Yes, you can work part-time for up to 30 hours per week during your parental leave if you were previously employed at the hospital for at least 6 months without interruption and there are no urgent operational reasons against working part-time. To do this, your working hours must be reduced to between 15 and 30 hours per week for at least 2 months. A further reduction (e.g. to 25%) is possible with the employer's consent, but there is no entitlement to this. Please discuss your plans with your line manager in good time.
Application for part-time employment during parental leave
The application must be submitted at least 7 weeks before the start of the planned part-time employment. If the University Hospital does not agree to the reduction in working hours, it can only refuse approval within 4 weeks for urgent operational reasons. If you wish to work part-time for another employer, you must obtain the consent of the University Hospital. Please submit an informal application to the Special Department of Human Resources (Albert-Einstein-Allee 29, 89081 Ulm). Your own signature is sufficient.
Civil servants can also work part-time during parental leave. To do so, the working hours must be reduced to at least 50% of the regular working hours, up to a maximum of 30 hours. This must not conflict with official interests (§ 69 Para. 2 LBG). A reduced scope of employment (minimum 25%) is only possible if this is in the interests of the employer (§ 69 Para. 3 LBG).
Yes, even if your employment relationship is suspended, you can take part in training events, e.g. as part of your preparation for returning to work. This applies to both in-house and external training courses. Please discuss this with your line manager.
Important: Training courses that you attend while on parental leave or special leave are not business trips, so there is no insurance cover. However, you can use the normal business trip application form to apply.
At the end of your parental leave, you are entitled to a job that corresponds to the pay grade or salary group agreed with you in your employment contract. However, this does not necessarily have to be the same job as before maternity leave and parental leave.
Part-time work does not prevent entitlement to parental allowance as long as it does not exceed an average of 30 hours per week per month. The income from part-time work is taken into account when calculating the parental allowance.
For children born on or after 1 July 2015, you can also claim Parental Allowance Plus. For parents working part-time, Parental Allowance Plus compensates for the monthly loss of income compared to full-time employment before the birth. However, the monthly amount of Parental Allowance Plus is limited to half of the parental allowance that parents would receive if they had taken a full career break (i.e. without working part-time).
If both parents work part-time for at least four consecutive months for at least 25 - 30 hours/week, each parent receives an additional four months of Parental Allowance Plus.
You can apply for part-time work after parental leave. The application should be approved if you are caring for a child under the age of 18 and there are no urgent operational reasons for not working part-time. The basis for this is § 9 TV-UK / § 11 TV-L / § 11 TV-Ä / § 153 e LBG. Part-time employment can be limited for up to 5 years upon application. An extension is possible. You must apply for this at least 6 months before the previously agreed part-time employment expires.