Molecular and Familial Tumour Board (MoFa)

The aim of this tumour board is to give patients access to new, targeted therapies through the use of new diagnostic molecular genetic and pathological procedures (e.g. sequencing of the tumour genome), either as part of clinical trials or in the form of individual treatment trials. This applies in particular, but not exclusively, to patients with a lack of approved treatment options. Here, the decision of the tumour board can be helpful in submitting an application to the patient's health insurance company for the costs of the therapy to be covered. On the other hand, patients for whom germline testing for a genetic disposition has been considered or carried out can be presented to the board. This applies in particular to the question of rare tumour disposition syndromes or if therapy recommendations are derived from such germline testing.


Wednesday, 11:30 a.m. - fortnightly

Registration deadline
for internal/external case presentation

Friday, 12:00 noon

Oberer Eselsberg, Medical Clinic,
Conference room CCCU, lift C, level 4, room 4106


Contact & Registration

Phone 0731 500-56056

Fax 0731 500-56055

You can reach us by phone during our business hours:
Monday to Thursday: 08.30-12.00 and 13.00-16.00
Friday: 08.00 - 12.00



Board physician

Profilbild von Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Verena Gaidzik

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Verena Gaidzik


Further tumour boards