Since 2014, the "Qualitative Research Workshop" (QFW) has been offered monthly with the aim of supporting researchers and early career researchers in the application of qualitative methods in (social) psychiatric research. Together with other specialised researchers, interview transcripts are interpreted, guidelines are discussed and research results are presented and discussed. Even if the focus of the QFW is on data analysis, the effectiveness of which is increased by the joint interaction of researchers in the QFW (cf. Riemann/Schütze), there is the opportunity to exchange views on all phases of research projects (research planning, research ethical reflections, data collection and processing, processing and dissemination of results) in the QFW.
13.12.2024, 9-12 a.m.: Virtual
17.01.2025, 9-12 am: Virtual/on site (to be announced)
14.02.2025, 9-12 a.m.: Virtual/on site (to be announced)
14.03.2025, 9-12 a.m.: Virtual/on site (to be announced)
11.04.2025, 9-12 a.m.: Virtual/on site (to be announced)
The QFW takes place once a month on Fridays from 09.00 to 12.00. As a rule, 2-3 topics are presented. Depending on the topic and requirements, participants have approx. 50-80 minutes to discuss their concerns with the QFW participants.
All researchers (with or without a university affiliation) who are interested in an exchange on topics of qualitative social research in the context of social psychiatry or mental health can take part. The QFW is open to the entire spectrum of qualitative methods.
For the presentation of a research project or the submission of a topic, prior registration by e-mail to is required, regardless of whether the QFW is to take place "on site" or online.
Interested parties should send information on a) topic and research question, b) type of material, c) status of work and d) their concerns to the research workshop.
The content of the presentation material must be prepared in such a way that individual details about personal or factual circumstances can no longer be attributed to a specific or identifiable natural person, or only with a disproportionate amount of time, cost and labour (= de facto anonymisation).
With regard to the form of the presentation material, the formats "on site" and online differ significantly, which is why a decision should be made in consultation with the organisers as to which form is suitable for which material. From autumn 2024, the QFW will take place digitally until further notice.
As a general rule, for 'on-site' appointments, the number of documents expected to be present must be printed out and brought along (after consultation with the organisers). All documents handed out will be collected after the event and returned to the presenters.
Reisensburger Straße 30-32
89312 Günzburg
House 92a - Conference room (2nd floor) in the district hospital Günzburg
To Google Maps.
Prior registration is required for on-site participation (room planning), even if you are not presenting your own topic. The registration deadline for the respective dates will be announced in the mailing list/newsletter.
In an online meeting, the data material must be prepared in such a way that it is de facto anonymised (see above). The "screen sharing" function of Zoom is generally used for the presentation of online documents. Alternative options must be clarified with the organisers in each case.
The online research workshop always takes place with advanced encryption and recordings of any kind are prohibited for participants and organisers. Of course, in addition to the content discussed, there is also the opportunity to exchange ideas and network.
No prior registration is required for participation in online research workshops, unless you wish to present your own topic (see above).
Join the Zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 614 9007 5479
Identification code: 36716376
Mobile quick dial-in
+496938079883,,61490075479#,,,,*36716376# Germany
The QFW mailing list is used to regularly communicate information about the next dates, the next topics and any short-term information about the QFW (meeting point, sickness, etc.). To subscribe or unsubscribe from the QFW mailing list, simply send a short message to
If you have any questions about the Qualitative Research Workshop or would like to present your own research project in the Research Workshop, please contact us directly