The Institute of Transfusion Medicine represents the subject in research and teaching. The Institute for Clinical Transfusion Medicine and Immunogenetics Ulm (IKT Ulm), a joint venture of the DRK Blood Donation Service Baden-Württemberg - Hesse and Ulm University Hospital, is responsible for the routine area. It supplies the Ulm University Hospital and over 130 institutions in the Württemberg region with blood products and transfusion medicine services. On this website we would like to inform you about our research activities, but also about our clinical services, including our service catalogue and request forms, as well as about the possibility of donating blood.
The research projects are based on clinical issues in transfusion medicine. These include stem cells and cell therapy, molecular diagnostics and the elucidation of the molecular pathophysiology of rare diseases in the field of immunology and haematopoiesis as well as the optimisation of donor selection for transplants and transfusions. In addition, the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures used in transfusion medicine are further developed in co-operation with other clinical disciplines. The projects range from basic research to new diagnostic and therapeutic options.