Artistic activities such as painting can help you rediscover your own strength and creativity, strengthen your self-confidence and find relaxation. This can be a valuable support for the healing process, especially in the case of serious illnesses.
Why art therapy?
Serious illnesses are not only a physical but also an extreme psychosocial burden for patients. Art therapy can be a way to get some distance for a certain period of time, to regain strength in order to get through a difficult situation better. An anxiety-ridden diagnosis often leads to paralysing numbness and speechlessness. Painting can open up an outlet, allowing feelings such as anxiety, despondency, bitterness, dejection, but also hope and joy to find non-verbal expression.
The hours spent painting together also offer space for getting to know each other and exchanging ideas. The art therapist encourages patients to embrace the healing power of their own creativity, to discover and utilise it for themselves. Art therapy can also mean finding relaxation for a while, feeling better or reorganising one's thoughts.
The main tools available for art therapy are watercolours and acrylic paints, chalks, pencils, paper and canvases. No previous knowledge or talent is required, nor does art therapy judge the works created.
If you would like to take advantage of the art therapy programme, please contact the nursing staff on your ward.
Clinic for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Daily in the mornings in the rooms, an open painting table is offered in the afternoons.
Art therapist Sabine Hartmann
Tel.: 0731-500-57211
The programme is financed entirely by donations. If you would like to support art therapy:
Intended use: Project number S.165
University Clinic of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine Ulm
IBAN: DE16630500000000106478
Oberer Eselsberg
Clinic for Internal Medicine III
Stations 4a/b and c/d as an open offer
Tuesday and Thursday from 14:30 to 16:00
in the lounge of ward 4c/d and individual therapy if required
Palliative care unit
There is a programme here every Tuesday and Thursday. Art therapy takes place in the room or at the patient's bedside as required and at the patient's request.