Transmit digital images

You can transfer your image data directly to our PACS to register patients or discuss urgent findings. This is possible by using TKmed Direkt.

For the Department of Cardiac Surgery, please use the following link:

Image data cardiac surgery

Telephone number of the cardiac surgeon on duty: 0731 500-54400.


For the Thoracic and Vascular Surgery sections, please use the following link:

Image data thoracic/vascular surgery

Telephone number of the thoracic/vascular surgeon on duty: 0731 500-54059


After completing the mandatory fields, click on "Request dispatch link" to have an email sent to you, which you can then use to send us your image material via TKmed Direkt. This dispatch link is only valid for one day and can only be used once.

Important: Java version >= 1.6 in the 32-bit version is required for the upload. Here you will find further information on the operation of TKmed Direkt.


Possible data formats:

  • Office documents
  • Various video formats such as avi, mpg, mp4, wmv etc.
  • Various image formats such as jpeg, tiff, tga etc.