At the Baden-Württemberg Competence Centre (KWBW) Verbundweiterbildungplus, we offer doctors in further training in general medicine (ÄiW) a jointly developed further training programme with accompanying mentoring in close cooperation with the university institutes of general medicine in Freiburg, Heidelberg and Tübingen.
We are your point of contact for all matters relating to further training in general practice. Please contact us if you are a practice, clinic or doctor in further training and have questions about further training or would like to take up or offer a further training position in one of the alliances. We would also be pleased to welcome you as a lecturer and/or mentor in the Verbundweiterbildungplus programme .
Here you can find further information on the active continuing education networks in the Ulm region and surrounding area.
Seminar programme, accompanying the five-year training period in general practice
Core element of the KWBW joint further training programmeplus is a modular, industry-independent, continuous seminar programme that we have developed in collaboration with the other university general practice locations in Baden-Württemberg and offer jointly at various locations in face-to-face and online formats.
Each year, you can take part in 4 single seminar days (EST, usually on Thursdays or Fridays) and 4 to 6 double seminar days (DST, usually on Thursdays and Fridays). Our KWBW co-operation partners allow you to take part in up to 6 days per year free of charge. The programme is regularly evaluated, further developed and expanded. Take advantage of the opportunity to exchange ideas and network, because "networking" is very important to us at the KWBW.
Further information on the seminar programme and registration can be found at
Kompetenzzentrum Baden-Württemberg (KWBW) Verbundweiterbildungplus
Experienced general practitioners trained as mentors will answer your questions about further training, setting up a practice and anything else you would like to know. We also offer individualised one-to-one mentoring on request. Please contact us if you would like to take advantage of this offer.
Cooperation partner KWBW Verbundweiterbildungplus
With its regular train-the-trainer seminars, the KWBW offers further trainers their own qualification programme and supports the exchange and networking of further training institutions across specialist and sector boundaries.
As a KWBW cooperation partner, you also enable the doctors employed by you in further training in general practice to participate in the seminar programme and mentoring free of charge.
As a KWBW cooperation partner, you can increase the visibility of your practice/facility by using the word and image mark (KWBW logo, e.g. web presence) and publishing job advertisements and successor applications via the internal exchange platform. GP practices can refinance the half-yearly costs of the programme of €250 via the P1 flat rate of the HZV-AOK.
Contact us if you would like to become a KWBW co-operation partner.
Train-the-trainer seminars
In cooperation with the other university general medicine locations in Baden-Württemberg, we offer our own training programme for specialists involved in further training. The so-called train-the-trainer seminars (TtT) basic seminars and TtT follow-up meetings take place several times a year in face-to-face and online format. The dates are usually on a Wednesday or Friday afternoon and are announced a year in advance.
Further information on the seminar programme and registration can be found at
Kompetenzzentrum Baden-Württemberg (KWBW) Verbundweiterbildungplus