Outpatient clinic for victims of violence
Injury documentation and securing evidence after violence
The outpatient clinic for victims of violence at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Ulm offers people who have been victims of violence the opportunity to have injuries documented and evidence secured at a low-threshold level. It serves to secure evidence that can be used in court at an early stage - even without involving the police.
All reports are treated confidentially . The employees are subject to medical confidentiality. Information will also only be passed on to the investigating authorities with your explicit consent.
The violence outpatient clinic is available free of charge to all people affected by violence after making an appointment by telephone on 0731/500-65009 from Monday to Thursday, 09.00-16.00 and Friday 09.00 - 14.00.
As forensic pathologists, we are experts in the documentation and interpretation of external violence. If necessary (e.g. in the case of a court hearing), the secured and documented findings can be used as evidence and a written expert opinion can be drawn up.
Who can contact the Violence Victims' Outpatient Clinic?
- People who have been victims of violence
- Doctors who are entrusted with the examination of victims
- Public social organisations that provide support to victims
Our offer:
- Telephone counselling
- Forensic medical examination
- Forensic documentation of injuries
- Securing evidence on the body
Contact details:
Institute of Forensic Medicine Ulm
89075 Ulm
Phone: 0731/ 500 - 65009
Email: Gewaltopferambulanz.recht@uniklinik-ulm.de