- Iron as the new doping - and strength is back?
Theory is grey, which is why: introduced by clinical cases, oriented towards everyday life and practical implementation!
We look forward to seeing you at Bethesda with up to 60 participants (the snack alone is worth it) or online!
Registration for online and on-site at: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RXppPNxNQWWRcTxCdjkv4g
If presence can no longer be selected, on-site is already fully booked.
Natalie Waldherr and Michael Denkinger
Nursing Director and Medical Director AGAPLESION Bethesda Ulm