Thoracic tumours (PULMO)

All patients with a clinically suspected or histologically confirmed initial diagnosis of a thoracic tumour are discussed on an interdisciplinary basis.
These are most frequently non-small cell and small cell bronchial carcinomas, but also include thoracic metastases of other tumours, pleural mesotheliomas, thymic neoplasms and rare entities with thoracic tumour manifestations.
The tumour board also provides a forum for discussing difficult treatment decisions during the course of the disease, the optimal combination of surgery, systemic therapy and radiotherapy and the diagnosis of recurrence.


Thursday, 15:30 - weekly

Registration deadline
for external case presentation

Wednesday, 12:00 noon


Oberer Eselsberg, Medical Clinic,
Conference room CCCU, lift C, level 4, room 4106

Contact & Registration

Phone 0731 500-56056

Fax 0731 500-56055

You can reach us by telephone during our business hours:
Monday to Thursday: 08.30-12.00 and 13.00-16.00
Friday: 08.00 - 12.00

Second opinion


If you are interested in a second opinion, we need the following documents from you:

  • The completed registration form (see download) with your contact details.
  • The declaration of consent for a second opinion (see download)
  • Release from medical confidentiality vis-à-vis co-treating/diagnosing colleagues and/or relatives (see download)
  • The imaging (on CD/DVD or as a QR code) including the written findings
  • The histological findings report
  • For operations, the operation report
  • A complete medical history (if possible a complete doctor's letter with all previous therapies)
  • Question as to why you would like an appointment



Board physician

Profilbild von Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Mühling

Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Mühling

Leiter Sektion Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie


Profilbild von Dr. med. Cornelia Kropf-Sanchen

Dr. med. Cornelia Kropf-Sanchen

Further tumour boards