Geriatric Psychiatry Section

Head: Prof. Dr Matthias W. Riepe (Dipl.-Phys.)

The section deals with mental and neuropsychiatric diseases of ageing. The Gerontopsychiatry Section focuses on the description of cognitive and emotional processes in normal and impaired brain functions with the aid of clinical, neuropsychological, laboratory diagnostic and imaging procedures.

In terms of content, the focus is on the following areas:

  • Early diagnosis of dementia and development of suitable test procedures for this purpose
  • Objective diagnosis of affective disorders and development of suitable test procedures
  • Gender dependencies of psychiatric syndromes
  • Clinical drug trials
  • Application of stimulation procedures (ECT, TCS)
  • Development and use of technical aids for older people, in particular the development of aids for autonomous navigation
  • Game-based learning
  • Prediction of fall events
Profilbild von Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dipl.-Phys. Matthias Riepe

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dipl.-Phys. Matthias Riepe

Kommissarischer Ärztlicher Direktor | Leiter der Sektion Gerontopsychiatrie | Chefarzt für Gerontopsychiatrie mit Akutgeriatrie

Contact us

Secretariat: Iris Horny
Phone: 08221 96-2355
Fax: 08221 96-28125

Organisation Clinical Studies: Ilse Keller
Phone: 08221 96-28845

Postal address:

Gerontopsychiatry Section
Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy II
of the University of Ulm at Günzburg District Hospital
Lindenallee 2
89312 Günzburg