What does the prehabilitative integrative medical day clinic offer?

We would like to test the feasibility of this innovative concept at the Alb-Allgäu-Bodensee Tumour Centre together with you.

The prehabilitativeintegrativemedicalday clinic(PRIME-DC) has been used since 2020 for patients with cancer who require pre-treatment before a planned operation. We would like to test the feasibility of this innovative concept at the Alb-Allgäu-Bodensee Tumour Centre together with you.

The day clinic programme provides for you to take part in a prehabilitative, integrative medical day clinic once a week, either from home or on site at the clinic.

Here you will learn and apply methods of stress management in a small group and take part in a light exercise programme. We will also advise you on scientifically proven naturopathic measures to alleviate any side effects of your therapy or symptoms of the tumour.

4 hours are scheduled per day clinic.


If you are interested in receiving a biannual newsletter, please send an e-mail to svenja.klaus-karwisch@uniklinik-ulm.de

Dear person interested in the PRIME-DC study

Have you been diagnosed with a tumour? We would like to support you on the way to your operation.

Studies have shown that a combination of exercise therapy, stress reduction and the use of naturopathic methods can have a positive influence on the course of the disease in the run-up to tumour surgery.

It is precisely these pillars that are at the centre of modern mind-body medicine. To support you and other patients in implementing a healthy lifestyle, we offer you the opportunity to participate in our pilot study (PRIME-DC) online or on site.

We therefore cordially invite you to take part in the trial phase of the PRIME-DC day clinic. Participation is free of charge for you.


  • Once a week, ideally until your operation, you can visit the day clinic online or on site
  • By sharing experiences with other patients, you will become better connected and can find support in the group
  • You will be introduced to methods of stress reduction with the help of mind-body medicine
  • You will receive information about healthy eating and recommendations for improved sleep quality
  • You will receive integrative and naturopathic advice on the side effects of tumour disease and/or chemotherapy
  • You will learn and experience naturopathic treatments that can alleviate the side effects of neoadjuvant therapy and that you can also implement yourself
  • You will learn mindful relaxation techniques
  • You will be instructed in movement exercises that you can also carry out yourself
  • If you participate on site: A subsidy for parking and travel costs will be granted for each day of the clinic attended

You can take part in the feasibility study if:

  • you have been diagnosed with a tumour
  • you are planning or have started chemotherapy or radiotherapy and surgery is planned
  • you are willing to come to an integrative medical day clinic one day a week in addition to your current therapy or to participate online via video
  • You are over 18 years old
  • you have a laptop or similar and a stable internet connection (should you decide to participate online)


Contact details

Phone 0731 500 53544

Project management

  • Profilbild von Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Kramer (M.Sc.)

    Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Kramer (M.Sc.)

    Leitung Fachbereich Integrativ Medizin

Realisation of the day clinic

  • Profilbild von  Svenja Klaus-Karwisch

    Svenja Klaus-Karwisch

    Research assistant

  • Profilbild von  Laura Götte

    Laura Götte

    WiMa, project management, consultant

Project management

  • Profilbild von  Svenja Klaus-Karwisch

    Svenja Klaus-Karwisch

    Research assistant

  • Profilbild von Dr biol- hum. Stephanie Otto

    Dr biol- hum. Stephanie Otto

    Graduate sports scientist

Study coordination

  • Profilbild von  Jessica Schwend

    Jessica Schwend

    Study Coordinator

Medical documentation

  • Profilbild von  Meryem Güler (B.Sc.)

    Meryem Güler (B.Sc.)

    Medical documentalist

Scientific support

  • Profilbild von  Svenja Klaus-Karwisch

    Svenja Klaus-Karwisch

    Research assistant


  • Profilbild von  Waltraud Kmietschak

    Waltraud Kmietschak

    Study Nurse