Forensic Toxicology / Forensic Chemistry

Performance and scientific focus

Forensic toxicology deals with the detection of toxins in the body and in traces, in particular in cadavers, as well as the assessment of these findings. The department's range of services includes

  • Forensic toxicological examinations in unexplained deaths
  • Preparation of expert reports on all forensic toxicological issues
  • Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry or high-pressure liquid chromatography (LC-MS)
    for the determination of narcotics and medicines
  • Substance and content determination of illegal narcotics
  • Immunological tests for narcotics and drugs in body fluids and solids

Forensic toxicology also plays a special role in traffic law investigations of road users under the influence of alcohol or narcotics:

  • Forensic blood alcohol analysis using headspace GC and ADH methods
  • Accompanying substance analyses in the case of night-drinking allegations
  • Assessment of fitness to drive under the influence of alcohol and narcotics

In addition to carrying out such analyses, the department also performs advisory tasks.