All processes and measures that stand for the fulfilment of our quality objectives come together in quality assurance. By using statistical and dynamic procedures, we ensure the quality of our services and detect potential for an excellent level of quality.

Legally binding quality assurance

Hospitals in Germany are obliged to participate in external data-supported cross-institutional quality assurance (DeQS) in accordance with Section 137 (1) of the Fifth Book of the German Social Code (SGB V). The regulations for DeQS are centrally specified by the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA). For example, treatment results can be compared and, if necessary, targeted quality improvement measures can be initiated. To date, the DeQS has recorded over 400 indicators on almost 40 service areas from the fields of vascular surgery, internal medicine and cardiology, cardiac surgery, transplantation medicine, gynaecology, perinatal medicine, orthopaedics and trauma surgery as well as nursing. The data flows into a nationwide quality comparison. We are happy to make the results of the DeQS available to interested parties in our quality report. In addition, the evaluation of treatment quality is included in selected hospital search engines. The Institute for Quality Assurance and Transparency in Healthcare (IQTIG), the G-BA's central institution for quality assurance, also regularly produces analyses.

Additional voluntary quality assurance

Our quality standards go far beyond the fulfilment of legal requirements. In the interests of the best medicine and the greatest possible patient safety, we voluntarily take part in further quality measurements. Examples include the Quality Medicine Initiative, quality assurance with routine data (QSR), the German Aortic Valve Register or the German Endoprosthesis Register , etc. The transparent handling of these results is intended to support our patients in their choice of clinic.

Publication of patient information

in accordance with the guideline on data-supported cross-institutional quality assurance (DeQS-RL)

The aim of nationwide quality assurance in the healthcare sector is to maintain and improve the high quality of medical care in Germany as well as patient safety. Data on patient treatment is also collected and analysed for quality assurance in the various service areas. The strictest data protection and data security measures are observed here. These ensure that patient data is used in such a way that no conclusions can be drawn about individuals personally as patients. The G-BA's patient information provides details on the background and on data collection and processing.

Patient surveys in quality assurance

The G-BA has stipulated that data from patient surveys should also be used in future to map the quality of care as part of the quality assurance procedure for percutaneous coronary intervention and coronary angiography (QA PCI). We are happy to provide you with information material on the patient survey here .

Profilbild von  Carola Bartenschlager-Holzbaur

Carola Bartenschlager-Holzbaur

Profilbild von  Lisa Hertrich, M.Sc.

Lisa Hertrich, M.Sc.