Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH) is an open access online journal. This means that all articles published there are permanently accessible online free of charge immediately after publication.
As a scientifically demanding and open platform, it serves the rapid dissemination of international research results. This offers scientists worldwide, as well as the interested public and other professional groups such as criminologists, social workers or teachers, simple and direct access to research results from this field.
The journal focuses on the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of mental disorders in children and adolescents with the aim of integrating basic research, clinical research and the practical implementation of research findings.
In order to ensure the intercultural exchange of research information, manuscripts from low-income countries are not only given special consideration, but also financial support.
The journal CAPMH was founded in 2007 on the initiative of Prof. Dr Jörg M. Fegert (Medical Director of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy at Ulm University Hospital), Dr Benedetto Vitiello (Washington/Turin, formerly NIMH Bethesda, now University of Turin) and Prof. Dr Lutz Goldbeck (Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy at Ulm University Hospital).
When CAMPH was launched in June 2007 by the publisher BioMed Central, it was the first online open access journal in the field of child and adolescent mental health.
As an innovative project, the journal was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) from 2008 to 2013.
In 2016, CAPMH achieved its first Thompson Reuters Impact Factor for the year 2015 (2.134), which currently stands at 3.0633 (2021).
The Editorial Board
In 2021, Prof Fegert retired as Editor-in-Chief, but will remain with the journal as Founding Editor. From November 2021, Dr Andreas Witt (Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy Ulm) and Dr Gerrit van Schalkwyk (University of Utah) have taken on the role of Editors-in-Chief as a team. Their work is supported by an international group of Senior and Associate Editors, as well as two Editorial Managers.
Co-operation partner
CAMPH is the official journal of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions(IACAPAP) In collaboration with the European Association for Forensic Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychology and other involved Professions(EFCAP): EFCAP | European Association for Forensic Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychology and other involved Professions, forensic topics are also highlighted through special thematic series in CAPMH.
Further information about CAMPH and free access to its scientific publications can be found on the journal's website: