Am 8.5.2005 von 13-17:00 Uhr veranstalten wir als Abschluss des Forschungsprojekts TRANSMODE ein Online-Symposium unter dem Titel "Männlichkeit im Wandel. Gesundheitshandeln, Erwerbstätigkeit, Depression". Neben Beiträgen aus unserem Projekt konnten wir Michael Meuser sowie Anna-Maria Möller-Leimkühler, zwei ausgewiesene Expert:innen zu Männlichkeit bzw. Männern mit Depression, für zwei Vorträge gewinnen. Die Veranstaltung ist kostenfrei und richtet sich an alle Berufsgruppen und Interessierte. Für Ärzt:innen und Psychotherapeut:innen wurden CME-Punkte bei der bayerischen Landesärztekammer beantragt. Nach der Anmeldung zum Symposium per Mail an maja.stiawa [at] bis zum 6. Mai 2025 wird Ihnen ein Zoomlink für die Veranstaltung zugesandt.
Folgendes Programm erwartet Sie:
13.00 Uhr | Begrüßung und Einführung (Silvia Krumm, Reinhold Kilian) |
13.20 Uhr | Hegemoniale Männlichkeit – Leitkategorie oder überholtes Konzept der Männlichkeitsforschung? (Michael Meuser) |
14.00 Uhr | Wie verändern sich Männlichkeitsorientierungen und berufs- bezogene Einstellungen bei Männern mit Depression im Behandlungsverlauf? Ergebnisse der TRANSMODE-Studie (Reinhold Kilian & Maria Panzirsch) |
14.25 Uhr | Positionierungsstrategien depressiv erkrankter Männer gegenüber Diagnose und Behandlung (Maja Stiawa & Reinhold Kilian) |
14.50 Uhr | Pause |
15.10 Uhr | Einstellungen zu Medikation und Krankheitstheorie von Männern mit Depression im Behandlungsverlauf (Gironimo Krieg) |
15.35 Uhr | Behandlungseintritt und -verlauf aus Sicht von Männern mit Depressionen und ihren Partner:innen – eine dyadische Fallanalyse (Paul Nickel) |
16.00 Uhr | Männlichkeitsorientierung im biographischen Wandel – Altern und Ende der Erwerbstätigkeit (Anna-Maria Möller-Leimkühler) |
16.40 – 17.00 Uhr | Abschluss & Ausblick (Silvia Krumm) |
Wir freuen uns sehr auf Ihr Kommen!
In diesem Flyer, den Sie gerne in Ihren Netzwerken weiterverbreiten dürfen, finden Sie auch nochmals alle Informationen zusammengefasst:
We cordially invite you to the online lecture with discussion forum on "AI in Qualitative Social Research" by Dr Susanne Friese.
The 45-minute lecture will focus in particular on the (current) possibilities of using artificial intelligence in qualitative social research as well as the limits of its use. There will be plenty of time for discussion afterwards.
All interested parties can participate digitally free of charge and without registration.
Date: Thursday, 27.09.2024 from 2 pm to 4 pm
We look forward to your participation!
Silvia Krumm & Lea Mayer for the Qualitative Methodological Toolbox
The Qualitative Social Research Group of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy II at the University of Ulm and the Psychosocial Health Group of the German Society for Medical Sociology (DGMS) are organising a joint online symposium to which we cordially invite you:
Intersectionality and psychosocial health
Friday, 17 May 2024
2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
To the programme:
Social structures and individual lifeworlds are permeated by the influences of numerous social identities and categorisations, including gender, ethnicity, class, religion, sexual orientation, age, physicality, disability, illness and many more. Intersectionality offers a perspective to better understand the complexity of these influences on individuals, communities and society. It therefore makes sense to utilise this concept for a differentiated understanding of psychosocial health, its determinants and for the development of prevention and intervention strategies. But what does the concept of intersectionality mean for the understanding and research of psychosocial health? How can the claim to analyse the interactions between different attributions and self-identifications be implemented in research practice? How can the concept contribute to addressing stigmatisation and discrimination in the context of psychosocial health?
These questions will be explored in the following programme:
- 14:00 Welcome
Prof. Dr Silvia Krumm & Franziska Marek, M.A. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy II, University of Ulm) - 14:15 Making Research Look Like the World Looks: Conducting Research in a Diverse Society
Dr Thomas Gültzow (Open University of the Netherlands) - 15:10 Possibilities and aporias of intersectional research in the context of Mad Studies and participatory research
Dr Mai-Anh Boger (University of Regensburg) - 16:05 Intersectionality: Understanding experiences of discrimination in mental health care. Results from the INTERSECT research project
Dr Mirjam Faissner (Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin) Patiani Batchati, M.A. (Freie Universität Berlin; Verband binationaler Familien und Partnerschaften e.V., Leipzig) - 17:00 End of the event
As part of a half-day symposium, we will be focussing on topics at the interface of qualitative research, social psychiatry and social gender relations. We are very pleased to have Dr Josephina Schmidt for a lecture (hybrid) as well as for the organisation of a subsequent workshop (presence).
Date: Thursday, 4 July 2024 from 2 pm to 6:30 pm
Venue: Villa Eberhard, Heidenheimer Straße 80, 89075 Ulm
Participation in the lecture only is also possible. You can find the link below in the lecture details.
Programme: Gender relations have been constitutive for the psychiatric field since its institutionalisation. Today, questions about women*-, men*- and trans*-specific needs, protective spaces and services arise in the everyday practice of social psychiatric professions as well as in social psychiatric research questions about gender bias, gender-dependent socialisation conditions and their connection to mental health, gender-specific access barriers or gaps in care and gender-reflective research designs.
The event will open with a lecture (14:00 to 15:00) open to all interested parties on a concrete example of gender-reflective research in social psychiatry "Women in social psychiatry - case histories of long-term female residents and the relevance for professional action in social psychiatry" and its practical consequences. This will be followed by a workshop (15:15 to 18:30) on the topic of "Gender research in social psychiatry". In the workshop, the participants will establish a common level of knowledge based on their respective expertise and interests, discuss the benefits of gender research in social psychiatry and reflect on the role of researchers. Building on this, current and practice-relevant research questions will be developed together and initial sketches drawn up.
Dr Josephina Schmidt has been working, teaching and researching in various fields of social psychiatry for 16 years and completed her doctorate on the topic of women in social psychiatry in 2023. Her book will be published by Beltz Verlag in 2024.
Registration: For conceptual reasons, the workshop is limited in the number of participants. We therefore ask you to register for the workshop at
We look forward to your participation!
Silvia Krumm & Chris Götzl for the Qualitative Research Workshop
We cordially invite you to the hybrid lecture "Women in social psychiatry - case histories of long-term residents and the relevance for professional action" by Dr Josephina Schmidt. The lecture is part of the symposium on qualitative research, social psychiatry and gender relations. Anyone interested can participate digitally free of charge and without registration.
Date: Thursday, 4 July 2024 from 2 pm to 3:15 pm
We look forward to your participation!
Silvia Krumm & Chris Götzl for the Qualitative Research Workshop