The consultation is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases of the skin and connective tissue, which are caused by parts of the immune system attacking the body's own structures. In some cases, the skin and mucous membranes are affected alone, for example in blistering autoimmune diseases such as bullous pemphigoid, pemphigus vulgaris and dermatitis herpetiformis. In other autoimmune diseases, the skin is affected as part of a systemic disease involving numerous internal organs, such as rheumatic diseases like dermatomyositis, vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels), scleroderma and lupus erythematosus (butterfly lichen).
All of these diseases require complex diagnostics and often years of external or internal therapy. Our Autoimmune Consultation Hour is designed to provide intensive care for those affected in co-operation with the responsible general practitioner or dermatologist.
The tasks of this consultation are
Carrying out complex autoimmune diagnostics with follow-up checks and initiating and monitoring the necessary therapies. These are usually so-called immunosuppressive therapies, i.e. treatments designed to suppress the misdirected immune system. This type of treatment is necessary and sometimes life-saving. However, the drugs have side effects such as an increased risk of infection and can also disrupt other organ systems (kidneys, liver, bones). However, with appropriate regular monitoring, these side effects can usually be recognised and controlled in good time.
The Department of Dermatology and Allergology is involved in the implementation of corresponding multicentre diagnostic and therapy studies. This enables us to treat our patients with new, more successful treatment regimens after detailed counselling and consultation. Our services also include the organisation of interdisciplinary care in cooperation with colleagues from internal medicine/rheumatology, radiology, neurology, ear, nose and throat medicine, paediatrics, psychosomatics, rehabilitation medicine and others. We also have a physiotherapy department specialising in autoimmune diseases. In the context of scleroderma, we are part of the national scleroderma network within which around 75% of all patients with systemic scleroderma are treated. This ensures an intensive exchange with the other university hospitals and their specialists.