With a total of 29 clinics and 16 institutes (1,274 beds), Ulm University Hospital is the maximum care provider for the regions of Ostwürttemberg, Donau/Iller and Bodensee-Oberschwaben. We treat around 50,000 inpatients every year. In addition, there are around 300,000 outpatient cases. We value qualified staff who use the latest scientific findings to ensure very high quality in the treatment of our patients and enjoy their work.
The well-being of our patients and the satisfaction of our employees as a measure of success
Ulm University Hospital is always aware of its special responsibility towards its patients and employees. In our clinics and special treatment centres, highly qualified doctors from various disciplines provide comprehensive and intensive care for patients with complex medical conditions. They are supported by expert nursing staff, medical technicians and many other members of staff. Our aim is to find a therapy that is optimally tailored to each individual and enables healing or relief.
Motivated employees for the optimal care of our patients
Ulm University Hospital supports its employees in staying healthy and motivated with an extensive range of health promotion courses - including, for example, courses on nutritional advice or general prevention and sports programmes. After all, only satisfied employees can provide high-quality medical care at university level.
Do you know how many people keep Ulm University Hospital running?
- We employ a total of 6,462 people (including the Faculty of Medicine, as at 31 December 2021) - in addition to our medical staff and nursing staff, this also includes, for example, the medical-technical service, therapists and administrative staff. This includes approx. 76% women and 24% men.
And what do these people do?
- Our nursing service with around 1,600 employees is there for our patients.
- With around 1,000 employees, the medical service covers a wide range of specialisms, from A for eyes to Z for teeth.
- The medical-technical service and therapists have a total of 2,370 employees. These include, for example, MTRA, MTLA and physiotherapists.
- The other positions are spread across administration, technology and IT. In addition, there are always niche areas in a large organisation that individual employees are entrusted with.
Did you already know,
... that we are one of the top clinics in Germany?
In the latest Focus Clinic comparison, we are ranked 20th among the best clinics in Germany. We scored particularly well in terms of patient satisfaction. You can read more about this here.
... that we operate a hybrid operating theatre?
This operating theatre, which enables three-dimensional imaging during operations, is used for neurosurgery, accident surgery and vascular surgery, for example. You can find more information about the operating theatre here.
... that we cover the area of 44 football pitches?
The total area of Ulm University Hospital is 315,656 m² - including the outbuildings. We are mainly spread over three sites: Oberer Eselsberg, Michelsberg and Safranberg.
You can find more facts & figures about us in the link.
Our clinic is spread over three locations: Oberer Eselsberg (OE), Michelsberg (MB) and Safranberg (SB). To help you find your way around, we have prepared site plans for you.

"My main task in the External Funding Department is to support professors in submitting applications for research projects to public funding bodies and in drawing up financial plans and other administrative tasks. The exchange with the project managers and the insight I gain into the research projects of the clinics and institutes is what makes my work in the External Funding Department so interesting. I appreciate the varied and close co-operation with the various departments. That's why I enjoy working at Ulm University Hospital."
Isil-Seher Walter, Division III 2 Accounting and External Funding in the administration of Ulm University Hospital

"I enjoy working at Ulm University Hospital because the complexity of the clinical pictures and supporting patients and their relatives on our new palliative care ward present a new challenge every day. I find the collaboration with my colleagues particularly valuable, as it plays a big part in helping us to come to terms with the patients' difficult fates."
Heike Schneider, nurse in the Centre for Internal Medicine

"Our main task in microbiological diagnostics is to differentiate relevant germs (bacteria, fungi, parasites) from various test materials and to carry out resistance testing. I appreciate the good working atmosphere between the laboratory doctors and MTAs and always have the good feeling that I am contributing to the well-being of the patients. I also find our regular internal laboratory training courses very positive."
Kathrin Storr, medical-technical laboratory assistant at the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene
Taking on social responsibility means getting involved
Being a maximum care provider and the largest employer in the region also means assuming social responsibility for employees and patients. In addition to patient care, research and teaching, Ulm University Hospital is also involved in activities that go beyond the specific needs of the hospital and university.
Diversity is the spice of life
"Variety is the spice of life", as the saying goes. And because life is not just about work, Ulm University Hospital organises a wide range of initiatives, projects and activities that enrich the everyday lives of staff and patients. For example, clown Frieda Fröschli with her red bulbous nose regularly visits the paediatric wards. She always takes children's hearts by storm and manages to bring variety and distraction into the often stressful daily hospital routine, especially for young patients.
By the way: so that the little ones can continue to experience "their" Frieda in the future, "Team Uniklinik" donates one euro for every kilometre run as part of the annual Einstein Marathon. The costs for running shirts and entry fees for our sporty employees are covered by the hospital.
But that's not all: typing and blood donation campaigns are organised time and again, the next generation of our employees can look forward to the "researcher holidays" on offer, there is a Girls' Day and Boys' Day every year, and nursing and medical staff fly to disaster and war zones to help. As we say: "Diversity is the spice of life."