How do you find your way to the UKU?

The UKU can be found at these 3 locations in Ulm:

  • Oberer Eselsberg
  • Michelsberg
  • Safranberg

You will find other UKU clinics at each location.


We explain the locations to you:

Oberer Eselsberg:


There are 2 addresses for our clinics at Oberer Eselsberg.

This is the first address at Oberer Eselsberg:

Albert-Einstein-Allee 23

89081 Ulm


You can find these clinics here:

  • Internal medicine
    The doctor for internal medicine knows everything about:
    the heart
    the kidney
    the stomach
    and many other organs in our body.
  • Surgery
    Another word for surgery is: operation.
    A surgeon operates on patients.
  • Anaesthesia
    Another word for anaesthesia is: sleeping pills.
    You are given a sleeping pill before an operation.
    Then you won 't notice anything about the operation.
  • Dermatology
    The dermatologist knows everything about our skin.
  • Nuclear medicine
    A nuclear medicine doctor examines patients with a device.
  • Psychosomatics
    A psychosomatic doctor knows:
    Some patients do not only have pain in their body.
    These patients also have other problems.
    The pain in the body comes from other problems.
  • Radiology
    A radiology doctor examines patients with a device.
  • Radiotherapy
    Radiotherapy is a treatment for patients with cancer.
  • Urology
    A urology doctor knows everything about the kidney.
    And a urology doctor treats men.
  • Dental clinic
    The doctor in the dental clinic treats patients with dental pain.

How to get to the clinics by car:

The best place to park is in the car park "Mitte" P20.

This is the address of the multi-storey car park:

Albert-Einstein-Allee 16

89081 Ulm

The multi-storey car park costs money.

How to get to the clinics by bus and train:

  • Tram line 2
  • Bus route 5
  • Bus route 15


This is the name of the stop: Kliniken Wissenschaftsstadt.

Where is the entrance?

Each clinic has its own main entrance.

Please always use the main entrance of the clinic.


Please note: The House of Surgery and the House of Internal Medicine have one main entrance.

This main entrance is not directly on Albert-Einstein-Allee.


How to find the way:

Stand in front of the Mitte multi-storey car park.

Look towards the surgery block.

You will see a small path.

Walk along this path past the Surgery Centre.

The main entrance is between the House of Surgery and the House of Internal Medicine.


Each main entrance is barrier-free.

This means that you can easily get into each building with a wheelchair.


There is an information desk in each building.

Our employees sit there.

Do you have a question?

Our staff will be happy to help you.

You can ask our staff these questions, for example:

  • I would like to visit a patient.

Which room is the patient in?

  • I need a taxi.

Can you please call me a taxi?

  • How do I find the way to another clinic?


Our staff are there for you from 6 am to 8 pm.


Where is the emergency room at Oberer Eselsberg?

Another word for emergency admission is: Emergency Outpatient Clinic.

The emergency outpatient department is in the House of Surgery.


How to get to the emergency outpatient clinic by car:

You are coming from the city centre.

Turn left into Albert-Einstein-Allee.

Drive past the House of Surgery.

Then turn left through the driveway.

Attention: The entrance has a barrier.

Continue until you see the sign for the emergency surgery ward.


Walk to the emergency outpatient department:

Go to the main entrance for surgery.

You will always find a member of staff there.

The staff are there for you day and night.


This is the second address at Oberer Eselsberg:

Oberer Eselsberg 45

89081 Ulm


You can find these clinics here:

  • Neurology
    The neurologist knows our nervous system.
    The doctor treats these diseases, for example:
    Stroke seizure
  • Orthopaedics
    An orthopaedist knows everything about:


How to get to the clinics by car:

Drive to the address of the clinic.

You will find car parks directly at the clinics.


How to get to the clinics by bus and train:

  • Tram line 2.

The direction is: Science Park II.

  • Bus line 5.

The direction is: Wissenschaftsstadt.


This is the name of the stop: Kliniken Wissenschaftsstadt.

Walk in the direction of BWK/RKU.



At Michelsberg there are 3 addresses for our clinics:


This is the first address of Michelsberg:

Prittwitzstraße 43

89075 Ulm


You can find these clinics here:

  • EyeClinic
    The doctor at the Eye Clinic treats all eye problems.
  • Women's Clinic
    The doctor at the Women's Clinic treats women.


This is the second address from Michelsberg:

Frauensteige 12

89075 Ulm


You can find this clinic here:

  • Ear, nose and throat clinic
    The abbreviation is: ENT.
    An ENT doctor knows everything about
    the throat
    the nose
    the ears


This is the third address from Michelsberg:

Eythstraße 24

89075 Ulm


You can find this clinic here:

  • Children's Clinic
    A doctor at the Children's Clinic treats children of all ages.


How to get to the clinic by bus and train:

  • Bus route 7


This is the name of the bus stop: Kliniken Michelsberg.


How to get to the clinics by car:

Drive into the multi-storey car park.

This is the address for the car park:

Schwabstraße 13

89075 Ulm


The entrance to the multi-storey car park is in this street: Frauensteige.

The car park costs money.


Emergency admissions at Michelsberg

Each clinic has its own emergency room.

Read the signs at Michelsberg.

The signs will show you the way to the emergency department.



There are 2 addresses for our clinics on the Safranberg:


This is the first address at Safranberg:

Steinhövelstr. 5

89075 Ulm


You can find this clinic here:

  • Psychiatry for children and adolescents
    Psychiatry means: The soul is sick.
    Many children and adolescents have mental health problems.
    The problems of children and adolescents are different from the problems of adults.
    That is why there are special doctors for children and adolescents.
    The psychiatrist here treats the mental health problems of children and adolescents.


How to get to the clinic by car:

Enter this address in your navigation system:

Krankenhausweg 3-5


This is the second address on Safranberg:

Leimgrubenweg 12-14

89073 Ulm


You can find these clinics here:

  • Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
    The Clinic for Psychiatry treats adults with mental health problems.
  • Sports medicine and rehabilitation medicine
    A sports medicine doctor treats athletes.
    Rehabilitation medicine means:
    A patient has had an injury.
    Or a patient has had an operation.
    The patient has to relearn some things.
    For example: walking.
    This is what the patient learns at the rehabilitation medicine clinic.


How to get to the clinics by car:

Enter this address into your navigation system:

Leimgrubenweg 14


How to get to the clinics by bus and train:

  • Bus line 4

This is the name of the bus stop: Örlinger Straße.

Site plan


Here you will find a site plan for all clinics.

A site plan is a drawing.

On the drawing you can see the names of streets.

And on the drawing you can also see the houses.

There are also explanations on the map.

The location map makes it easier for you to find the right clinic.


Attention: This website is not in easy language!