Simulation-supported teaching

Realistic training of emergency situations usingfull-scale patient simulators is offered for all levels of clinical training for students. This training is also an integral part of the "Trauma Track", a newly established opportunity for individual supervision and in-depth training of students in the clinical section.
Expedition medicine

In cooperation with the Department of Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine (Prof. J. Steinacker), the elective subject "Expedition Medicine" is offered, which, in addition to the usual seminar courses, also includes a one-week practical excursion on emergency care for water and mountain accidents, which is carried out during the lecture-free period.
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine: The postgraduate course is run in collaboration with the Emergency Medicine Section (Prof. C. Muth) of the Department of Anaesthesiology and is certified by the Society for Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine (GTÜM e.V.) to obtain the qualification "Diving Physician".
Finally, the Institute exports teaching to the Department of Quantum Information Processing and Clinical Chemistry and is responsible for the part of the "Introduction to Clinical Medicine" carried out by the Department of Clinical Anaesthesiology as well as the topic "Cold and Water" as part of the "Cross-sectional Subject Clinical Environmental Medicine".