We would like to answer the following questions about CT colonography:
High-resolution multi-line computed tomography (MD-CT) makes it possible to reconstruct the colon and view it in a similar way to conventional colonoscopy. Hence the frequently used name "virtual colonoscopy".
With the help of high-performance computers, the cross-sectional images of the abdominal cavity that are initially generated are further processed and merged into a three-dimensional data set. The resulting images make it possible to diagnose tumours of the colon or tumour precursors, known as polyps. The accuracy of the procedure for the early detection of tumours is comparable to the informative value of a conventional colonoscopy.
The computed tomography examination is performed after filling the colon with room air via a small intestinal tube and lasts approx. 2 x 30 seconds (1 x in the prone and 1 x in the supine position). The patient's head always remains outside the tomograph. The administration of contrast medium is generally not necessary and is reserved for special questions. The examination is not usually associated with pain.
The examination is analysed and reported separately after the CT scan and the patient no longer needs to be present. The findings are usually available approx. 1-2 days after the examination.
As contrast agent is generally not administered and as little radiation as possible is used, the colon is mainly examined.
However, the organs that are also imaged (lower sections of the lungs, bones) are always examined to rule out pathologies. An examination of the upper digestive tract (oesophagus, stomach, small intestine) is not useful with this method.
The examination can be used for the following diseases, among others:
- Preventive examination as part of cancer screening
- If conventional endoscopy cannot be performed
- Follow-up examinations after colon carcinoma
CT colonography is not suitable for acute illnesses (e.g. bleeding) that can only be treated using conventional endoscopy (e.g. haemostasis).
The examination is a diagnostic and not a therapeutic procedure.
Preparation begins the day before the examination. You must not eat any solid foods and should drink plenty of fluids. In addition, the bowel is cleansed with a laxative. The exact procedure is described in an information sheet, which we will be happy to send you.
As this is a new examination method and not a service provided by a statutory health insurance provider, the costs are not usually covered by statutory health insurance.
Fleiter T, Brambs HJ
Possibilities of virtual gastrointestinal endoscopy
Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax. 1999 Jan 14; 88(3): 65-71
Brambs HJ, Juchems MS
Virtual endoscopy using CT scan
Min Invas Ther & Allied Technol 2003; 12 (5): 207-216
Aschoff AJ, Juchems MS, Weber CK, Brambs HJ
CT Colonography - "Virtual Colonoscopy" - A Review
Z Gastroenterol. 2004; 42 (10): 1199-1205
Juchems MS, Fleiter TR, Pauls S, Schmidt SA, Brambs HJ, Aschoff AJ.
CT colonography: comparison of a colon dissection display versus 3D endoluminal view for the detection of polyps.
Eur Radiol. 2006 Jan;16(1):68-72. Epub 2005 Jun 14
Juchems MS, Ehmann J, Brambs HJ, Aschoff AJ
A retrospective evaluation of patient acceptance of computed tomography colonography ("virtual colonoscopy") in comparison with conventional colonoscopy in an average risk screening population.
Acta Radiol. 2005 Nov;46(7):664-70.
Juchems MS, Hoffmann MH, Schmidt SA, Apostel A, Brambs HJ, Aschoff AJ
Bowel preparation for CT-colonography: Comparison of two different cleansing protocols.
Eur J Radiol. 2006 Oct 19
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With kind regards
Your team of the CT colonography working group
Before making an appointment, we need a questionnaire filled out by you. We will be happy to send this to you by post or you can download a form from this page.
Central appointment centre Oberer Eselsberg
Phone 0731 500-61111
Fax 0731 500-61108
Monday: 7:30 - 16:00
Tuesday to Thursday: 7:30-16:30
Friday: 7:30-15:00
Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
Albert-Einstein-Allee 23
89081 Ulm