Reduction of the postoperative hernia rate after laparotomy by small stitch abdominal wall closure without versus with prophylactic mesh implantation

Clinical pictureElective open abdominal surgery
InterventionSo-called "small stitch" abdominal wall closure without versus with prophylactic mesh implantation
AimReduction of postoperative hernias after elective laparotomies
Study locationmulticentre in Germany
Further information


Prophylactic effect of a retromuscular mesh during ileostomy repositioning on the incidence of incisional hernias

Clinical pictureClosure of a protective loop ileostomy
InterventionClosure of the abdominal wall during loop ileostomy repositioning with mesh insert versus without mesh insert
AimEvaluation of the effectiveness of prophylactic mesh reinforcement
Study locationmulticentre in Germany
Further information