Dear patients,
If you would like to send us any suggestions, praise or complaints, you can contact our Central Opinion Management team at any time. You can find the contact details and an online opinion form here. The opinion forms are also available in the clinics.
However, there are individual cases in which difficult-to-resolve human conflicts disturb and strain the trust between patient and doctor or nursing staff, which is important for treatment, to such an extent that they cannot be resolved even in communication with the Central Opinion Management. If you find yourself in such a situation as a patient and need a patient advocate, you can contact the ombudspersons Prof Dr Doris Henne-Bruns and Prof Dr Gerhard Lang. As dialogue partners, they will work with you to find an appropriate solution that is acceptable to all parties.
An ombudsperson is
- an impartial mediator,
- a person of trust,
- a link between patients and the hospital and a point of contact for patients' human needs, problems and suggestions,
- an "institution" independent of the university hospital, which is granted rights of influence by the hospital.
It is not the task of the ombudsperson to provide a second medical opinion.
Discussions with Prof Dr Doris Henne-Bruns and Prof Dr Gerhard Lang are confidential. If you wish, you can bring a trusted person with you to the consultation. In special cases and at the patient's request, it is also possible to have the discussion with a relative or carer alone. In the case of children, the parents or legal representatives may request the consultation. They can decide whether the discussion should be held with them alone or in the presence of the child concerned.
Surviving relatives of a deceased patient can also arrange a meeting with the ombudsperson.
Make an appointment
You are welcome to make an appointment by telephone for a discussion with Prof. Dr Doris Henne-Bruns or Prof. Dr Gerhard Lang via Ms Petra Merkle, Office of the Chief Medical Director. All consultations are subject to strict confidentiality.
Phone: 0731-500 43001