Consultation hours / Outpatient clinics

All consultation hours (except the paediatric surgery and proctology consultation hours) of the Department of General and Visceral Surgery take place in the university outpatient clinic of the Department of Surgery at Albert-Einstein-Allee 23. The paediatric surgery consultation is located on Michelsberg, the proctological consultation is located in the Internal Medicine building, Endoscopy Department on level 1.

Please bring the following documents with you:

  • Referral form
  • All previous findings (including CD with X-ray examinations, CT, etc.)
  • If applicable, operation report or doctor's letter

General and visceral surgery

Appointments can be made by calling 0731-500 53555

Indications for presentation in the visceral consultation:

  • Hernias (abdominal wall, hiatus, groin, navel and scars)
  • lipomas
  • Clarification for colo, gastro, discussion of findings
  • Unclear abdominal complaints (present for a long time) - no acute cases (emergency outpatient clinic)!
  • Gall bladder stones
  • Consultations (gynaecological, urological, RKU) that do not need to be seen within 24 hours!
  • Port implantation (except for lung diseases!)
  • Port explantation (if the port was placed by us)

For appointments please call 0731-500 53555

Private patients are assigned to the appropriate specialised consultation hours. It is also possible to make an appointment in person or by telephone.

On the day of presentation, registration via the university outpatient clinic is required.

Special consultation hours

Appointments can be made at

Appointments for doctors with queries:

Phone: 0731 500-53555

Fax: 0731 500-53503

Telephone: 0731 500-53560

Checkliste für Patient*innen (Erstvorstellung)

Appointments can be made under 0731-500 53555

Obesity consultation:

Responsible: Mrs Claudia Lehmann, department secretariat

Appointments can be made by calling 0731-500-53686 or from Monday to Thursday 9:00-15:00 and Friday 9:00-12:00

Consultation hours Tuesday 11:00 - 15:00 for re-presentations, surgery planning

Friday 08:00 - 13:30 New presentation with surgery request


Nutritional counselling is possible on Tuesday.

Please bring a referral slip with you for new consultations with an operation request:

  1. Referral form

  2. Completed questionnaire

  3. Nutrition diary

  4. Existing findings (endocrinologist, doctors from other specialities, etc.)

Further information: Info flyer

Declaration of consent


Please note:Conservative procedure for obesity without surgery please make an appointment via Internal Medicine!!!

Appointments can be made by calling 0731-500- 53555

Consultation hours:

Wednesday: 08:00 - 13:00

Surgical indication for presentation in the thyroid consultation:

  • Goitre
  • tumours
  • Post-operative presentations or post-inpatient presentations
  • Consultations for surgery according to nuclear medicine (university hospital)
  • Primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism
  • Thyroid adenomas

For first presentation with planned surgery, please bring along

  • FA referral slip
  • Preliminary findings including sonography and CT findings etc.
  • External findings
  • Last blood tests



Appointments Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 12:30: 0731/500-44632 via the endoscopy department

Consultation hours:

Monday and Thursday from 13:00 to 16:00


Internal Medicine Building, Endoscopy, Level 1


Indications for presentation at the procto consultation:

  • Post-inpatient and post-operative check-ups,
  • Haemorrhoids and mariscus (only with FA-ÜW, if not treatable there),
  • Anal fistula,
  • anal fissure,
  • faecal incontinence,
  • condylomas,
  • prolapse (anal, rectum),
  • Anal bleeding,
  • rectal/anal polyps


First presentation - Registration via Central Surgery Admission (front area no. pull) Level 2

Reappointments in the quarter: Registration directly in Endoscopy


Please bring with you for first presentation:

FA referral slip

Preliminary findings


Contact person

Mrs Iris Munder-Haag
Diabetes Consultant DDG
Enteral Nutrition Therapy VDD

Phone: 0731 500 53673


Monday to Thursday from 09:00 -12:00

Office: Level 2, University Outpatient Clinic Entrance A, Room B23

We offer nutritional counselling for our inpatients and outpatients in the Centre for General Surgery in the following areas:

Before operations

  • Preoperative preparation before major upper abdominal surgery
  • Prevention and reduction of malnutrition

After surgery of

  • Oesophagus (gullet)
  • stomach
  • bile
  • Pancreas (pancreas)
  • Total pancreatectomy
  • Small and large intestine
  • Stoma
  • Short bowel


  • Obesity in the area of obesity surgery and obesity-associated diseases
  • Diabetes counselling and training for patients with type 2 and type 3 diabetes mellitus in the post-operative area
  • Malnutrition and deficiency diseases as a result of operations
  • Tumour diseases
  • Bacterial overgrowth
  • Lactose and fructose intolerance

Enteral or parenteral nutrition

  • Food supplements, supplementary food
  • Enteral nutrition (tube feeding via PEG, PEJ, FKJ)
  • Parenteral nutrition via port
  • Transfer of enteral or parenteral nutrition to the patient's home

Paediatric surgery appointments

Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 15:00

You can reach us by phone: 0731 500 53777 or by e-mail:

Consultation hours:

Private consultationMonday to09:00 am to 11:00 am
General consultation hours:Tuesday14:00 to 15:30
Wednesday09:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. & 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Thursday14:00 to 15:30
Friday09:00 am to 11:00 am

What is FGM?

The ritual of female genital mutilation, or FGM for short, is carried out worldwide without medical justification. The clitoris and labia are either partially or completely removed.

In many countries, female circumcision is a prerequisite for later marriage so that the woman is "pure". FGM is not a medical procedure, but a brutal mutilation with devastating consequences under catastrophic hygienic conditions without anaesthesia. FGM literally has a profound impact on women's health and quality of life, as it is intended to prevent a woman's sexual pleasure and can often result in lifelong physical and psychological problems. The mutilation can be fatal due to blood loss and infections.

FGM takes place before puberty, often between the ages of 4 and 8. However, FGM is also carried out on infants. In most countries, FGM is prohibited by law, but is still practised. In Germany, female genital mutilation has been a criminal offence under Section 226a of the German Criminal Code (StGB) since 2013 and is punishable by up to 15 years' imprisonment.

Clinical examination, documentation of findings, photo documentation on request , preparation of a brief report

  • The costs for an expert opinion are borne by the client (e.g. BAMF, aid organisation or patient)


Examinations under anaesthetic

  • Cystoscopy (cystoscopy)
  • Vaginoscopy (vaginal endoscopy) if necessary, calibration of the vagina (measurement of a potential narrowing of the vagina)
  • Recommendation of further medical measures, if necessary


Surgery (only medically indicated, no "cosmetic surgery")

  • Opening of the scar plate of the sutured labia majora (labia majora) with reconstruction
  • Dilation of the vagina (vaginoplasty)


Complex injuries after FGM may require treatment in a centre

  • This can often only be answered with certainty after an examination, possibly under anaesthetic.
  • In these cases, we are happy to put you in touch with the "Desert Flower Centre" at the Waldfriede Hospital in Berlin Zehlendorf, for example.


We can providecontact addresses for psychological counselling and interpreters


Contact and make an appointment at:

Appointments can be arranged by e-mail via the following e-mail address:

Profilbild von  Ines Ackermann

Ines Ackermann

Fachärztin für Rechtsmedizin

Profilbild von Dr. Beate Hüner

Dr. Beate Hüner


Paediatric and adolescent gynaecology consultation hours

Profilbild von Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Melanie Kapapa, M.A. / MBA

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Melanie Kapapa, M.A. / MBA

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), 4 forms of FGM are defined:

The number of female genital mutilations in Germany has risen significantly in recent years. 66,707 women have suffered such a human rights violation in Germany and many girls are currently at risk. According to the WHO, more than 200 million women and girls worldwide have undergone female genital mutilation, and an estimated three million girls are at risk.


General information on directions/parking can be found here