Internships and PJ Terziale are fully recognised at our clinic.

If you are interested, please contact Prof Dudeck (Tel. 08221/96 25 850, e-mail:

We regularly organise training events certified by the Bavarian Medical Association, such as the Journal Club and relaxation conferences.

Lecturer:in:Mrs Prof. Dudeck
Date and time:Summer semester (2023 cancelled!)
Scope:14 SWS
Examination:Written exam
Lecturer:in:Mr PD Dr Jan Bulla

Winter semester: Structural level, OPD-II and perversion

Summer semester: Mentalisation, violence and antisocial personality disorder

Scope:14 SWS
Examination:Term paper and presentation


Lecturer:in:PD Dr. Irina Franke
Date and time:Winter term
Scope:14 SWS
Examination:Term paper


Lecturer:in:Prof. Priv. Doz. Dr Reinhard Eher
Date and time:Summer term

Introduction (online): 02.06.2023, 16.00 - 17.00 hrs

Face-to-face event: 16 June 2023, 14:00 - 19:00 (Room N23-2622)

Scope:14 SWS
Examination:Term paper and presentation


The 90-minute lecture "Forensic Psychiatry and Psychotherapy" by Dr Dieter Hagmayer will be read in the summer and winter semesters as part of the subject of forensic medicine.

Date WiSe 2024: 09.12.2024, 08.30 am - 10.00 am

The block internship will take place from 10-21 March 2025 at the Günzburg District Hospital.

The individual groups will be assigned to the Forensic Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy.

Lecture "Introduction to Forensic Psychiatry" by Prof. Dudeck: probably 11.03.2025 13.30 hrs.

Fortbildung zur Anamneseerhebung und Gesprächsführung im forensisch-psychiatrischen Kontext im psychosomatischen Wahlfach "Anamneseerhebung für Fortgeschrittene" durch Herrn Dr. Sebastian Pichlmeier.

Termin WiSe: 21.01.2025, 17.00 Uhr - 19.00 Uhr


The dates for all events will be announced in good time.