Paid leave of absence (1 day):
For the care of an (adult) close relative who lives in the same household and suddenly falls seriously ill, a leave of absence with continued payment of remuneration for one day is regulated by collective agreement or civil service law. This does not increase the total leave entitlement of 10 days (see next point).
Short-term absence from work (up to 10 days):
You have the option of being absent from work for up to ten working days in order to organise needs-based care for a close relative in an acute care situation or to ensure nursing care during this time. You must notify your employer immediately (at the latest immediately before starting work) of the absence and the expected duration and submit a medical certificate confirming the (expected) need for care for your relative.
As you will not receive continued remuneration from us as your employer for the duration of your absence, you can apply for care support allowance from the care insurance of the relative in need of care for up to ten working days per calendar year per person in need of care.
Care leave - full or partial leave of absence (up to 6 months):
You are entitled to take up to six months off work, either partially or fully, if you are caring for a close relative in need of care in their home environment. You must apply in writing to the HR department at least 10 days before the start of the care leave, stating the duration, scope and, if applicable, distribution of working hours.
As you will not receive continued remuneration for the duration of the care leave, you can apply for an interest-free loan from the Federal Office of Family Affairs and Civil Society Functions to cushion the loss of income during this time. After the end of the care period, this must be repaid in instalments. Further information can be found on the homepage of the Federal Office of Family Affairs and Civil Society Functions.
Family carer leave - partial leave of absence (up to 24 months):
You are entitled to a reduction in working hours to care for a close relative in need of care at home. The entitlement relates to a partial leave of absence of up to 24 months (any care leave previously taken is counted towards the family carer leave) with a minimum of 15 hours of employment. Applications for family care leave must be submitted in writing to the Personnel Recruiting and Support department at least 8 weeks before the start of the leave, stating the duration, scope and distribution of working hours. If family care leave is taken directly after care leave, a 3-month application period must be observed.
As you will not receive continued remuneration for the duration of the care leave, you can apply for an interest-free loan from the Federal Office of Family Affairs and Civil Society Functions to cushion the loss of income during this time. This must be repaid in instalments after the end of the family care leave. Further information can be found on the homepage of the Federal Office of Family Affairs and Civil Society Functions.
Application for short-term absence from work/care/family care leave
An extension of carers' leave is possible up to a maximum duration of 6 months, but requires the consent of the employer. In addition, partial leave can be taken for up to 24 months as part of family care leave (see above).
If your relative is no longer in need of care, or care in the home environment is no longer possible or reasonable and your relative therefore goes into a care home, for example, the care period ends 4 weeks after this has been determined by the doctor. It is important that you inform the Personnel Recruitment and Support department immediately of the change in circumstances and your return to work. In other cases, early termination of care leave is possible if the employer agrees.
You are absolutely protected against dismissal from the time of the announcement, but no more than twelve weeks before the announced start, until the end of the short-term care or care/family leave.
For full exemption
Health and long-term care insurance
If you are covered by statutory health insurance, you will be deregistered from the health insurance scheme for the period of full leave of absence. You can be co-insured in your spouse's statutory health insurance free of charge, provided that you have no income from other sources that exceeds the amount of € 405 per month. If family insurance is not possible, you can continue to be insured voluntarily in the statutory health insurance scheme during the care period. You will receive a subsidy from the care insurance fund of the person in need of care in addition to your voluntary contributions. Please contact the long-term care insurance fund. If you are privately insured, you must continue to pay your previous health insurance contributions yourself. You can also receive a subsidy from the care insurance fund of the person in need of care.
Unemployment and pension insurance
As you do not receive any remuneration during the care period, the hospital will not pay any contributions to unemployment and pension insurance. However, you can apply to the nursing care insurance fund of the person in need of care to have the contributions paid. Please contact the care insurance fund for this.
For partial leave of absence (marginal employment with earnings of less than € 450.00)
Health and long-term care insurance
If you have statutory health insurance, you will be deregistered from the health insurance fund for the period of leave and re-registered as a marginally employed person subject to a flat-rate contribution. You can be co-insured in your spouse's statutory health insurance free of charge, provided that you have no income from other sources that exceeds the amount of € 405 per month. If family insurance is not possible, you can continue to be insured voluntarily in the statutory health insurance scheme during the care period. You will receive a subsidy from the care insurance fund of the person in need of care in addition to your voluntary contributions. Please contact the long-term care insurance fund. If you are privately insured, you must continue to pay your previous health insurance contributions yourself. You can also receive a subsidy from the care insurance fund of the person in need of care.
Unemployment and pension insurance
The hospital does not pay contributions to unemployment and pension insurance. However, you can apply to the care insurance fund of the person in need of care to have the contributions paid. Please contact the care insurance fund for this.
For partial leave of absence (earnings over € 450.00)
Health and long-term care insurance
Regardless of whether you have statutory or private health insurance, you will remain registered with the health insurance fund for the duration of your leave of absence and the hospital will continue to pay the corresponding contributions.
Pension insurance
If you are employed for less than 30 hours/week and provided that the person in need of care is cared for at least 14 hours/week, the clinic will continue to pay pension insurance contributions.
Unemployment insurance
Unemployment insurance is still compulsory. However, the clinic does not pay unemployment insurance contributions. Instead, the nursing care fund pays the person in need of care a contribution of 10% of the monthly reference value. Please contact the nursing care insurance fund.
Health and nursing care insurance
Regardless of whether you have statutory or private health insurance, you will remain registered with the health insurance fund for the duration of your leave of absence and the hospital will continue to pay the corresponding contributions.
Pension insurance
If you work less than 30 hours/week and provided that the person in need of care is cared for at least 14 hours/week, the clinic will continue to pay pension insurance contributions.
Unemployment insurance
Unemployment insurance is still compulsory. However, the hospital does not pay contributions to unemployment insurance. Instead, the nursing care fund pays the person in need of care a contribution of 10% of the monthly reference value. Please contact the nursing care insurance fund.
Close relatives within the meaning of the Caregiver Leave Act include grandparents and parents, stepparents, parents-in-law, spouses, life partners, partners in a marriage-like relationship, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, siblings as well as children, adopted or foster children, children, adopted or foster children of the spouse or life partner, children-in-law and grandchildren.
All persons who, due to a physical, mental or psychological illness or disability, require considerable or higher levels of assistance for the usual and regularly recurring activities of daily living on a permanent basis, probably for at least six months, are considered to be in need of care. These requirements are met by persons who have been diagnosed with at least care level I. For short-term incapacity to work (see above), a "probable need for care" is sufficient.
You can apply for part-time employment. The application should be approved if you are looking after or caring for a relative in need of care according to a medical certificate and there are no urgent operational concerns that prevent a reduction in working hours. The basis for this is § 9 TV-UK / § 11 TV-L / § 11 TV-Ä / § 69 LBG. For civil servants, the scope of part-time employment must be at least half of the regular working hours.
Part-time employment can be limited for up to 5 years upon application. An extension is possible. You must apply for this at least 6 months before the previously agreed part-time employment expires.
If your employment relationship is based on the TV-UK, you can apply for special leave. The application should be approved if you are looking after or caring for a relative in need of care according to a medical certificate and there are no urgent operational reasons for not taking special leave. The basis for this is § 25 TV-UK. Special leave can be limited for up to 5 years upon request. An extension is possible. You must apply for this at least 6 months before the special leave expires.
The period of special leave does not count as a period of employment.
If your employment relationship is based on the provisions of the TV-L or TV-Ä, you can also apply for special leave. The basis for this is § 28 TV-L or § 28 TV-Ä. Special leave can be authorised if there is an important reason. Caring for a relative (see above) is also considered an important reason.
If you are a civil servant, you may be granted leave for family reasons for a period of up to 15 years if there are no compelling official reasons to the contrary. The prerequisite here is also the care of a relative in need of care according to a medical opinion (§§ 72, 73 LBG). The application to extend the leave of absence must be submitted at least 6 months before the end of the leave of absence (Section 69 (9) LBG).
Free and neutral advice on all aspects of care (depending on your area of responsibility):
For all questions relating to old age = senior citizens' advice centres in Neu-Ulm
Helpful information and addresses on topics ranging from everyday aids and living in old age to counselling services = Senior Citizens' Guide Ulm
Further information on care and additional links = Federal Ministry for Families, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
Care support centre Ulm = for citizens of the city of Ulm who have statutory care insurance
Care support centre Alb-Donau-Kreis = for citizens from the Alb-Donau-Kreis catchment area with facilities in Ulm and Ehingen who are covered by statutory care insurance