Joint Sonography Centre of the Clinic for Internal Medicine I and the Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology


With the relocation of the surgical clinics to Internal Medicine on the Oberer Eselsberg, the Sonography Centre was put into operation in June 2012. The centre is managed jointly by the Clinic for Internal Medicine I and Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology. Experienced radiologists, internists and highly qualified medical-technical staff work in the sonography centre for the patients of the entire hospital. The latest generation of equipment enables specialised diagnostics in the new sonography centre thanks to high-precision images and the use of new procedures. Around 25,000 examinations are carried out in the new sonography centre every year.


We offer the following services:

  • Upper abdominal sonography
  • Intestinal wall sonography
  • Thyroid sonography
  • Contrast sonography
  • Arterial stent graft control
  • Joint and soft tissue sonography
  • Vein sonography
  • Elastography
  • Fusion technology
  • Punctures
  • Microwave ablation


Further information can be found on the Sonography Centre website.

Appointment allocation

Phone 0731 500-44618 or 44619

Fax 0731 500-44620

Appointments can only be made by doctors in private practice or doctors from other clinics.

Monday to Thursday:





Profilbild von Dr. med. Benedikt Haggenmüller

Dr. med. Benedikt Haggenmüller

Oberarzt | Stellv. Leiter Sonozentrum