Since 1 July 2012, ultrasound examinations have been carried out in cooperation with the Department of Internal Medicine I in the newly established Sonography Centre.

Outside of regular working hours, ultrasound for the surgical clinics continues to be carried out by the Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology.

We would like to answer the following questions:


  • Philips CX50
  • Philips EPIQ 5G
  • Philips IU22

Ultrasound does not work with X-rays but with sound waves. These are sent into the body by a transmitter and the returned echo is picked up by a receiver. Both the transmitter and receiver are located in the transducer of the device, which works according to the pulse-echo method: Ultrasound pulses are emitted and then switched to receive. Both are performed by a crystal to which an alternating electrical voltage is applied (piezoelectric effect).

The frequency spectrum of the sound waves ranges from 3.5 to 18 MHz. On its way through the body, the sound wave is absorbed and reflected to varying degrees in the tissue. Refraction and scattering of the sound waves occur at interfaces.

The signals registered by the receiver can be displayed on the monitor in real time.

With the help of the so-called Doppler method, the flow speed and flow direction of fluids (especially blood) can be assessed.

As an examination that can be carried out quickly and is not stressful for you, ultrasound has found a wide range of applications in medical diagnostics.

The examination of the abdominal organs (liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys) is the main focus. Other areas of application include thyroid ultrasound, ultrasound of the vessels (arterial and venous), joint sonography (hip, shoulder and knee joints) and soft tissue sonography.

You should fast for at least 4 hours before the examination of abdominal organs. This makes it easier to assess the gallbladder and reduces intestinal gas overlay. Furthermore, the bladder should not be emptied shortly before the examination.

The examination is usually performed in the supine position. When visualising the abdominal organs, it may be necessary to hold your breath for a short time in order to visualise the organs without overlapping.

To avoid interference artefacts caused by the air between the ultrasound probe and the patient's skin, an ultrasound gel is applied to the skin. This achieves direct coupling of the transducer to the skin surface.

Appointment allocation

Phone 0731 500-44618 or 44619

Fax 0731 500-44620

Appointments can only be made by doctors in private practice or doctors from other clinics.

Monday to Thursday:





Profilbild von Dr. med. Benedikt Haggenmüller

Dr. med. Benedikt Haggenmüller

Oberarzt | Stellv. Leiter Sonozentrum