
Evaluation of the quality of care in routine outpatient care for common childhood and adolescent diseases


Quality of care, quality indicators, social behaviour disorders, ADHD, depression

Project management

Co-operation partner

Institute for Health Services Research and Clinical Epidemiology, Philipps University Marburg (Institute Director: Prof. Dr Max Geraedts, M. San.)

Project duration


Project website

(in progress)

Project description

The majority of medical care for around 13 million children and adolescents in Germany is provided on an outpatient basis. It is not known what the quality of this care is like, i.e. to what extent the treating doctors adhere to the applicable professional recommendations. However, the quality of care is particularly important in childhood and adolescence, as the risk of secondary damage or chronic progression as a result of inadequate diagnosis and treatment is significantly higher in this age group.

As part of QualiPäd, the quality of outpatient care for children and adolescents is therefore to be examined using the example of common mental (ADHD, depression, social behaviour disorders) and physical (asthma, tonsillitis, middle ear infection, neurodermatitis) illnesses.

The files of 1,400 children and adolescents who have been treated for one of the above-mentioned illnesses will be analysed in twenty medical practices of various specialties (child and adolescent psychiatrists, general practitioners, paediatricians, emergency medical services).

The extent to which the doctors' documented procedures correspond to current recommendations for diagnosis and treatment (quality indicators) is analysed. This is then used to determine the percentage of guideline-compliant treatment, underuse, overuse or misuse. In addition, the treating physicians are asked what makes it easier or more difficult for them to adhere to guidelines.

The results of the study show for which diseases, doctor and patient groups the quality of care should be improved and what possible starting points for this are.

Publications and materials produced

Data protection concept(pdf)

Contact address

Prof. Dr Dr Christian Bachmann

Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy
Ulm University Hospital
Steinhövelstraße 5
89075 Ulm


Supported by:

Joint Federal Committee - Innovation Committee